The Sorting

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We enter the Great's huge. I hear a girl say "the ceiling's enchanted to look like the sky. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History" Soon we are told that before we can sit and eat we must be sorted. The professor brings up a stool and an old hat. It opens it 'mouth' and begins to sing. 

'Oh you may not think I'm pretty
but don't judge on what you see
I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me
You can keep your bowlers black, your top hats sleek and tall
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, and I can cap them all,
There's nothing hidden in your head the Sorting Hat can't see, so try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be
You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart
Their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart
You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind,
Where those of whit and learning will always find their kind
Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends

So put me on, don't be afraid and don't get in a flap,

You're in safe hands, though I have none, For I am a Thinking Cap'

After it's song the professor starts calling us by name.
"Abbott, Hannah" becomes a Hufflepuff
"Bones, Susan" joins Hannah at the Hufflepuff table
"Boot, Terry" becomes the first Ravenclaw

"Brocklehurst, Mandy" also becomes a Ravenclaw, but "Brown, Lavender" becomes the first new Gryffindor causing the table on the far left to erupt in cheers and catcalls
"Bulstrode, Millicent" was sorted into Slytherin, after all I heard they looked unpleasant, but that could be my imagination.She was joined by "Crabbe, Vincent"  Soon it seems in no time at all, my name is called
"Evens, Melissa" I walk up and put on the hat. I hear a voice in my head,

"Ahh yes the other one. The girl who lived."
"I just want to be in my father's house please."
"Your father's house eh? But do you belong there? Let's see. A thirst for knowledge, an urge to prove yourself, power oh yes there's power"

"Please my father's house please" "Oh yes that's exactly where you belong. Where else but SLYTHERIN!!!"

There is silence as I take the hat off and hand it back to McGonagall. The Slytherin table is clapping politely and Millicent pats the seat next to her. I turn and try to pay attention to the rest of the sorting but my mind wanders, Uncle Remus told me dad was a Gryffindor. I should talk to him over holiday
"Finnigan, Seamus" goes to Gryffindor, "Finch-Fletchley" became a Hufflepuff, "Goyale, Gregory" Joined us at the Slytherin table, "Goldstein, Anthony" went to Ravenclaw, "Granger, Hermione" that bushy haired girl went to Gryffindor, thank Merlin. "Greengrass, Daphne" sat beside me when she was sorted to Slytherin. As for "Malfoy, Draco" the pale haired boy that i saw on the train he was sorted almost immediately, the hat barley touched his head before it shouted out Slytherin On and on it went, I soon realized where you were placed wasn't based on family genes, as a set of twins were separated, "Patil, Parvati" went to Gryffindor but her sister "Patil, Padma" went to Ravenclaw. Then it was Harry's turn. "Potter, Harry" there was a surge of whispers as Harry walks up and places the hat on his head.

Harry POV

The hat is too big and falls over my eyes, the last thing I see is everyone craning to get a look at me. Suddenly there was a voice in my head

"Ahh Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. Are you going to be as easy as your sister? Hmm seems not. Not a bad mind. But where to put you?
"Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin"
"Not Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could do great thing in Slytherin. It's all here in your head. knowledge, and courage, and a thirst to prove yourself. And there's power, oh yes so much power. Not as much as your sister, but so much Power"
"Not Slytherin. Please Anything but Slytherin."
"No? Well if your sure better be GRYFFINDOR" 

I heard the hat shout the last word to the entire Hall and I handed the Hat back to McGonagall and walked to the Gryffindor table which was cheering. The Weasley twins were chanting "We got Potter! We got Potter!" while their brother shook my hand and welcomed me. I sat down to watch the rest of the sorting. "Parkinson, Pansy" was put in Slytherin, "Thomas, Dean" Joined us in Gryffindor and sat next to Seamus. Then Finally it was Ron's turn. "Weasley, Ronald" he only sat for a moment before the Hat Shouted out Gryffindor. i clapped loudly with the rest of them. Finally it was the end of the Sorting ceremony as "Zabini, Blaise" Went to Slytherin. As Professor McGonagall takes the stool and Hat away, Professor Dumbledore stands up and welcomes us all. He says a few random words and the food appears on the previously empty platters on the table. every one digs in, but i can't help but glance over at the Slytherin Table and see them pass each platter of food around before they eat. 


Hey if anyone is wondering why Melissa has Lily's last name and not James''s because Dumbledore thought it would be safest. Just in case any Death Eaters were looking for her and Harry. At least that what he tells them later on. This story is being edited and some extra chapters will be added because i feel as if i kind of rushed this story, the first book was never really my favorite. so I hope you enjoy the revisions.

Cassie_Black (Shaeluvv)


Melissa P. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now