Down the trap door

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It's late when I sneak out my room. I'm almost out the common room when I hear my name.
"Going for a late night stroll, Evans?"
"Sod off Malfoy"
"Seriously where are you going? You've been acting different ever since you've been hanging around Potter."
"Leave it be ok, he needs me and I won't let him down"
"Maybe you should have been in Gryffindor with him then cause you don't belong here"
"Don't sneer Malfoy, you'll get frown lines. I belong here more than anyone else. Just because I'll defend my brother now doesn't mean I'm not a Slytherin so deal with it and go to bed"
And with that I left. I ran up to the third floor corridor and waited for Harry and the others.
Harry's POV

Sneaking out was difficult, Hermione had at curse Neville... I could tell she didn't like it.
"Harry, tell me again why you trust a Slytherin?"
"Ron, she's my sister. The only real family I have."
"Stop it you two, honestly. Let's go."
Finally we mad it to Fluffy. He was snoring, Melissa was nowhere to be found.
"See never trust a Slytherin"
"Shut it Weasel. Hey Harry, Granger."
"Where'd you come from Mel?"
"I've been practicing my Disillusion Charm. It helped me sneak past Peeves and Mrs. Norris. Now, the harp next to Fluffy is enchanted, it plays a lullaby long enough for anyone to go down the trap door. So who's first?"
"What's down there?"
"How am I to know Weasel? Looks like it goes down for ages and it's pitch dark. You wanna go first?"
"Mel that's enough. I'll go first, then you, then Hermione then Ron. If anything happens, Ron and Hermione you two get out and go to Professor McGonagall. Does it seem quieter to you?"
We all listened...
"The harp stopped"
"Fluffy isn't snoring anymore"

Author's POV
Everyone screamed and jumped down the trap door. Each one landed with a thump.
"Lucky thing this plant this was here" Ron said
"Lucky!?! Look at yourselves." scolded Hermione.
Ron, Harry, and Melissa looked down, Ron and Harry screamed and struggled.
"Calm down. This is Devil's Snare. If you struggle it will only kill You faster You need to relax." Melissa and Hermione said together.
"Kill us faster? Oh now I can relax." Ron said sarcastically still struggling.
Hermione and Melissa looked at each other and sighed. Both girls relaxed and sunk deeper into the Devil's Snare until they disappeared. Both boys screamed.
"Hermione!!!!" yelled Ron
"Melissa!!!!!" Harry yelled
"We're fine. But you have to relax." Hermione said sternly
"Harry, just stop moving. I've already lost mum and dad, I refuse to loose you too." Melissa said
Harry sat still and he slipped lower into the Devil's Snare and disappeared too.
"HARRY!!!!!" Ron yelled frantic
Harry landed on the ground next to Melissa and Hermione listening to Ron continue to struggle.
"He's not relaxing is he" Hermione sighed
"No he's not. We have to help him 'Mione" Harry insisted.
"Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, what did Professor Sprout say about Devil's Snare??" Hermione said searching her brain
"Devil's Snare, in the damp it has fun, but sulks in the sun" Melissa said pointedly. "Of course. Devil's Snare hated sunlight" Hermione exclaimed. Hermione and Melissa pulled out their wands and a blast of bright warm light shot towards the Devil's Snare. It shrank away and Ron fell to the ground.

Melissa POV
I put my wand away as Weasley fell. He stood and tried to smile.
"Good thing we didn't panic."
"Good thing Melissa and Hermione pay attention in Herbology" Harry said curtly
"Let's go"
We walked down a corridor and entered a door to the most horrid smell. I looked down and nearly lost my dinner.
"A troll? Really?"
"Thank goodness we didn't have to fight that one" Ron offered.
I rolled my eyes. "Let's go. It smells horrid in here."
We rushed to the other door. There we saw birds, they seemed to ignore us so we ran to the door, it was regrettably locked. Hermione pointed her wand at the door "Alohamora" it didn't budge. Harry and I looked closer at the birds.
"They're not birds, they're keys. Flying keys* Harry said
Ron examined the door "We're looking for an old fashioned key, brass like the handle"
"So how do you expect to get it?"
"Three brooms. Ron, Hermione, and I will fly and search for it, when we find it, Mel you unlock the door" Harry said
The each grabbed a broom, the second they touched them the keys surrounded them.
Harry's POV
We took off and spread out. Each key was different, some brass, some silver, some long, some short. But I saw the right one and called out to Ron and Hermione.
"Ron Hermione there it is. The big one, with the wings crumpled on one side."
"I see it" they said together
"Ron, come at it from the right, Hermione come at it from the left, I'll come from above"
We flew at it and with a crunch I pinned it to the wall and flew it down the Mel.
Author's POV
Thanks for reading. Is it any good?? Leave comments. I changed how I wanted this to go and I hope it ends well. Don't worry, Melissa and Draco will have a scene during the summer
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