Chapter 11

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I started to peel my eyes open slowly they felt like they were sewn together. I looked around, I was lying on a hard stone floor in what looked like a bedroom made out of a cave. I felt around as much as I could with hands and arms that felt like jello. I slowly tried to slide my self against a nearby wall in order to sit in an upright position. My leg was pulsing with an intense heat. When I finally was able to sit upright I looked down at my leg.

I sucked in a breath as I realized I had what looked like a bullet wound in my leg. It looked clean though, as if someone had cleaned it recently. I touched the area around the wound gently, it was a little sore but otherwise seemed fine.

"The girl is in here.." a voice said from a door way beside me. I looked around trying to find something to hide behind, but I was to slow as I watched two figures walk into the small room.

One of the figures was male; he was rather tall with a broad yet thin frame. His skin seemed to almost shimmer as if he was wet from a shower. When he turned to look at the other figure I realized it wasn't water but a shimmery pigment in his skin.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the male, his features were perfect, almost angelic.

"What are you staring at?" The male asked me, looking amused. The figure beside him snickered which happened to be a girl whom looked a little younger than I was but had the same skin type as the male. My cheeks turned a bright red.

"Uh.. where am I?" I said trying to stay calm, my leg started to burn causing me to yelp in pain. The girl hurried over to my leg, gently lifting it.

"Answer me this, my darling, where do you think you are?" The male asked amused. I was quickly getting aggravated by his amused expression, I started to answer when the girl interrupted.

"Ty, stop being rude, get over here and help me. Once the king finds out about this, the whole tribe will be in trouble. All because you are to stupid to look before you shoot." She raged before gently putting a hand over the wound. The male I now knew to be Ty quickly walked over placing his hand over the girls. They closed their eyes, and that's when the pain became excruciating. There was about 30 seconds of pain before it was over. I gasped for air, suddenly feeling nauseous. I looked down at my leg, where the wound once was, there was now just a pink scar.

"How did you do that?" I asked amazed, causing the girl to chuckle.

"We are healers, we also live in a cave that is a good distance under the river you fell into. Which is where my brother shot you, he is quite rude to guests." She said, before grabbing my hand and helping me to my feet.

"My name is AvaLee, I go by Ava. What's yours?" I stammer as I stand, my legs feeling like jello.

"My name is Vixie, and as I said before this is Ty" She said as she punched his arm. He scowled at his sister, and gestured for her to leave.

"You're no fun!" She pouted. She quickly waved goodbye and exited the room.

I looked up and met crystal blue eyes, staring directly at me. He slowly started towards me, I quickly backed myself into the wall becoming fully aware of how close he was to me.

When he was mere inches away, he stopped putting an arm next to my head on the wall to prop himself up in front of me. He continued to stare at me, I notice when his eyes fell to my lips. I bit my lip out of nervousness, and that made him go still. He leaned closer, putting his lips to my ear.

"You have a power they all seek, I can see it in your eyes. But you also have a storm that can only be stopped by one person. Who that is I can not tell you but I will tell you this. Be careful who you trust.." he whispered in my ear. I sucked in a breath as I felt his lips connect with the tender spot on me neck. My stomach started doing a thousand flips a minute. He stayed there for what felt like an hour but was only a minute before pulling back.

"You should change, Vixie will bring you some clothes. She will also bring you to the conference chamber. That will be when we discuss everything." He said, his eyes smoldering with something I did not recognize.

Before I could speak he turned and walked away.

"What the hell was that.." I stammered confused, by what had just happened. I gently touched the area where his lips had been.

"Hey, I brought you some clothes!." Vixie started when she entered the room,"Are you ok?"

"Uh.. I think?" I squeaked out, all I could think about was how I wanted to discuss what Ty had done and why it had affected me so much. Vixie handed me the clothes, and turned her back to me giving me privacy.

"What did my brother do?" She questioned, she sounded scared. I felt warm all over thinking about it, what had he done?

"Why is your skin like that?" I blurted out, I mentally kicked myself on my stupid question. My life was no longer normal so why did I think anything else would be.

"The water does this to us, we have lived below the water since birth. The water has changed our skin, it's shimmer shines through us. If you stayed down here for a couple years yours would begin to change also. But considering your the princess, I doubt you will be staying very long." She sounded upset as she finished speaking.

"How did you know?" I asked her, worried.

"Ty told me, he knew as soon as he saw your face after he shot you. He regrets it. He said he should have just ignored the sign, and returned home from the hunt." She spoke barely above a whisper, "Ty is worried.."

"Why is he woried?.." I said trying to swallow the lump in my throat. She looked around us as if checking for any eavesdroppers.

"Because they are coming for you.. and they will kill anyone in their way.. and because he sees you in his future in a way he shouldn't but once he sees it, it's set in stone. He sees visions of the future, Ava, he won't stay away from you now.." She was cut short by Ty entering the room. The look that had been in his eyes when I saw him last was now gone. His eyes rested on his sister, as if he was speaking to her through his thoughts.

"It's time, Ava, when we get to the conference chamber do not be afraid.." Vixie whispered, her words causing me to be the exact thing she had said not to be. I looked up my eyes meeting with Ty's crystal blue ones, there was so much emotion there. My heart constricted, I sucked in a breath before following the two out the door.

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