The Man with Two Faces

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It wasn't Snape . It was Quirrell. Honestly I had my suspicions.
"Ah, Mr. Potter Miss. Evans. Give me a moment while I examine this fascinating mirror." Quirrell said
"It was you? You let that troll in on Halloween? " I asked
"But Snape.." Harry said
"Yes Severus does seem the type. Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor st- st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell" Quirrell said cutting Harry off.
"Shape tried to kill me" Harry insisted
"No my dear boy, I tried to kill you. A few more seconds and I'd have had you off that broom. I would have had you off sooner if Snape hadn't been muttering a counter curse trying to save you." Quirrell said annoyed
"Snape was trying to save me? But I thought he hated me" Harry asked confused
"Oh he does. He went to school with your father." Quirrell said still looking at the mirror "I see the stone. I'm presenting it to my master. But how do I get It? Should I break the mirror? Help me Master" Quirrell said
"Use the children" a voice said from nowhere
"Potter, Evans come here" Quirrell ordered us. We moved towards him, I was very nervous
"Look into the mirror and tell me what you see" Quirrell demanded
I looked first. I saw myself, but older, with a blind haired man and two kids.
"What do you see?" Quirrell asked
"I see, myself and a very nice looking family" I said
"Use the boy" the voice said. It sounded like it came from Quirrell but his mouth never moved
"Potter come here!!" Quirrell demanded
Harry walked up and looked in the mirror
"What do you see?" Quirrell asked
Harry took a long time before he answered "I see myself shaking hands with Dumbledore.  I've won the house cup." Harry said slowly
"He lies" that voice said
"TELL THE TRUTH" Quirrell  shouted
"Let me speak to them" that voice said
"Master you are not strong enough" Quirrell replied
"I have strength enough for this"  the voice said
I looked at Harry as Quirrell started to remove his turban. His head looked smaller without it. He turned around and I almost lost my dinner, again. There was another face in the back of his head. It looked  at Harry and I.
"Harry and Melissa Potter" the face said
"Voldemort" Harry said
"Do you see what I've become? A mere parasite. You saw faithful Quirrell drinking unicorn's blood for me, it has strengthened me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But something can. Something that convinitly lies in your pocket!" Voldemort said looking at Harry. Harry felt his pocket and stepped backwards.
"Don't be a fool. Join me both of you and you shall have power." Voldemort said. He made an image of our parents appear in the mirror. "I can bring them back. Join me and I shall bring them back. All I ask for is the Stone " Voldemort said. I looked at Harry as he pulled the stone out his pocket
"Harry no don't do it" I shouted
"Give me the Stone. There is no good and evil only power and those to weak to seek it." Voldemort said.
"You're a liar" Harry yelled and grabbed my hand as we ran to the fire door.
"Get the Stone!" Voldemort said. I looked back to see Quirrell rushing towards us. He grabbed our wrist but pulled back as if he'd been burned.
"My hands. Master my hands." Quirrell screamed shocked
"Get the Stone!" Voldemort ordered
"I cannot touch them master" Quirrell sobbed in pain
"Then kill them. Just get the Stone " Voldemort ordered Quirrell quite annoyed
I looked at Harry and just as Quirrell started to come towards us we both raised our hands and grabbed his face. He was shrieking in pain and turned to ashes. I looked at Harry just as some ashes lifted and turned into Voldemort's face and came to me and Harry. Harry stopped the Stone and we both passed out.

The dream

I looked around, I wasn't sure where I was, I saw Harry.
"Harry are you ok??"
"I'm fine. Where are we?"
"I don't know. Harry look. It's mum and dad!"
Harry looked behind him and we saw our parents, they were smiling but also looked sad. I ran to dad and hugged him while Harry ran to mum
"Mum? Dad? What are you doing here? Where is here? Harry and I asked together
"My babies. You're so big now. 11 and at Hogwarts. But you two must go back." Mum said to us
"This is an in between place souls go before they die fully. Melissa we are so proud of you, and don't think for a second we love you any less because of what house you're in. You're a Potter and that's all that matters" Dad said
Harry and I were both crying.
"I miss you both. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't we all love together?" I asked through my tears
"Because sweetie, that wasn't our path.  But know we will always love you both, and we're always watching over you. And when your time truly comes we'llbe right here waiting for you" Mum said. Her and dad started fading away "Mel be nice to your brother. Harry protect your sister" Mum and dad said together as they slowly faded into heavy fog.

Hey guys. Sorry for the wait. I had to add an emotional part all my own (obviously I got my inspiration from Deathly Hallows but hey I think it fit in nicely. Book 2, Melissa P. Evans and the Dark Lord's diary will be up soon.

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