Chapter 35

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Before I can say anything the others have joined me in the hallway.

"Who are you talking to?" Aiden says, he places his hand on my back instantly comforting me.

"I-" I look to the place my brother stood, and he has vanished. "I was just practicing my apology for my actions yesterday, I was nervous so I wanted to do it alone."

I don't buy my own lie, and neither do the others, but they don't press me.

"You three go ahead, I need to ask Lily a feminine question.." I say and the boys nearly fall over trying to get away. Adriel is on guard duty or else he would have probably done the same.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask Lily, she begins to chew on her lip.

"Well, Adriel wants to take things a step further.. and though we are linked and I want it I'm kinda nervous.. he is wanting to do it after my birthday.." she says quietly as if the boys are still present.

"Oh.." I say, not knowing what to say due to my inexperience.

"I guess I more so just wanted to tell someone than actually get any advice, I don't have many girls to talk to here, they are all scared of me, and if they aren't scared then they hate me for being linked to Adriel." She beings to ramble. I don't mind it though, it gets my mind away from the though of seeing the ghost of my twin brother.

Lily continues to ramble on the entire walk to the council room. And by the time we reach the doors the boys are waiting there for us.

"Did you two have a nice chat?" Eric says winking at me. The action makes my stomach flip, and my heart is confused by the act.

"Yes we did, thanks for asking." Lily say flipping her hair.

Once we walk into to the council hall the room is full of hundreds of soldiers.

"I didn't know there was even this many people to be soldiers.." I say quietly.

We are ushered into seats next to the king.

"Now that we are all here.. I would first like to bring to everyone's attention the rebel movements location. They have moved almost directly to our border even though they can not get through, this is extremely dangerous for anyone that is made to go into the human world. One of our messengers was tortured yesterday while my daughter was out."my father says, and I shrink in my seat."he said that they also have human weapons they are using to attack. Our powers do not heal wounds made from human weapons. But the powers of the banished grow weaker the longer they are in the human world. As of right now, I have witches and warlocks strengthening our borders, so hmif they do manage to break through, their weapons will be destroyed as soon as they come in contact with Terra. Though I like to think our borders are strong enough to keep our everything, sadly the effects of the human world cuts away at our borders a little at a time. The witches and warlocks continue to refresh the borders, but they only can do so much. Especially when we have no idea exactly how big the rebel party truly is."

I look over at Eric, and he hangs his head.

"Sir, the last I was aware there was a total of four hundred, with a couple banished witches on hand.. but before I left they talked about the numbers growing immensely do to humans being involved with the banished. They are also using halfbreed children for their rebel fight.." Eric says, and my father stares him down his gaze a thousand daggers at Eric's throat.

"Though I do not like the idea of you knowing all this information, it will prove significant in our protection.." he says directly to Eric, "soldiers!"

All of the soldiers stand, their metal uniforms a shining black, with a silverish design on the front that looks like a shield with vines running through it.

"Go to the outer borders, and check on the progress of the witches. Eric, you should stay I need to talk with you more. The rest of you are free to go.." my father says, Lily, Aiden and Ty all stand and begin to leave the room. I stay where I am, I refuse to leave Eric alone.

I see Aiden turn around, but the king waves a hand dismissivly. Aiden's face falls and soon the only people left in the room is my father, Eric, and I.

"Ava, why did you choose to stay?" My father asks.

"Because Eric is my guardian and I care about his well being.." I say bluntly, my father chuckles lightly.

"We all know he is more than that, though he done quite well at hiding it, I bet you felt awful, holding all that sickness in.. when you are linked and try to ignore it, it will make you feel that you have the strongest illness known to the human world.." my father says, his tone not teasing, just simply stating facts.

"We are getting off topic." I say, and my father is only surprised for a moment and quickly recovers.

"Well I pulled Eric away from everyone, because I have a task that I need him to do. It involves going back into the human world, because as far as Scarlett knows.. you simply was kidnapped by our soldiers. So as of right now you are our only hope at getting the upper hand." My father says, his expression is one of hope and also of satisfaction.

"With all do respect your majesty, if I went back she is liable to kill me, before I left to find Ava, she killed the woman I loved, just because I let Ava slip through my fingers.." Eric's voice is strained, and my heart hurts for him.

"I've already considered that my dear boy, that is why you are not leaving here empty handed.." he says his smile growing, I feel a cold sense of dread in my heart.

He is sending me right into my mother's cold deadly arms.

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