Great Potions

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We look around and see different sized potions bottles on a table and parchment next to them. We walk up to the table and read the parchment.
Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.
Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine’s left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onwards, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.
"Brilliant" Hermione exclaims
"What?!" Asks Harry clearly confused
"It's a riddle.  No magic, just logic" I explain.
"Some wizards don't have an ounce of logic and end up trapped here forever" Hermione said
"Well so will we right?" Harry asked nervously
"Course not Harry. We can figure this out. It's simple, everything we need to know is right here. 7 bottles, two are wine, three are poison, one gets us through the black fire and the last gets us through the purple fire" I said.
"Ok, so how do we know which one to drink?" Harry asked
"Give us a second" Hermione and I said

Hermione POV
"Ok Melissa.  Let's think. Two wine, three poison, one for the black fire,  one for the purple" I pondered
"Ok it says poison  is on the left of the wine. And the small bottles don't hold poison"  Melissa stated
"And the ones no the end are different, but won't help us get through the fire. And second left and second right are the same thing" I said
"Right, so we know these two are the same thing, and there are only two wines." Melissa said pointing to the two potions
"Exactly. And that makes these two poison" I said pointing to the first and fifth potions
"Okay, three potions left. One more poison, and the ones that get us through the fires. Ok it says the one on the end won't harm us, but won't help us move forward." Melissa  said
"So it has to take us back. And that leaves two. The small one and the tall one." I said
"Well the tall one has to be the poison,  remember the small ones don't have poison in them. So the one on the end takes us back, and this one here takes us forward." Melissa said
"Right. But there isn't enough for all of us. We better tell Harry" I said

Harry POV

I stood there watching Hermione and Melissa read the parchment and pointed at the bottles. After what seemed like forever they walked back to me.
"Well? Which ones do we take?" I asked
"These two. This one, takes us back through to Ron." Mel started
"And this one takes us on to the Stone" Hermione finished.
I stared at the vials. "They're kinda small."
"Yes. This one, has enough for only one person. And the other is a bit bigger so it could be split." Mel says slowly
"Right. Hermione, you take that one. Go back, get Ron and get Professor McGonagall. Use the brooms from the key room to get past Fluffy. Mel, you and I are gonna go on and try to stop Snape." I said
"But Harry, what if You- Know- Who's with him?" Hermione asked nervously
"We beat him once before.  We can do it again" Mel said
"Oh be safe you two" Hermione said as she hugged us and drank her potions and shivered
"How is it? Is it poison?" I asked nervously
"No, it's a bit like ice" Hermione said
She turned and walked through the fire.  I looked at Mel "Lets go sis."
She drunk half the potion and handed it to me, I dunk the rest. "It is a bit like ice. But let's go" I said
We turned and walked through the flames.
Melissa POV

As we walked through the fire I was afraid we would burn. But we didn't. I couldn't even feel the heat of the flames, just a little tickle.  As we emerged we saw the Mirror of Erised. A man was already there staring hungrily into it. But it wasn't Snape.

Sorry bout the late updates. I hope you like this chapter. The sequel is already being drafted, Melissa P. Evans and the Dark Lord's diary.  Keep a look out for it.

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