The journey home

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Melissa POV

The next day we all packed our bags. I was sitting in the commom room when Daphne and Draco walked up to me.
"Are you ready yet Mel? Father is really excited to meet you" Daphne said
"Almost Daph. Are you coming too Draco?" I asked
"No, Father wants me home this summer. But if you get bored you two are welcome at the Manor. Just don't tell Pansy" Draco said to us. We laughed and left to go to the train. I saw Harry there talking to Hagrid
" I'll meet you guys on the train, save me a seat." I said to them as I walked towards Harry.
" Thanks Hagrid." Harry said
"Hi Hagrid. What's that Harry ?" I said
"A photo album of mum and dad. Hagrid gave it to me" Harry said
"Brilliant. I have a few extra pictures of mum and dad if you'd like to have them." I said
"That'd be great Mel. I'll write you this summer ok?" Harry said
"I look forward to it Harry." I said
"Oh and Harry, if that cousin of yers bothers yeh, yeh could always threaten him with some ears to go with that tail of his" Hagrid said
"But Hagrid, I can't use magic outside of Hogwarts. You know that" Harry said
"But yer cousin dont" Hagrid winked
Harry and I walked to the train
"See ya later Harry" I said making my way to Darco and Daphne
"Later Mel"
I think this is going to be a very good summer. I say sat next to Daphne and smiled.
"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" She asked
"Yes, but in a good way" I said

Harry POV

I sat next to Hermione and looked out the window.
"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't It?" She asked
I looked at her and smiled "I'm not going home, not really" I said

Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoyed it. Keep a look out for book 2, Melissa P. Evans and the Dark Lord's diary. Chapter one is coming soon. 😁😁😁

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