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Ahhh​ Halloween. Best time of the year. We're in Charms class at the moment trying to levitate a feather. I got paired with Draco, of course. Short version of class, Harry's feather exploded, I got mine in the air( first try thank you very much) and the Mudblood scolded Weasley and got their feather up as well. After class Draco and I heard Weasley make fun of her and she ran off crying. Anyway at dinner Professor Quirrel fainted after telling is there was a troll in the dungeon. We were all escorted to our common rooms, I saw Harry and Weasley sneak off but I honestly don't care. The next day we all heard how Saint Potter and Weasley saved the poor mudblood from being killed by the troll. Anyway Daphne and I are taking about the holidays coming up and I've invited her to my place since her parents will be gone to Romania helping with the dragons. Until then I've been sending letters to Tonka and Remus about my classes and being in Slytherin. They constantly ask about Harry which is annoying. Sometimes I go to the owlrey just to talk to Wolfsbane, my Barn owl. I are Harry up there too but we don't talk, well we did once.
"Harry! What are you doing here?"
"Oh, hi Melissa, I was just visiting Hedwig. And you?"
"I was sending a letter to...someone." "Well, later Harry"
"Melissa, I know we're in rival houses, and I can tell you don't like me but you are my sister and the only family I have really. Can we try to be friends?"
"Look Harry. You're right we are family but I can't be seen with you. Our houses hate eachother. I'm doing this to protect you ok."
"Alright. One question though, why you hate me? And why do you have mum's last name?"
"That's two questions. Firstly, from what I've been told, I have mum's last name because Dumbledore thought it the best way to hide me in case someone was looking for us. Second, I wrote you a letter when we were 7, on Our birthday and you said for me to sod off, or have you forgotten?"
"That was Uncle Vernon not me."
"Bye Harry".

Week before Christmas
"Are you ready Melissa?"
"Hmm? Oh yes ready. I can't wait for you to meet my uncle remus."
"So you two leaving?"
""Yes Draco. And you?"
"Of course. It's too bad some people have to stay cause they have no proper home"
"Quite right Dracy poo!"
"Uhh Pansy go away!"
"Ok. Come on now. Must get to the train."
I look back at Harry and head to the train with my friends.

Christmas eveIt's great to be home

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Christmas eve
It's great to be home. Daphne and I are going figure skating on the lake later today. Remus has finished decorating and Tonks will be here soon. I've sent a picture of nun and dad to Harry for Christmas.

 I've sent a picture of nun and dad to Harry for Christmas

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Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now