Chapter 10

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I looked all around me, I was standing at the edge of a pond. I slowly edged forward my legs making gentle ripples in the water. Though the water was to my knees now, I did not feel wet. I slowly moved farther into the water.

Soon the water was past my shoulders, and creeping up my neck. I held in a breath as my head was engulfed. I continued to walk, I came to a drop off and stopped.

The words came to me instantly.

"In a world unseen, let me be.." I mumbled letting out the breath I was holding. Closing my eyes, I waited for what was to come.

The ground then erupted below me, swallowing me up. I felt a rush, and then I felt sunlight warming my skin. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Ava wake up we're here.." Aiden whispered in my ear. He was still carrying me, I put my hand to my mouth to make sure I hadn't drooled on him. He gently let me down, leaving me a little wobbly. I wiped the sleep from my eyes as I looked around, then my mouth fell open.

"Is that where we are going?" I said staring at the building. He chuckled at my expression, shaking his head.

"She really didn't let you out of the house did she?" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the dance club. I resisted slightly, feeling nauseous.

"It's ok, I won't leave your side AvaLee." he whispered snaking the hand I was holding around my shoulders. I relaxed as he led me towards the door.

The line was long, it consisted of guys and girls my age. All the girls wore way to much make up, they all scowled at me as they devoured Aiden with their eye's. He winked at me, noticing the stares he was getting and the jealousy creeping up my spine. He pulled me past the line and to the door. The bouncer instantly recognized Aiden, he nodded at us as he pulled back the door to let us in.

I squirmed a little as the club air hit my face. It smelled of pure alcohol and sweat. I scrunched my nose up, causing Aiden to laugh. His chest vibrated against my shoulder as he laughed, I eased instantly lowering my head as I smiled. He pulled us to the bar, pulling a stool out for me then one for himself. He waved a hand at the bartender, who practically ran for him. The girl seemed familiar, she apparently knew Aiden.

"What the hell, Aiden?!?" The girl hissed. "Where the hell have you been?!" She said handing him a drink.

"Doing my job, Lily, I told you I would be back. It just took a bit longer than expected." He said with ease, making me tense up at his words. The girl looked my way, the scowl she wore disappearing slightly. She looked me up and down.

"Why hello princess, how has my brother been treating you?" She said sweetly.

"Uh, good I guess.." I stammered.

"That's good, now Aiden can we go before another one of these ass holes ask me for a slippery nipple?" Lily said causing Aiden to choke on his drink.

"They said wha-" Aiden started to say. Then a hand clamped down on my shoulder making everyone jump. My skin ran cold, I turned to see the owner of the hand.

"You think I was really going to let her slip through my grasp that easy?" Eric said. I looked at him, he looked drained. As if he had been through hell since I had last seen him.

"Take your hands off her half breed!" Aiden said standing face to face with Eric. Eric's grip tightened like a vise on my shoulder causing me to yelp from the sudden pain. He then looked at me, his eyes looking hurt and alarmed. He loosened his grip, turning back to Aiden.

"Because of you I lost her, because you think you know what is good for the others you made me lose her!" Eric hissed.

"I didn't make you lose anything! And you know what Scarlet has planned! You know that after she is done using her she is going to kill her! It's not my fault Scarlet took it out on your little girlfriend." Aiden said sternly. "I'm sorry she done what she did, but I have to do what I can to protect the others!"

I felt a hand tug me sideways, I looked up to find Lily pulling me off the stool and out of Eric's grasp. Eric didn't notice, instead he swung his fist at Aiden's face. Aiden dodged a second to late as Eric's fist connected with his chin.

"Come on! He will catch up!" Lily screamed in my ear as she pulled me to a door. She turned the handle,  pushing me into a small space. She followed suit, shutting the door behind her.

"Look, Aiden will be fine. Him, and Eric have always been like this. Believe it or not they didn't always hate each other. Your mother was the one that caused the hatred. But anyway, I need to find a wall." She said as she stumbled around trying to find a wall without a shelf. She found one in a corner then mumbled quietly placing her hand on the wall.

A split in the wall started to grow, before it was finished she grabbed me pushing me forward causing me to trip, and fall through. A scream escaped my throat as I realized I hadn't landed. I opened my eyes to find myself falling towards a river.

I landed with a splash, sucking in a breath before I was engulfed. The water was frigid, I tried to claw my way to the surface. Then something stabbed into my leg, causing lightning to shoot through my body. I gasped, causing water to enter my mouth. I started to panic,  I looked up realizing I was being pulled further down. My lungs started to burn, and my vision started to fade.

"I am really going to die.."  I thought to my self before it all went black.

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