Dreams of the death and his existences

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*Ellie's POV- Flashback*

I laid in bed hearing the war coming from my parents room. Mom and dad yelled over eachother so it was hard to understand what they were saying all I knew was that mom was angry with dad. It was like a battlefield coming from them. Gun shots coming from them it was scary. I wanted to get a better glimpse or understanding of what was going on but, I knew the safest place would be in my room surrounded by the four walls that act as body guards from the fighting.

Tears began to escape my eyes and run down my face. "Why won't they just make up." I thought to myself as the shouting continued. "Did I do something wrong." I prompt myself up to lean on the beds back board. I had a choice stay in my room and be completely unaware of whats going on or go try to hear what the fighting is all about. I crawled out of bed and walked to my room door. I placed my hand on the knob but, was hesitate to open it and walk out. "Just do it you little shit" a voice called out of me making me open the door and force myself out of the room. Lucky for me my parents room was right across the bathroom so if they were to ask what I was doing up and out of bed I can say I needed to use the bathroom.

I walked towards the door my parents fought behind and slowly pressed my left ear against the door and pushed my arms out so I had some sort of balance.


"WHAT MORE CAN I SAY I'M SORRY" dad said yelling over her almost as if he felt bad for what ever he had done."Can we just talk about this please" he said lowing his voice once mother stopped yelling.

"Okay! You wanna talk! Lets talk! How was she? Was she the best you ever had? Was she amazing?"

"Linda this isn't fair"

"Fair! Bill you're fucking worried about fair! You don't know a thing about fair! Fair is coming home on time to your wife and child! Unfair is sleeping around with woman half your fucking age!"

"Linda whats done is done"

"How long?"mother said almost sounding more hurt than angry.


"How long have you been sleeping with her?"

"It's been about 2 years I believe"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! Leave"

"Linda please"

"Leave....Now..... your stuff will be on the porch in the morning just leave."

I stepped away from the door slowly in disbelief. I ran over to my room closed the room door and curled myself underneath my blankets. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Why? Was all I could think.

*Present time in dream land*

People were gathered together in Billsberry church. Many tears and a lot of people from school including a few of my favorite teachers. My eyes traveled across the church in search for my mother. She was no where to be found. Instead, I found my best friend Alice. Her jet black pixie hair and her scronny figure in all black. She was sat next to white colored coffin in tears and I didn't think twice about running over to her.

"Alice! Whats wrong?" I said kneeling down to her and reaching out for her hand. However, she didn't look up at me. Instead, she cuffed her face in hands and cried out "Why her? Why her? She was such a good person! She was like a sister to me!"

I turned my head to find Alex placing a rose on the coffin nearly about to cry but, looked as if he was refusing to.

"Alex whats going on" I called out but, no response. He walked by me and walked down the aisle that led to the doors of the church. Fear rushed in me. I tried to capture more peoples attention but, it was as if I was invisible. Nobody heard me and everyone just....... just walked through me. I walked over to coffin and looked inside. It was a girl. She was bald and pale, her lips were purple and chopped. I ran my fingers over the girls face and teared. The girl........ the girl was me.

I turned around to face the crowd of people who came for me. "No! No! I'm alive I'm here look at me please I'm walking I'm breathing. Please."

*Shes awake*

I shot up from the bed completely out of breath. I touched the top of my head to find my hair still there. My eyes ran across the room in fear. What the fuck was that. I jumped out of bed threw on my jeans and converse, put on my jacket, grabbed my phone and headphones, and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I creeped down the stairs and checked the time 1:00 am.

I reached for the front door and walked outside. I didn't know where I was going or when I'll be back but, I just needed to clear my mind.

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