What Happens Now??

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I woke up in the hospital wing...Harry was next to me and so was Dumbledore. At the door of my bed was a large pile of sweets.
"Gifts from your admirers."
"Admirers?" Harry and I asked
'What happened between you two and Professor Quirrell is a secret, so naturally the whole school knows. And I see Mr. Weasley saved you the trouble of opening your chocolate frogs" Dumbledore said
"Ron was here? He and Hermione are alright?" Harry asked
"Yes they are quite alright" Dumbledore replied
"What happened Professor? How did we get here?"
"Miss. Granger and Mr. Weasley informed me where you were" Dumbledore said
"You got their owl then?" Harry asked
"No. When I got to the ministry they were quite surprised to see me at all. That was when I realized the place I was needed most was the very place I had just left. I returned just in time to see you two defeat Professor Quirrell." Dumbledore explained
"But what about the stone?" I asked
"The stone has been destroyed." Dumbledore said distantly
"But Nicholas Flamel..he'll die won't he?" Harry asked stunned
"Nicholas and I have had a long conversation about this and we feel it is the best. He and Penelope have enough Elixr of Life to set their affairs in order, but eventually yes they will die." Dumbledore said sadly
"That's so sad" I said
"Ah, death is but a new journey in life." Dumbledore  said
"Sir how is it I managed to get the stone from yhe mirror?" Harry asked suddenly
"Ah, that is a little trick of mine. You see only the person who wanted to find the stone, find it but not use it, could get it from the mirror. Otherwise they would just see themselves drinking elixir or making gold.  It's one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and I, that's saying somethig." Dumbledore  said winking. 
"Professor, why is it Professor Quirrell couldn't touch us?" I asked
"When your parents gave their lives to save you and Harry they left a scar. No not one that can be seen. This scar is in your very skin." Dumbledore explained
"What is it" I asked
"Love. It's love. And for someone like poor ProfessorQuirrell, who was sharing his soul with Lord Voldemort, he could not bare to touch something so pure." Dumbledore sighed. He looked down and picked up some of Harry's candy "Ah, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit flavored on, and have since lost my desire for them. However, I think I might be safe with a nice toffee one" Dumbledore said reaching into the box. "Alas, earwax"

Later that evening

Harry and I left the hospital wing and headed for the great hall for dinner. Harry stopped to talk to Granger and Weasley. I continued until I saw Draco, Pansy, and Daphne. Daphne ran up and hugged me. I looked at Pansy and Draco. As always Pansy was draped on his arm like a love sick puppy.
"Are you alright Mel?? You scared us" Daphne said worried
"I'm great Daph. No worries. How bout you Malfoy?  Pansy?" I asked
"We're great Mel. Let's go eat" Draco said and turned to walk away.
When we got to the Great Hall it was decorated in Slytherin house colors, silver and green with a serpent. I smiled and sat down.  I watched Harry and his friends walk in.

Harry POV

I walked up to Ron and Hermione after leaving the hospital wing with Mel.
"You alright Ron?" I asked
"I'm good" he replied
"And you hermione?" I asked
"Never better" she said
We smiled and walked to the Great Hall. I frowned because it was covered in Slytherin house colors. We sat down as Dumbledore started his speech
"Another year gone and I hope your minds are fuller than when you arrived.  As I understand it the house cup needs awarding. The house points are as stands. In fourth place, Gryffindor  with 312 points." I clapped slowly
"In third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points" Hufflepuff clapped sadly
"In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." Ravenclaw clapped
"And in first place, Slytherin with 472 points" Slytherin cheered
"Yes, well done Slytherin house. However, recent events must be noticed" Dumbledore said and everyone went quiet
"First, for Miss. Hermione Granger for the the use of intellect and cool knowledge while others where in have peril, 50 points." Dumbledore said Gryffindor clapped
"Next, to Mr. Ronald  Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen in many years, 50 points" Dumbledore said  again Gryffindor clapped
"Third, to Mr. Harry Potter for pure love and outstanding courage I award Gryffindor house 60 points." We all cheered and screamed, except the Slytherins. Hermione leaned in "We're were tied with Slytherin"
"And it takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to our friends and so I award 10 points to Mr. Neville Longbottom" Dumbledore smiled
Everyone stood up and cheered, except for the Slytherins.
"And finally. It takes a great deal of courage to face an enemy, and even more courage to do it and stand beside family. So i award 10 points to.... Miss. Melissa Evans." Dumbledore says
The great hall is silent as we all realise....Gryffindor and Slytherin have tied for the house cup for the first time in centuries.
"And so, if my calculations are correct,  I believe we need a change in decoration" Dumbledore said. He clapped his hands and suddenly the banners turned red and green with gold and silver edges. And the giant Serpent only took up half the banner while the other half was a giant Lion.  I looked up and saw Professor Snape shake hands with Professor McGonagall, he looked at me and I could tell his feeling towards me hadn't changed one but, and I didn't care.
Everyone cheered. We may not have won but a tie is better than nothing i guess.
Ok, almost done with this book. Yay. Tell me if you guys liked it. I hope so. I'm gonna start working on the second book soon. Chapter one should be up next week.

Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now