Chapter 6.

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Tuesday, 2:00am.
Riley's POV.
So Maya and I finally kissed like that actually happened a few hours ago. We kissed. Me and Maya, friends since forever kissed each other. I can't think about anything but that and all I keep wondering is when and if we will ever do it again because I really want to and I think Maya does too. My feelings for her are more deep than ever and I know this sounds so cliche but I don't care. I know I take everything seriously but I really do think that when you kiss someone, that changes everything especially if it's someone you care about. For once, I don't feel confused or different. I just feel happy and so sure of my feelings now and I don't care what anyone has to say about it if I do ever tell them what's going on. I'm happy right now, that's all that matters.

Tuesday, 7:00am.
Maya's POV.
Ding ding ding! Ugh there's my alarm. I just need 5 more minutes please! I was up so late I need more sleep.
Katy: Babygirl wake up! It's almost 7:30
Maya: Mom please I'm so tired
Katy: Well you shouldn't have stayed at Riley's so late
Maya: Oh, right.
Katy: Okay get up and shower, you need to get going! You can't be late plus you have that test today.
Maya: Oh my god I completely forgot about that, why is there so many things for us teenagers to do?
Katy: You know, I think the same thing about us adults. Wait till you're older then you'll wish you were a teenager worrying about homework again!

Maya quickly showers, gets dressed and grabs her book-bag and takes out her notes while walking to Riley's house to refresh her mind a little for the test today. She gets to Riley's house and knocks on her door.

Riley opens the door and says Hi to Maya then hugs her and Maya says "You're happy today and more than usual." Riley smiles and says "Yeah I am." Maya says "That makes me really happy Riles" Riley asks Maya to come in her room and Maya follows her. Riley closes the door and grabs Maya's hands and leans in and kisses her. Maya kisses back  right away and then says "We're so good at that" Riley says "I know right, I thought I was only good at drawing purple cats" Maya laughs and says "Riley we've been through this, I love you but purple cats aren't your specialty, I think you're better at kissing to be honest. Riley blushes and responds saying "You're not too bad yourself but you're better at drawing" Maya and Riley laugh and head to school.

*At School*
Maya and Riley meet up with their friends but they're already a little late so they go to class because the bell was gonna ring soon.

Maya's POV.
Holy shit. I can't believe how unready I am for this test. This morning I thought I could at least get a C but then Riley kissed me and now my mind is completely blanked. See Riley doesn't have this problem because first of all, she's smart and probably didn't even need to study for an A and two, her dad is the teacher so I mean... does that really need an explanation? I'm just gonna look over my flash cards before he passes out the tests.

History Class is over and everyone heads to their next classes. Riley and Farkle have Science class together and they're partners for an assignment.

Riley: Hey can you hand me those goggles?
Farkle: Sure, can I ask you something though?
Riley: Of course
Farkle: What changed?
Riley: What do you mean?
Farkle: What changed? You're back to yourself but you seem... happier and better.
Riley: Oh I was just going through something but it's okay now that's all.
Farkle: You were like that for weeks and never told me and you tell me everything but not this time. Why?
Riley: Farkle, this time I needed to figure this out by myself.
Farkle: You didn't even tell Maya? I don't believe that.
Riley. Well.....
Farkle: Well what?
Riley: I was actually going through something because of Maya.
Farkle: Maya made you act like that? What could she possibly do to make you so sad?
Riley: I wasn't so much sad as I was confused.
Farkle: Confused about what? Just tell me
Riley: Okay, well um. I like Maya and we kissed yesterday. I think she likes me too, we aren't a couple yet but um yeah that's all. No big deal.
Farkle: RILEY. How? What? Why didn't you tell me sooner I'm so.... wow. You and Maya?
Riley: I know right, I can't even believe it myself. Are you weirded out? Do you hate me? What are you thinking?
Farkle: I'm just thinking... that's all.
Riley: Well tell me what you're thinking.
Farkle: Okay. So you and Maya like each other, you kissed and you might be a couple soon?
Riley: Pretty much, yeah.
Farkle: I wish you would've told me, Maya too. I can't believe she didn't tell me but most of all, you seem really happy and that's all I could ever want for you so it's okay with me.
Riley: oh my god really? Thank you Farkle.
Farkle: Of course, so are you gonna tell the other guys?
Riley: No not yet and please don't say anything, I'm just not ready.
Farkle: I wouldn't do that Riley. You and Maya should tell them yourselves.
Riley: Thank you thank you! okay talk to you after school?
Farkle: For sure.

A/N: Hey people who read my story, thank you for over 200 reads. I'm sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the others but I felt like this was long enough, I hope it was! okay bye

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