Chapter 46

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I am standing near the window of the living room when I feel the tearing in my stomach. I gasp and fall to my knees, I can see blood coating my shirt, and wince when I lift my shirt up. I can see a jagged gash right above my navel. The small trail of hair below my navel has blood pouring through it and it begins to coat my pants as well.

I hear someone gasp as they enter the room noticing the state I am in.

I see Lily run over to me, her hand instantly go to the wound, she applies pressure quickly.

"Ty! Get in here!" Lily yells, I'm beginning to feel lightheaded as blood starts to pool on the floor around me.

"Is Ava ok?" I ask Lily, and her eyes grow wide, she didn't realize that the link is the only way I managed to end up like this.

"Oh my God what happened?!" Violet yells as she enters the room before anyone else. Ty is close behind her, and I have never been so happy to see him.

He quickly takes the spot Lily was just in and places his hand over the gash. His essence begins to force the tissue back together, and finally the bleeding stops. I collapse against the window, and feel exhaustion take over.

"Adriel, Lily, help me carry him to the couch.." Ty says, and within second I feel myself being lifted. In less than a moment I feel myself being almost dropped onto the couch.

"Sorry.. you are kinda fat.." I hear Lily say, and I roll my eyes, quickly wishing I hadn't due to the nausea that follows.

"Someone must have hurt Ava if you were hurt too, which means that Eric was also hurt.." Violet says, her face grows worried.

"Ava is smart, maybe she hurt herself to make the link known.. anything could have happened.. we can't think the worst right now.." Ty says, and for once I have to agree with him.

"He is right.. she could have done it herself.. we need to stay calm..." Lily says.

"Easy for you all to say, you didn't nearly bleed to death.." I mumble.

"You should get some rest, we will keep an eye out for any news or sign of trouble." Adriel says, and my eyes begin to shut unwillingly.

Soon I am asleep.

I am in Violet and Ava's old house, and I am standing outside her bedroom door. I can hear someone crying on the inside, and I hear talking. I want to open the door, but something tells me not to.

Instead I lean into the wood and listen. There is a guys voice but I can't understand any of the words. I decide the best option is to crack to door very softly, and see who is in there.

I open it, and my eyes go wide, Ava isn't in here anymore, but there is a tall boy that looks just like their father.

"Who are you?" I say opening the door the rest of the way. He looks up at me quickly before he vanishes in front of me.

I have to find out who that was..

I bring myself out of the dream, and I realize that a couple hours have went by. I look around the living room and the only person I see is Ty.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, my mouth feels like I have a giant cotton ball in it and my head is pounding.

"They went out to get some clothes and medicine for your head.. we knew your head would hurt do to the extreme blood loss." He says, he is sitting in a lounging chair, and his face looks worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hoping the answer doesn't have to do with Ava. I just want her to be alright, I just want her to be safe with me.

"There is a massive storm about eight miles away, which means that she is awake and pissed.. I know it is her, I can feel it.." he says, and for a moment I get worried.

"Please tell me you aren't linked too.." I say, groaning internally.

"Not that lucky there bud, I'm simply connected to her through destiny, I can see my self following her through numerous things, and that's why I am connected to her and can feel her emotions, just not like you or Eric can. And right now I can feel the storm. It is tearing through the base, I can tell because I can also hear screams if I focus on her enough. But I do have some bad news.." Ty says looking at me weird.

"What?" My words barely a whisper.

"She has tapped into her dark essence, and she is willing to destroy anything... it's not safe when she is like this, because she is searching for Eric. They must have kept them apart.. but if she gets this destructive over someone she is linked to then she could potentially be a ticking time bomb.. no one knows what Scarlett has up her sleeves but we know that it's not good, and if she is seeing what Ava is capable of simply by having her link in danger... well let's just say, we might have to cut their stay in the rebel base short.. or else she could force Ava to turn against us or she will kill Eric... and if Ava doesn't turn, then you are all three dead..." Ty says, he is speaking the truth but I can't think about it. The only thing I can manage to think about it Ava. I want her here beside me, my stomach begins to knot up just thinking about her.

How could Eric manage this sickness, it gets worse if you pretend it's not there so how did he do it?

"He managed it because he is part human..." Ty says, I must have said it aloud, "humans can be emotionless, careless creatures, and though we can be careless and harmful everything we do has some type of emotion behind it.  Humans simply do things because they're bored, but with Eric he didn't want to get in your way so he done what a lot of half breeds do, he cut off his emotions, which pretty much detached himself from her, which could make her feel as if the link has been severed entirely, which could very easily drive her crazy. The only reason it did not effect her before is because she had you by her side, and it wasn't until he let his emotions back in that she began to feel the link..."

"You know, you ramble so much Ty.. but you are smart, I'll give you that.." I say, letting my body rest some more before the others get back.

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