Chapter 1

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"AvaLee Jacobs your going to be late for school!" My grandmother pounded from the other side of my door.

I curled further into my fluffy blanket and covered my head with my pillows. Tensing my body for what was to come. I held my breath as I heard the door slam open just as my fluffy blanket was torn away. I groaned as the icy air hit my bare arms.

"AvaLee, seriously it's 7:45. Don't think just because it's your birthday, that I am going to let you skip school. It's the last day of school, get up." She says as she starts throwing clothes at me. I unfurl from my bed and stumble into my closet to find something decent to wear on my "special day".

Honestly, I wasn't to excited about my birthday considering the only place I ever go is to school and back home. I didn't even have very many friends, just one girl named Calli that kind of took me under her wing. Calli was a social butterfly, with a bright personality. Where I was antisocial, and dark at times, Calli was upbeat and a socially perky.

I pulled on a Tshirt that had my favorite band on it then pulled on some regular blue jeans that fit just right but we're also very comfy. I grabbed some socks and my converse and headed for my bed. Grandmother was standing at my window mumbling something I couldn't understand. She was a fragile old woman but very strict. She was always very protective, as if she was always hiding me from something. I ignored it and finished with my shoes, and headed for the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at my raven black hair then to my eyes. Grandmother always told me I had my mother's eyes, with my father's colors. My eyes were usually a hazel mix of blue and green, but they changed with my moods. Today my eyes were a honey color with flecks of vivid gold, which I have decided meant I was nervous. I finished up and headed downstairs. It was eerily silent, I headed for the kitchen. Grandmother was waiting for me, sitting at the table with a distant stare.

"Grandmother, I'm ready..", I paused and noticed she seemed frantic.

"After school I need you to come straight home Ava, we need to discuss some things", she paused looking up at me. "Go on to school sweetheart, and have a good day my birthday girl."

She smiled but it looked strained. I grabbed my car keys, phone, and backpack. Walking out the door I noticed the sky was grey.

"Yay, it's going to rain on my birthday." I got in my car just before it started to pour.

Driving to school was awful, the rain beating down on the windshield was beginning to give me a headache. It seemed that the worse the headache got the harder it rained.

I pulled into the school parking lot, while student's poured into the school. Parking in my usual spot I stuffed everything into my backpack, and made a run for the school doors. As soon as I reached the door the bell rang, making sure I knew I was late.

Trying to sneak to class with slippery squeaky shoes was hard, especially because my first period was all the way on the other side of the school. Not that my school was big, just that I am not the best at not making noise when I am trying to be quiet. Luckily I made it all the way to my class without being caught.

Or so I thought. .

"You're late Miss Jacobs! 10 minutes to be exact! Sit down Miss Jacobs, and I expect you to stay ten minutes after class!", said Mrs. Baker, whom I had sworn from my first day in her class that she hated my guts.

I mumbled an apology, and shuffled past all the staring teens to my back row desk. I got out my books and began to find the page we were reading. I hated English with a passion, well, actually I hated school in general.

"Don't let her get to you Ava! She just wants to make a scene." My best friend Calli whispered to me. "Oh, and happy birthday, by the way I got you a present!" She whispered as she handed me a little horribly wrapped present. I turned it over in my hand and shook it a little bit. Calli grinned as if to tell me she knew I would love it.

I put the gift under my desk as I slowly started to open it. Trying to be as quiet as possible,  I pulled a little black box out of the wrapping. I could already tell by the box, that it was jewelry and I gave Calli a smile. Opening the box I slid my hand in and pulled out a silver bracelet with multiple onyx and opal jewels making swirls. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever been given.

"I knew you would like it! I found it at the new store downtown, and just knew it would suit you!", Calli grinned. She turned back to her desk continuing the class work. I looked down at the bracelet, and slipped it on my wrist. Despite my band Tshirt, my worn blue jeans the bracelet didn't clash. It almost blended with my attire. I smiled to my self, as I slid the box and wrapper in my bag and finally started my class work.

I started to zone out when Mrs Baker slammed a hand down on my desk. I looked up trying to act as unstartled as possible.

"Class is about to end. Do not think that I forgot about you being late Miss Jacobs." She gave me a stern look.

I gave her a big sarcastic smile, "Why, Mrs Baker I would never think that. I was looking forward to it actually!"

She looked at me with a snarl, and walked back to her desk as the bell rang.  This was going to be a very stressful day.

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