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So Draco and I were wandering around the halls and saw Harry and his friends out and about. We followed and they went to see Hagrid. I suggested we tell Professor McGonagall, just to get them in trouble.
"Fifty points from Gryffindor. Each. And the five of you will report to Mr.Filch tomorrow night for detention."
"Sorry Professor. But it sounded like you said the five of us."
"I did Mr.Malfoy. Though you and Miss. Evans intentions were good, you too were out of bed after hours. 8pm tomorrow. Now back to your common rooms."

"Great job Melissa. Just great"
"Hey you wanted to walk the halls too. Next time use somebody else to make Pansy jealous."
"Well one good thing came out of this"
Draco looks at the hourglasses that record house points and Slytherin is back in the lead. We laugh and head to our common room leaving Harry and his lame friends to sulk.

"You're late. Let's go"
"What are we doing tonight anyway? Writing lines?
"Lines? No it's in to the Forest for you five."
"The Forest!!! But students aren't allowed in there. There's werewolves and such."
"Should've thought bout them werewolves before eh. Used to be detention meant getting hung from the ceiling by your ankles. But I keep the chains oiled just in case. Here you go Hagrid. I'll be back at dawn. For what's left of them."
"You can't really make us go in there can you?"
"Yeh broke the rules Ron. And Professor McGonagall thought it be best for yeh to help me. See that stuff on the ground? Silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood that is. Second one this week. Our job is to find the poor creature and put it outta it's misery if need be. Right then, Ron Hermione and Melissa with me. Harry and Draco you two together."
"Fine but we get Fang."
"Alright, but just so you know he's a bit of a coward."
So we split up. Just my luck to be with Weasley and Granger.
"Hagrid, don't you think we'll cover more ground if Melissa and I went off together?"
"Really Hermione?"
"Yes. The faster we find the unicorn, the faster we all can go to bed"
"Right then. Find it and when you do send red sparks in the sky and don't go too far."
Are they kidding me!?!?!?
"Well let's go"
"Whatever mudblood."
"You know we can actually talk to each other right? Harry showed me the picture you sent him for Christmas."
"And? I wanted him to have it. I've got quite a bit."
"Where did you get it?"
"My uncle. Not that it's any of your business. Harry is my brother and I shall give him whatever I please."
"Well he's my friend and I want the best for him."
"Oh, like sneaking round the school? Some friend you are."
"You're the reason we're all out here. Some sister you are"
Then we heard a scream and rush back to see Fang and Draco running.
"Honestly Draco. Slytherins don't run and scream. And where is Harry?"
"Stuff it Mel. And he's back there with this thing. It was drinking the blood from the unicorn."
"And you just left him?!?"
I took off after that. I ran until I heard Harry. He sounded like he was in pain. I ran up to him and felt my scar burning on my forehead. Looking up I saw someone in front of us. I raised my wand
"S-stay back. I'm warning you"
Then hoofs sounded and a centaur appeared and scared whoever it was off.
"Mr. Potter, Miss. Evans what are you doing here? Not a safe place for children."
"We were with Hagrid... Who are you?"
"The name is Firenze. Come it's best you go back now."
"Thanks for coming for me Melissa."
"Well you are my brother Harry."
"That thing, what was it doing?"
"Drinking the blood of a unicorn. The blood of a unicorn grants one life but at a terrible price. Yo have slain something so pure that from the second the blood touches your lips you're doomed to a half life, a cursed life."
"Who would want such a life"
"You said it wasn't safe out here for us, why?"
"Do you know what is hidden inside the castle this very moment?"
"The Sorcerer's Stone."
"Can you think of no one desperate and weak enough to do such a terrible thing?"
Harry and I look at each other.
"You mean that was Vol-"
"Harry! Melissa! There yeh are. Hello Firenze."
"This is where I leave you. Be safe."

Weeks later

Draco thinks I'm mad. But Harry and I have been talking,and I've decided to help him and his friends stop whoever is after the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry thinks it's Professor Snape but I doubt it.
"Just because he's your Head of House doesn't mean he's a good guy Mel."
"Wait, you're calling it 'Mel' now? Harry she's a Slytherin. She can't be trusted. She's probably working with Snape."
"Come again Weasley. We all agree whoever is after the Stone wants it for the Dark Lord so he can return and kill Harry and me. And you think I'd help bring the person who killed my parents back to life?!?!?"
"Yeah I do. You're no better than the rest of them."
"Stop it you two"
"Hermione she is not our friend"
His face burst in to boils
"Mel. That wasn't very nice."
" He insulted me. He deserved it"
After that I walked away
Maybe Draco was right. Stupid Gryffindors. I was headed to the Great Hall when I saw Professor Snape
"Miss. Evans, Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you."
"Yes sir Professor."
The entrance to Professor Dumbledore's office is quite fun. A statue of a bird(or is it a Griffin) that turns into a spiral staircase. "Lemon drop" funny password too.
"You wished to see me Professor?"
"Yes. Come in. How are things with you and Harry?"
"Harry is a good kid. His friends are rude gits but Harry is my brother so I can deal with it."
"You're still afraid aren't you? Melissa when the Dark Lord returns you must protect your brother and he must protect you. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir. I am my brother's keeper. They want to go down the trap door, shall I go with them?"
"Yes. You might learn something about Mr. Weasley and Miss. Granger. And they you. "
"Yes sir"

Later  that day

"Mel look Ron can be a git sometimes but he can't help it."
"Shove off Potter."
"Enough guys. Come Harry."
We walk away from everyone.
"Harry, they don't exactly like you. And you should go to Hagrid and see who gave him that dragon egg"

"Fraternizing with the enemy are we Melissa"
"Watch it Pansy."
"It's not my fault she's gone soft"
I look at her and pull out my wand
"Want to say that again."
"You've gone so-"
Everyone laughs. She knew better than to tempt me. Draco Daphne and I went outside
"Mel, why are you hanging with Potter, Weasel and Granger?"
"Harry is my brother.  The others are unimportant."
"Hmm so Mel, Father wants you to visit this summer."
"Daph, I thought they were going away again"
"Mother is. Not Father. And he wants to meet you"
"Oh alright."
Suddenly I see Harry and company running across the grounds. What are they up to now?
"Mel!! Quick let's go."
"What? Why?"
"We're going to see Professor Dumbledore."
"Oh alright. See you later."

We ran into Professor McGonagall
"I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore just left for the Ministry."
"But Professor, this is about the Sorcerer's Stone. Someone is going to steal it!"
"I don't know how you know about it but I assure you the Stone is safe." And with that she left.
"We have to go tonight. We have to stop Snape."
"Umm, are you sure about this Harry? There are bound to be defenses"
"Mel if we don't Voldemort returns"
"What are you four doing inside on a nice day like today?
"We were umm"
"We were just heading to the library sir. Exams are soon"
"Keep sneaking around like this and people will think you're, up to something"
And with that he left
"Right. Tonight we go down the trap door"

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now