Chapter 62

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I sit in a plush chair beside Fatalia, she is fuming as her brother, the king, sits across from us.

"My dear brother, you must understand.. when it came time to cut his link so he could be a healer and follow his destiny, I couldn't do it.. Destiny came to me in a vision, she said that if I were to help Terra grow then I was to leave his link alone.. he was only ten, that is a terrible process for a young boy, so no I did not second guess cutting his link. He deserved happiness, he deserves happiness.. if only for a little while, he deserves it all the same. We were raised to never second guess the path destiny lays out for us, so I did as she said and left the boy alone."

The king eyes Fatalia, his face showing no emotion.

"Why didn't you report this to me when it happened?" The king says, he looks at me for a moment before looking back to his sister.

"It was a matter of my kingdom, I felt that it wouldn't matter." Fatalia says, her words barely a whisper.

"I am the king of Terra, when something like this happens you report it to me! And even if you decide to disobey the king, I am your eldest brother, and damn it you could have told me!" The king yells, his voice is fueled with anger, but the only expression his face shows is sadness.

"Sir, if I may interject, at the time, you were dealing with an attack on Violet, and the princess.. had The queen told you it would have got lost in the distraction of protecting your daughter. I am not excusing her for not telling you before now, because there was plenty of opportunity. But I am saying that destiny works in odd ways, and everyday could turn one way or the other, and we will not know, only destiny." I speak, the king eyes me with curiosity.

"You only felt the link when you were healing her?" He questions, doubt in his eyes.

"Yes.. I have felt strong attraction towards her for a long time, but never a link until now.. and I promise you, if I had known this would happen.. I would have chosen to cut the link.. I would rather live without ever knowing this feeling than to ever put her in harms way.." I choke on the last part, my heart trying to disobey my words. I know I would never do anything to put her in harms way intentionally, so despite my beating heart, I would have cut the possibility when I was young.

What a sorrowful hand you have dealt me Destiny.

"Brother, you must feel some sort of sympathy.. you may not have found your link, but you were granted two beautiful children from your marriage.. now you need to realize, your daughter has a tangled life ahead, one that can go many different ways.. if you try to rip Ty from her, you could send her spiraling down the wrong path, and you could put all of Terra in danger." Fatalia whispers, I can see fresh tears in her eyes, "Ty may not be blood, but him and his sister were always dear to my heart as if I had gave birth to them.. please do not take him from me like this.."

The kings eyes soften tremendously, I knew Fatalia always treated us like her own children. But now I know fully that she would most certainly do anything to keep us alive.

"My sister, I do not wish him harm... I am sorry, to both of you.. I need to resign to my quarters for now.. please both of you get some rest.. I will see you both in the morning." The king says, he stands quickly, I notice there are unshed tears in his eyes. Tears he can not release in front of anyone do to him being their ruler. We both watch as he leaves the room, I hear Fatalia sniffle quietly.

"He holds so much pain in.. I wish he had found true love, he of all,  deserved it the most.." I hear her say quietly, I look down to my lap at my hands. Their shimmering tone glistening in the moonlight from the window.

"My queen, I do intend to do what is right, though I refuse to hurt her to do so.. If that breaks my destiny, then I will deal with the consequences.. But I do owe you thanks.. For not doing the ceremony all those years ago, now I know what it feels like to truly be attached to someone's soul.." I whisper, Fatalia gives me the faintest smile as I stand. I leave her in the room as I decide to drop by Ava's room, I need to go back, and inform my family. Ava will most likely want to come along, but sadly, she won't be able to.

My dear Ava, how I wish you could only experience love, and Happiness.. Sadly, destiny had other plans..

"Hey Ty.." I hear an angelic voice say, I turn to find Ava sitting against a book case in the corridor.

"I thought you would be sleeping.. you did not need to wait for me." I say, trying to hide the emotion in my voice at seeing her. She cocks her brow at me, and stands slowly. She walks the distance between us, and looks up at me.

"You're hiding from me, Ty.. I still don't fully understand the link, but I can feel it. A wall between us, please don't make me break it down." Ava whispers, her eyes searching mine.

"Sweet Ava, I do not wish to hide from you.. please, let me take you back to your room.."

"Only if you stay with me.." she stands tall against me, and I know that going back without her will tear me apart. I look down at her, her eyes sparkle darkly. They hold all of Terra's night in them, the deepest darkest blue I have ever seen with speckles of dreams throughout them.

I lean in to her, and her body welcomes me, as our lips meet, a vision overcomes me. I see a child, smiling, and laughing. Shining white hair, shimmering in the sunlight, they run to the edge of a meadow as a woman steps out. The most beautiful smile on her face spreads as the boy jumps into her arms, he long dark hair laying beautifully down her back. Someone behind her speaks from the woods, the woman and child smile at them.

The vision ends before I can see the person in the woods. My heart tightens, and I know what destiny has in store.

Ava holds my hand tight as we walk to her room, and as I pass the threshold I let myself be all I can for her in that moment.

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