Let's play chess

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We walked through the door and see giant statues. Some are crumpled in the side and others are standing side by side. We walk across the floor to the other door only to be stopped by the statues there.
"Well now how do we get pass?" "Isn't it obvious? We play our way across. Ron said
"Ok. Who plays what?" I asked "Harry you be the bishop, Hermione you be the castle, Mel you and I will be knights." Almost as of they were listening, a bishop and castle walked off the chess board and 2 knights for off their horses. "Wait no offense Mel, but why do you two her to be knights." Harry asked "No offense Harry, but Ron and I here up with this game. We're the best wizard chess players here." I said
We took our positions and faces the white pieces. "White always goes first" Ron stated A white pawn moved. "Ron you don't think this is going to be exactly like wizard chess, do you?" Hermione asked nervously
"You there, move to G5" Ron instructed one of out pawns. Once it moved the pawn that was near it sliced it in half, making it crumble. "Yes Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like Wizards Chess" Ron said nervously.
Ron and I started playing, directing the prices. Everytime one of out prices was taken we made sure to take the same number of white prices. Whenever Harry or Hermione was in danger, Ron and I would dart across the board to save them. We were almost at the door when Harry looked around the board
"Wait a second" Harry said
"You understand don't you Harry? Once I make my move the queen will take me, and that leaves you free to check the long." Ron said "No! There has to be another way" Hermione screamed "That's chess. You have to make sacrificed" I said. Ron moved "Check" he said nervously. The queen came over and destroyed his horse and knocking him off to the side. "NO!!" Hermione shouted about to move. "No don't. Remember we're still playing" Harry reminded her. He walked up to the long and "Check mate" and just like that the game was over. We ran out the door and suddenly it burst into black flames and the opposite door burst into purple flames.
"Great now what" I said

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now