Chapter 3.

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Maya's POV.
Its 2am and I'm almost asleep but I can't stop thinking about the fact that Riley likes me. Things haven't been weird between us, we kinda just stopped talking about it but I know that she's gonna bring it up soon and I have no idea what to say to her yet, I keep telling her nothing will change and we'll always be bestfriends which is true but there's something she doesn't know and I refuse to tell her. I used to like her awhile ago but the feelings went away, it was one of the hardest things to not tell her how I felt and it was for months! I know I should've told her but at the time all she wanted to talk about was Lucas which is fine, he was her first crush and little did she know, she was mine. The feelings finally went away and I was completely fine with us never being together because I would never wanna ruin our friendship and now she tells me that she likes me and I know I should be happy and I should tell her how I used to feel but that's just it. That's how I used to feel, I don't feel that way now so I don't know what to do. I'm gonna go to sleep.

*Next Day*
Riley's POV.
Yay, it's morning! Time to shower and get ready for the day. I think I'm gonna wear one of my favorite floral dresses and boots with cute accessories of course. Now, I'm gonna go eat breakfast.

Maya: Hey Riles, cute outfit!
Riley: Thanks! Did you do the assignment last night? I texted you to remind you.
Maya: Oh right, I did half of it but I couldn't really focus so I'll just do the rest before class starts.
Riley: Why couldn't you focus? Is something wrong?
Maya: Nothing I can't handle, I'll be okay I promise.
Riley: You know if you ever wanna talk...
Maya: I know, but it's really nothing.
Riley: Okay whatever you say. Let's go.

*At School*
Riley's POV.
We meet up with Farkle, Lucas, Zay and Smackle.
We say hi and catch up about things we missed which is hardly ever the case because we are literally with each other all the time but it's still nice to see them everyday and oh there's the bell, time for class.

Class starts and as soon as we sit down, my dad asks for yesterday's homework, poor Maya. She said she was gonna finish in the beginning of class but he's taking the homework now, he usually waits until after the lesson is over. Maybe he will let her redo it, she is the teachers daughters bestfriend after all.

Finally, class is over and Maya runs to her locker to put her books in and she looks irritated but I have to see if she's okay.

Riley: Maya, what's wrong?
Maya: I told you it's nothing.
Riley: If it was nothing, you wouldn't look so upset.
Maya: Riley, I can't do this right now. We have another class and I need to focus.
Riley: Since when do you need to focus?
Maya: Since I've been over thinking non stop about everything and forgot to finish my homework when I can't afford to get another bad grade because all my grades matter now! That's when.
Riley: Wow okay. Let me know when you're ready to tell me what's wrong. I'm gonna walk to class by myself.
Maya: Riley wait
Riley: No it's okay. See you later.

Maya's POV.
I get to health class and sit next to Riley and try to tell her I'm sorry but she just continues to write whatever she's writing. Yup she's mad. I didn't think things would change because she liked me, even if she still does like me after me being a complete asshole to her just now but it seems like things are changing. I guess I should tell her that I used to like her but right after I tell her that I know she's gonna wonder why I didn't tell her and if I feel the same way now which I don't but I'm gonna have to tell her because this is all becoming a bit too much. I can't focus on school or anything else. I have to tell her.

*After School*
Riley's POV.
I'm home from school and this is like the first time Me and Maya didn't walk home together, what is even happening? I can't believe things are changing, I just knew this would happen. Let me just start my homework to get my mind off things. As soon as I get ready to start working, someone knocks on my door.

Maya: Hi. Can we talk for a second?
Riley: Yeah, come in. Wanna go talk in the Bay Window?
Maya: Sure.

Maya: Okay um.. well. There's something, actually the only thing I haven't ever told you.
Riley: Oh. okay what is it? You know you can tell me anything right?
Maya: But this is just really different.
Riley: Maya, you can tell me anything. It's not gonna change our friendship.
Maya: Aren't things changing already?
Riley: I.. I don't know.
Maya: They are. Things are changing and it's not your fault, don't think that it's your fault because it's mine.
Riley: How is it your fault? I'm the one that told you I liked you.
Maya: And I'm the one that didn't tell you I liked you months ago and now it's all I can think about.
Riley: What? Maya what do you mean months ago?
Maya: I used to like you. Months ago when you liked Lucas.
Riley: How.. How could you not tell me?
Maya: Because you liked Lucas! I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't want to ruin things between us and between you and Lucas.
Riley: I can't believe you didn't tell me. I told you literally the day I thought I liked you, I wasn't even sure if I did but I told you anyway because I knew I could tell you anything and you kept that from me for months Maya!
Maya: Riley wait..
Riley: What? What else could you possibly want to say right now?
Maya: Listen. I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship so I just waited for the feelings to go away. It took awhile but they did and I was so happy because things were normal again but the thing is they weren't normal because I felt horrible that I didn't tell you, even though I didn't feel that way anymore. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I just felt like I couldn't at the time.

Riley: Okay I understand but this means you don't like me anymore right
Maya: Riles. It's just that it was so hard for me to get over it
Riley: It was only hard because you didn't tell me.
Maya: I'm sorry.
Riley: I actually just wanna be alone, I'll see you tomorrow okay?
Maya: Riley.. I..
Riley: You're sorry I know. See you tomorrow.

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