Chapter 12

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The conference chamber was huge, it was more like a ballroom. There were atleast fifty to sixty men and women sitting around a U shaped table, but there was something very different about them.

Their skin looked as if they wore a thousand crystals. And their eyes were of the deepest blue I had ever seen. Though one stood out amongst them all, she sat at the head of the table. A long Crystal blue velvet gown hanging to her curves. She was beautiful to the point that it hurt to look at her. She was perfect, it was her eye's though that made me step back and begin to fear what there was to be said.

Her eyes were pure onyx.

"Come child, let me get a closer look at the child who is destined to hold our world's fate in her hands." She spoke with chime from crystals falling.

I urged my legs to move forward, I stepped slowly toward the head of the table. All eyes in the room were on me as I stepped directly in front of the woman.

"Hello my name is Fatalia, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, we have heard a lot about you. Now I am sure you are ready to fully know where you are.." She started, I mentally rolled eyes praying she wouldn't go off subject because I may snap. "Welcome to Terra princess, the world which you will rule soon enough, hopefully you will choose the right path to do so."

"But my father? He is the king, he rules until he is to sick to rule right?" I said confused. "You make it sound as if he is on his death bed.."

"My dear girl, he may not lay and wait for the inevitable, but it is coming much faster than we all like to admit. He has been a very brave, and true king to us all. My brother is still one of us, he stayed when we fled to the depths of the river. He fought when we disappeared. Now child, we can no longer hide. Your father needs you, and my brother needs me. We will take you to him, and along the way you will see a world worth saving." She finished sternly.

"We will stand by you till the end Ava.." Ty spoke up behind me, I turned and took a good look at him. His eyes held emotions I wanted to understand. My eyes fell to the floor, it held my reflection like a mirror. I felt my breath leave me as my eyes change colors before me, from opal to a blue so deep it was almost onyx. I looked back at Fatalia, her eyes held an understanding. I was being to realize, that my destiny had so much heart break that I did not want to see but I would have to face. No matter what road I chose, I would still lose people. I turned my back to Fatalia, I held my head high as I looked at Vixie and Ty. They nodded as they led me out of the chamber.

We traveled down numerous passages before entering one with many doors. Vixie and Ty came to a stop in front of me, Vixie entered a room to my left gently closing the door behind her leaving me and Ty in the passage alone.

"Fatalia wants you to rest before we leave, you can stay in my room I will keep watch. We can't be to careful, even here", he looked at the floor letting silver hair fall over his eyes.

"But you need rest too.." I couldn't hide how tired I was, but I didn't want him staying up all night just to keep me safe. He turned opening the door, motioning for me to follow. His room was very straight forward, his bed was simple yet big. He had a small sofa, and a bookcase covering the wall. I chuckled at the thought of the male in front of me being a book worm.

"I like to read, when I'm not unintentionally shooting people.." he laughed. His laugh made me smile, when he turned to me I saw a glimpse of a smile on his face.

"No hard feelings, just please don't make a habit of it. I'm not quite fond of the healing process." I winced remembering it.

"I will rest on the couch you take the bed, it is quite comfortable." He gave me a small smile before walking to the couch and preparing it for the night. I walked over to the bed, I pulled back the sheet and crawled in. I was instantly comfortable, and in no time I was sound asleep.

I looked around, I was standing on the bank of a river. I kneeled down to the water, looking for my reflection.

I stared back at myself, my eyes were like coals. A crown sat on top of my head, I was beautiful in a intimidating way. I wore a light black satin gown, I stood brushing my self off before turning around.

Three figures stood before me, they all had their backs to me.

One had blonde hair.

One had black hair.

And the one who stood in the middle had silver hair.

"Turn around.." I whispered, and they done so.

In front of me stood three males that all had made my heart beat faster more than once.

Ty stood in the center, Eric on his left and Aiden on his right.

They all held a rose in their hand, all of different colors and characteristics.

Eric's rose was black with long thorns,  his hands scarred from holding it.

Aiden's rose was blood red with sharp thorns that caused his hands to bleed.

Ty's rose was made of crystal that was sharp as knives, his hands shook as he held on tight. I looked up to his face, a single tear fell on his cheek.

I walked forward and stopped in front of Ty. I lifted my hand to his cheek, wiping the tear from it.

"Your love is as pure to me as a crystal my queen, it is the most powerful thing I have ever witnessed.."

I looked into Ty's eyes, there was so much emotion there.

Then I walked to Eric, he gave me a small smile. I gently lay my hand on his cheek. He then placed a kiss against it causing my chest to tighten.

I turned and walked to Aiden, his eyes held the purest emotion I had ever seen.


"Ava, I love you.. I will die for you.." he choked out.

I felt tears pricking my eyes, as I stepped back.

"I love you all.." I whispered.

Then I felt the blade enter my back..

Eric's eyes went wide, Ty had collapsed to his knees tears flowing down his cheeks, Aiden was running to me screaming but I couldn't hear it as I turned to see who had stabbed me.


My own mother had ended me..

"You should have listened sweet child.. but you are very brave to have sacrificed yourself"

I turned around, Aiden stood before me.

His rose had wilted,  and was now dying..

Just like me..

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