Chapter 71

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I can feel my boys stiffen around me, and feel a nervous energy in my head from Lee.

Th-thump th-thump

I can feel the flutter in my stomach again, and my eyes find Zira again. She is practically beeming at me, I feel Ty tense beside me as his hand connects with mine.

"Mother of Terra!" He gasps, and I meet his eyes.

"Will someone just say it already?!" I nearly yell.

"You're with child, sweet girl, Destiny has bestowed a great gift to you" Zira responded giddily.

I feel the blood drain from my face, as I feel the boys beside me radiating anger. I feel an overwhelming amount of love coming from Ty, but also something else I can't figure out.

"Ty.. you son of a b-" I hear Eric start to yell before everyone is silenced. I let my eyes meet my father's, and his face is showing age as he looks to Zira.

"Everyone return to their rooms please.." He says, Eric, Aiden, and Ty start to argue, but my father raises his hand.

"Not another word." He whispers. Ty leans down kissing my lightly on the head, then Eric does the same, and lastly Aiden leans down, but tilts my head up slightly to kiss my forehead.

I watch them leave, then Zara followed by her mother. Lee looks back at me as he leaves, and soon the room is silent as I lay on the table with my father standing beside me.

"I'm sorry father.." I barely whisper, I try to avoid his eyes. They aren't angry, but more sad than anything.

"Do not be sorry my child, you're not the only one the mother of Terra seeks.. I only wish she had gave us more time is all." He runs a hand through his hair, "those young men out there all have a purpose, and now this, I know our time is running out, and though our peoples pregnancies are much quicker than humans, I fear I won't be here when they come.."

My heart breaks, reminding me that he is right, with everything the visions have shown me, he won't be there to see so much of my life. I knew I wouldn't have him for long, but the reminder that I'll be living in this world without him suddenly weighs much heavier on my heart.

"Don't worry yourself sweet girl, Terra has ways to keep me near, you will know that soon enough." He pats my head, I sit up, and hug him tightly. "When you were young I prayed to the mother of Terra for you to come home sooner. So I could raise you here, teach you everything I need to teach you.. But destiny can be so cruel to the heart, but I refuse to see the pain, only the happiness I've been able to feel having not only you, but Lee here as well.."

I feel his arms tighten around me, and I choke back the tears that are threatening to fall.

"I dont know how I'm going to do this without you.." I whisper, I feel him chuckle.

"You are strong without me my sweet daughter, and the tiny soul growing inside you will make you even stronger. And you have so many people standing beside you, to help you see your strength when you find yourself in weakness. Sweet girl, in case I don't get another chance for these words.. I am so proud of you, I am so happy to have such a strong wonderful daughter. I love you, sweet Avalee.."

His words wreck my soul, and warm my heart all the same.

"I love you too, Dad.." I cry into his chest, we stay that way for a while until I fall asleep in his arms.

Ty's POV

"You're lucky I can't hurt you without hurting her.." Eric grumbles on the other side of the small library we were told to wait in.

"I could say the same about you, if you keep stressing my sister out-" Lee begins.

"Just shut up already.." Aiden says, he is sitting in an armchair near the door.

"I didn't mean for this to happen.. but I don't regret it, I don't expect you to understand.." I say, my heart swelling with love for the soul Ava, and I created.

"Of course you wouldn't regret it, it's even more reason for her to choose you in the end!" Eric yells, I feel a fire in my chest as I storm toward Eric.

"Don't you dare throw that in my face!  Don't ever! That woman in there is the love of my life! I knew what was to happen from a young age, did I know every tiny detail? No! I wish I did! But do I regret giving myself to her, and creating something so beautiful? Again, No!" I feel hot tears fighting against my lids, "I may never get to see the child we created, you both will-"

My eyes widen as I realize the words that were falling from my lips. I feel their eyes on me.

"What do you mean?" Lee asks, his expression torn.

"Nothing.. I- I need to go somewhere.." I stammer, I barely make it out the door before the tears begin falling.

I stumble through the hallway, my heart hammering in my chest, I don't see where my feet are taking me until I can feel an overwhelming love pouring into me. I look up and come face to face with Ava's bedroom door. Her father must have brought her in here while we were waiting. I knock on the door lightly, but don't hear anything. I slowly open then door to find Ava laying under her covers, her chest rising and falling softly. Her curtains have been pulled to keep the last rays of sun out, which tells me we've been waiting in the tiny library for most of the day.

I slip into the bed beside her, my hand finding her stomach.

Th-thump th-thump

My heart swells as I feel the raw love radiating from the soul we created.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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