Chapter 14

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Aiden's point of view

"What do you mean you don't know what happened to her?!" I boomed in the small room. Lily had opened a door and pushed Ava through.

"I mean that when I made the door I didn't specify where I wanted it to be and now I don't know where she is. I'm sorry ok?!" She screamed back.

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to think where in Terra she could possibly be.

I looked over at the unconscious body in the corner. If he wouldn't have showed up then she wouldn't be lost.

"Lily, we have to take him with us.." I said making her mouth drop open.

"We can't! That will put everyone in danger Aiden, are you crazy?!"

"Lily! You put Ava in danger! She could be.." I choked almost tearing up at the thought that she could be dead. "I'm not gonna think about that.. but Lily he is the only hope we have.. we can't find her on our own.. how do you think he found her in the first place.. He is a good tracker. I hate to admit it but he may be better at some things than I am just because he was taught from evil.." I looked over at Eric. The boy who used to be my bestfriend, I would sneak into the Human world after they fled to play with him until Scarlet found out. Then she disappeared with him. And then the next time I saw him he tried to kill me..

"Aiden, he isn't the same guy we used to play with.. He will kill us as soon as our backs are turned.." She pleaded, but I couldn't listen anymore.

I walked over to Eric and swiftly picked him up and throw him over my shoulder. He definitely weighed more than me, but my life in Terra made me alot stronger. Lily gave me a weary look before turning to the wall and making a door. She stepped through the opening, and I followed suit.

We came out at a familiar meadow, I looked around before dropping Eric hard on the ground. He jolted awake, his eyes crazy.

"Calm down Eric, your fine, but your not going anywhere till you help us." I said sternly.

"Why would I help you? Your the reason she is gone.. you had to come after Ava and now my heart has been obliterated!" He boomed, I raised an eyebrow.

I was about to speak when Lily lunged at the figure on the ground. She had her hands on his throat, letting her powers seep out of them, causing Eric to convulse on the ground. Her hands were pure electricity, a blinding white glow emanating from them.

"Lily stop, it's not worth it."

"No! He doesn't know what we have been through.." She says furiously crying. I walked to her and gently pull her up. She was right he didn't know, but that was for a different time and place.

Eric lay limp on the grass eyes closed. I wanted nothing more than to give to him the same pain we felt but he wouldn't understand. Especially now that I had brought a traitor to Terra.

I kicked as hard as I could, connecting with his hip. He yelped, opening his eyes.

"I need you to help track something, Eric, then I'll take you back.  But I'm not giving you a choice in the matter. You either do it or I let Lily have her way with you." As if on cue she started to crack with electricity. He winced before slowly picking himself up from the ground. He rubbed his throat the pain from the electricity taking its toll.

"Why do you need me?" He said, looking at me as if he had his life threatened. Oh wait he had.

"I need you to find Ava.." I winced as I say this.

"She is at the river, in an underground cave" Eric says as he dusts his pants off.

"Hmm I would love to say you are free to go, but at the same time there are over a thousand rivers in Terra. So you need to be specific.." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, I only know so much, so we have to slim it down some. We have to go search." He looks at me as if I didn't understand properly.

"You know, we kind of guessed that jerk.." Lily says rolling her eyes.

"You know Lily, just because you love me doesn't mean you have to try to kiss up to me.." Eric says grinning slightly. She turns her back to him and begins walking through the forest.

"Eric, you can't talk to her like that. Not after what you have done. She trusted you, you broke her. She knew you loved someone else, she dealt with that. Don't throw it in her face." I say turning and following Lily. I hear Eric sigh before he decides to follow us.

"I think we are going in the right direction. I can smell her.." he says behind us.

After what feels like an eternity, and a hundred rivers later we come across the largest river in all of Terra. It is easily three miles wide, and goes on forever.

"Please don't tell me this is the river?" I ask, running a hand messing through my hair.

"OK I won't tell you.." Eric says as he begins to walk to the edge of the water.

"Aiden, are you sure about this?" Lily looks scared as her electricity starts to fade as she gets closer to the river.

"You can keep watch, your powers don't work in the water. You would fry us all." I say as I drop some things on the ground that I would rather not get wet. I look at Eric, and he nods as we both dive in to the ice cold water.

I open my eyes and look around and find Eric swimming down. I follow, and soon realize that we were expected.

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