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So Saint. Potter is Seeker for the Gryffindor. The prick. I should be nice to him. He is my brother after all..but i used to owl him when we were kids and the only time he replied was to tell me to sod off. I hate him. Draco and I mock him and the Mudblood wannabe know-it-all. Ha. I top her in every class. Anyway the first Quidditch match is today Slytherin vs Gryffindor. I made a bet with Pansy and. If we win i'll set her up with Draco. And if we lose i'll pay her 5galleons. Of course i knew we'd lose. After all Harry is like dad in more than just looks. Dad was a Seeker too. The best actually according to uncle Remus. I stayed in the common room thinking about mum and dad. From what Uncle Remus told me i wasn't exactly planned. Though i'm sure they loved me, i know they loved Harry more. So I don't mind being in. Slytherin, serpent house. I can talk to snakes. I like them. Uncle Remus let me keep a pet python at the house. I'm working on a spell to allow her to change her form so sge can come with me everywhere. Pansy thinks i'm crazy but oh well. Uncle Remus told me I should try to get to know Harry and not judge him. Maybe i will, when i'm not around other Slytherins; after all we don't get along. After a while everyone came back looking mad, except Pansy and Draco. They tell me Harry almost got bucked off his broom but still ended up catching the Snitch and helping Gryffindor win. I gave Pansy the 5galleons and left to find Marcus, captain of our team and my best friend. He's a sixth year and i've been helping him with his classes. When i do find him he's already with his girlfriend snogging. I leave them be and tell Crabbe and Goyle i'm headed to the kitchens. Of course they follow, or rather lead. We pass the hourglasses that record each houses points. So far Slytherin and Gryffindor are tied, but hopefully that will change by years end. I ditch the boys by the Great Hall and dash off to the Astronomy tower. I'm meeting someone here and i'm late. I really hope he's still there, he left the common room before me. Oh please let him still be there....

Draco pov
I wish Pansy would shut up. I've been ignoring her all day, it's easier when Melissa is here. She may be a Potter but she is a much better companiin than Pansy. I saw her leave with Crabbe and Goyle again nut didn't return with them. She better not get caught curfew is near and i don't want her losing any points for us.

Hey everyone. I hope to get some more reads cause i really wanna finish thus story. In the next chapter I'm skipping to Halloween. Please share this story. Thanks for reading.

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now