A destined meeting (11 years in the making(

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So last night i was told by a giant man called Hagrid that i was a wizard...and today i'm going to get all my supplies to go to Hogwarts.

and today i'm going to get all my supplies to go to Hogwarts

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So my letter came in the mail this morning. Remus is busy so Ms. Tonks is taking me to Diagon Alley.

3rd pov
In Diagon alley in Olivanders, two students enter slightly nervous.
Melissa pov
"Hello? Mr. Olivander sir?"
I'm so nervous...it doesn't help that this kid walked in with me. Suddenly a man pops up behind the counter.
"Hello Mr. Potter and Ms. Evans. I was wondering when i'd see you both in my shop. Now take these wands if you please. Give them a wave. Don't be shy."  We look at eachother and wave our wands. His caused cases to fly off the shelves and mine caused 3 lamps to break. "No no no. All wrong. Here try these." Mr. Olivander kept handing us wands sometimes taking them away before we could raise them. Then he comes down from a high shelf and hands us two more wands. The second it touched my hand i felt a surge of power. I looked at my brother and could tell he felt the same. We waved our wands and everything in the store started to fly. "Curious. Excellent but very curious." "Sorry, but what's curious sir?" "I remember every wand i've ever sold Mr.Potter. Every single one. It just so happenes that the Phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand gave off two others. Just two. One happens to be in your sister's wand. It's curious that you two should be destined for these wands when their brother...gave you those scars. The wand chooses the wizard."  We paid for our wands and went outside. There Tonks and a giant man were waiting for us. "You're my sister?" Oh boy...
"Umm well yes. I am. I'm Melissa. I'm your twin sister." "But I thought i was an only child" "Blimey Harry, did those Muggles tell y'er nothin'?" "Muggles? You were raised by muggles? But why?" " Yes i was. Weren't you?" "Thats enough chatter you two. Plenty of time to catch up at school. Meanwhile, Melissa I've got something for you." "And this is for you Harry. They both hand us owls. Harry got a snowy owl and Tonks got me a barn owl. "Th-thanks" we stammer at the same time. We head to get something to eat. Harry keeps looking at me shocked. I looked to Tonks then Hagrid. "Ok. I'll ask again. Why were harry and I separated? I mean i know why..but why were we not allowed to meet eachother?" "Well Melissa, that's actually your Aunt's doing. She refused to allow you anywhere near Harry, her home, or her son. Remus tried to bring you there once but she freaked out and threatened him." "I think i remember that. A man came over on day Aunt Petunia was really upset. She locked me in the cupboard until he left but i heard her mention mum and dad. Something about not wanting any part of their world."

Skipping to the Hogwarts Express
Today we leave for Hogwarts. Finally. I'm sitting in an empty compartment reading my potions book. I saw Harry but he was sitting with another boy, a red head. The door to my compartment opens and i see it's a blond boy and two fat ones.  "Hello, may i help you?" They didn't answer just walked away...weirdos.  I went back to my book when the door opened again. It was a girl with very bushy hair. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his toad" "No I haven't." She looks at my book "Well you better change. I suspect we'll be there soon" and with that she leaves.

Skipping to right before the Sorting
Professor McGonagall left us right outside the Great Hall. I wonder how we'll be sorted. Suddenly a boy steps up to Harry.
"So it's true. The great Harry Potter has finally come to Hogwarts. I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." I laugh along with the red head my brother was sitting with. Draco looks at us. "Think my name's funny do you? *to the red head* No need to ask who you are. Red hair, freckles, and a hand-me down robe. You must be a Weasley. *looking at me* And just who are you?"
"The name us Evans. Melissa Evans. Sister to Harry Potter and yes i think your name is quite funny Malfoy" Everyone gasped, a few laughed. Malfoy glared at me. "You'll soon see that some wizarding families are better than others. I can help you there" He held his hand out to Harry. Thankfully he refused. "I think I can figure out the wrong sort for myself thanks." I smirked at Malfoy just as the doors opened and we were lead inside for the sorting ceremony.

5 comments and some votes would be great before the next part is up. Hope you dont mind i made Melissa just as bold as Harry. And she's not afraid to speak her mind lol. Enjoy Potterheads

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now