Wait What?!?!

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The next day
So I'm a Slytherin. It's not that bad except they don't really like the other houses..and everyone thinks Slytherins are evil...but they are very nice. My roommates are a girl named Pansy and a girl named Daphne. Daphne is nice but Pansy is quite annoying honestly. Anyway we got our class schedules today and it seems all my classes are with Gryffindor. It will be good to see Harry. I feel i need to explain the sorting after seeing the look on his face i feel he may think horrid of me. On the bright side Uncle Lupin is supportive of my house though he wanted me in Gryffindor. I know mum wouldn't mind, though i'm not sure bout dad. I asked to be put in his house. All the stories i heard say dad was in Gryffindor not Slytherin. I'll ask Remus later. First class of the day is Transfiguration. I hear the Professor is quite strict.
As we walked in the class Professor McGonagall had just showed us how to turn a match into a needle and then turned into a cat and sat on her desk. Not long after that the door opened, i turned and saw Harry and his friend rush in.
"Could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if she knew we were late?" the red head boy said to Harry; before he could answer McGonagall jumped off the desk and landed in front of them. "Mr. Weasley perhaps i should turn Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. Then perhaps one of you would be on time." "We got lost Professor" Harry explained. "Then perhaps a map. Take your seats." "Umm Professor? I'm done." I said. She came and looked at my needle. "Very good. 5points to Slytherin. Congratulations Miss. Evans."  After class i rushed to Potions with Daphne and Pansy. We got in and Professor Snape assigned us seats for the whole term. My partner was to be that Malfoy boy. Ughh Pansy is always talking about him. I see Harry not paying attention to Snape and apparently so did Snape.
"Tell me Mr. Potter. What would i get if i added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Clearly Harry didn't know, but the girl next to him raised her hand. Snape ignored her. "You don't know? Pity. How about this. Where, Mr.Potter, would you look of i asked you to fond me a bezoar?" Again the girl next to Harry raised her hand. "I don't know sir" "Pity. Mr. Potter what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" The girl next to Harry was shaking her hand and still Snape ignored her. "Know it all mudblood" Malfoy said to me we both laughed. "I don't know sir. But it looks like Hermione knows why don't you ask her?"  Finally Snape looked at the Mudblood "SIT DOWN you silly girl." I raised my hand slowly. "If you please sir. Powdered root of asphodel and infusion of wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone found inn the stomach of a goat and can save you from most poisons. As for Monkswood and Wolfsbane they are the same plant that also goes by the name Aconite." Snape looked at me and said "Very good Miss. Evans. It's good one of you got your mother's brains. 10points to Slytherin." He looks at the rest of the class "Well why aren't you writing this down? And 10points from Gryffindor for your cheek Potter."
Wow first day and i've gotten 15points for my house. Next is flying with Madame Hooch. Malfoy is walking with Pansy Daphne and I. Pansy is clinging to him like a lovesick puppy ewww. We get to the field and Madame Hooch has us each go to a broom. "Alright hold your hand out and say UP."  We all say it and immediately my broom comes up to my hand. I look around and see Malfoy, Daphne, Harry, and a few others have their brooms as well. We mount our brooms and before Madame Hooch could blow her whistle a boy started rising off the ground. Higher and higher he rose, his broom zigging a bit until he falls off and his robe catches on a tree before he finally hits the ground. Madame Hooch rushes to him . "Only a sprain. Up u get Longbottom. Off to the infirmary. Nobody is to gly until i get back. First person i see will be expelled gaster than you can say Quidditch." Soon as she was gone all the Slytherins started laughing, myself included. "Did you see the look on his fat face?" i asked Malfoy and Pansy laughing. Malfoy saw something on the ground. "Maybe if he gave this a squeeze he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse." We all laughed except for the Griffyndors. "Give it here Malfoy!" Harry said.  "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find it. Say in a tree." Soon both Harry and Malfoy are in the air. Suddenly Malfoy tosses the Remembral up and zooms to the ground. Harry, my poor dim witted brother, goes after the thing and catches it. As he lands Professor McGonagall comes outside looking quite shocked. She takes him away and we all line back up as Madame Hooch returns.
Later i was in the library getting my work done when i over hear that Harry became the seeker for Griffyndor's Quidditch team. Ugh he is such a show off.  I know i shouldn't think bad of him but he acts like he's the better twin. Well at least we're in separate houses. I don't have to deal with him outside of classes. On the downside, ever since Malfoy started being friendly to me Pansy has been unbearable. Other good news is I'm top of the class. I know that mudblood know it all doesn't like that but oh well. Halloween is approaching and I'm ready to head home.

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now