Chapter 4

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When we arrived the house was already full, and my stomach coiled from being so nervous. We walked up to the entrance, and knocked. A guy about my height with red hair and dimples answered the door with a red solo cup in his hand. He looked Calli up and down, before his eyes come to me where they begin to soak me in. I squirmed suddenly feeling self concious, wanting to run the opposite way. Calli grabbed my hand so I couldn't high tail it out of there.

The boy finally gave us a wide smile, letting us pass. But before, we could fully pass he leaned into me.

"Save me a dance, gorgeous" he said as I got a strong gust of alcohol. I almost choked, as I practically ran after Calli.

"Tanner definitely seems interested!" She chirped as if the boy was a trophy every girl wanted to win. Not that he wasn't handsome, he just wasn't what I admired. I looked around at all the girls dancing and drinking. A song was playing in the background, I was pretty sure it was what Calli would call a booty shaking song. Calli grabbed my hands as she ran to a table with cups and multiple different beverages. She poured me a cup of what looked like punch, and I decided to try it. Sipping my drink I realized it tasted quite delightful. After a few minutes my cup was empty, and I was dancing with Calli in the living room.

"Hey gorgeous! Wanna dance?" Tanner said from behind me slurring his words. I don't know why, but I nodded and took his hand. Looking back Calli had already disappeared, I followed Tanner to the middle of the living room. He quickly pulled me against him, as if he were about to reenact a scene from dirty dancing. He swayed with the music as he lay his hand on my lower back. I started to feel uncomfortable, I didn't want to be this close to him. He seemed to notice, and tightened his grip before leaning into me. I didn't know what he was doing until his drunken lips fell onto mine. He tightened his grip even more, pushing his lips down harder. I couldn't take it anymore, so I done the only thing I could think of.


"What the hell?!" He slurred as he stumbled back. Grabbing his cheek he looked at me with fire in his eyes. He started to grab for me, but I was already running. I ran for the closest exit as fast as I could. I wasn't going to stop until, I was away from Tanner. I saw the back door and started for it just as a muscular chest stepped out.

I collided into the chest and started to fall back, when an arm shot around my waist. I looked up into deep emerald eyes.

"Why hello to you to!" The guy said standing me upright. He was atleast four inches taller than me, so I had to look up a little bit. He smiled, and my stomach done a million little flips.

"My names Eric, who were you running from?" He said as he released me, running a hand bashfully through his blond hair.

"Uh, I'm Ava, and I don't really want to discuss it." I said my face heating up as I remembered the scene. I pushed past him, and out the back door. I suddenly felt disgusting, who was Tanner to think that he could just do that. I didn't realize I was crying, until I touched my wet face.

"Hey, are you ok?" Eric said as he walked up behind me. He put a strong hand on my shoulder, as if to keep me from leaving again. He looked at me, before wiping the tears from my face.

"Not really," I said answering his question. "I just had the host of the party, kiss me so I slapped him. I just wanted to come to my first party to have fun. I definitely didn't come here to have his drunken lips all over my face." I huffed looking at Eric, who had an amused look on his face.

"What?" I asked wondering what could be so funny about that.

"Your feisty" he said chuckling a little. There was a twinkle in his eyes, that made me want to continue to look into them. He grinned, I looked away realizing he had me on a hook.

"Wanna take a walk with me?" He said holding his hand out for me to take. I simply nodded taking his hand, and leaving the back yard to the sidewalk in front of the house. He never let go of my hand, and I surprisingly didn't want him to. We walked for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"I won't try to kiss you," he said as we turned a corner. "I would ask you first, because you know, I am a gentleman like that" he gave me a wide grin. I couldn't hold in the laugh that escaped my lips. He squeezed my hand, and went quiet again. I was looking down at my dress, before Eric stopped abruptly almost making me fall forward.

"Hey! What's up?" I questioned looking at him. His eyes were elsewhere though, I looked to where he was staring.

It was the guy that had been standing outside the boutique just a few hours earlier. He stood a few yards away, staring right at Eric. Eric had tensed up beside me, pulling me behind him slightly. The guy looked straight at me, walking slowly closer.

"Don't even think about it Aiden!" Eric growled at the guy, who I now knew as Aiden.

"Just give her up Eric, you know she belongs with us." Aiden said smoothly smiling a malicious smile at me. My blood ran cold. What were they talking about?

I tried to release Eric's hand, but his hand wouldn't budge.

"I think that I should be getting back.." I stammered, trying to get free. Aiden let out a chuckle, staring straight at me.

"Seems like she doesn't want to go with you," he started walking closer to me, "maybe I can persuade her to come with me."

"Look I am not going anywhere with anyone!" I yelled as Eric started towards Aiden.

"I have strict orders to kill you if you get in my way, half breed" Aiden said with venom lacing his words. Eric flinched at his words, pulling me back a few feet.

"Run" he whispered to me as he turned with blinding speed, and ran with my hand in his.

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