Part 2

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After we were showed around we were placed into our dorms, things were already awkward since the whole house didnt accept me but that was okay, i changed into my usual clothes and sat infront of the fire place just gazing deep into the beautiful dancing flames. "Did you see her eye? Ew" "yeah and her face! Oh my god! I cant believe shes a potter..." i heard things like this since i arrived and id be lying if i said it didnt effect me but....i couldnt show it. They didnt know a thing about me, i let out a hefty sigh choosing to sleep on the couch than go to bed around those venomous girls. "Well look wjat we have here...the very potter that called me a ferret, well i guess now your on my grounds now" i turned to see the blonde with his two fugly henchmen, "and your going to tell me your not one?" "Ill make your life hell potter, just you wait and see" "join the que...." he smirked before walking off, i always hated sleeping on an argument, so i muttered a good night and sweet dreams to the three as they retreated to their rooms. "Miss Potter... shouldnt you be in your dorm?" A strict and monotoned voice asked from behind my dozing off form "im sorry professor....if i could... can i please sleep here? Im afraid i dont in here" a flicker of understanding crossed his face as he held me under his cold gaze "...very well miss potter...just dont be late to my class tomorrow and ill let it slide" "thank you professor snape....good night sir" i smiled sadly to him which he returned before leaving himself. I pulled out a book hermionie had lent me before we parted ways on the train, it was a basic guide for the spells and facts i would need before i started class in the morning. I was nearly finished reading when the next thing i know its the crack of dawn and im waking up, i snuck up to my dorm and took my uniform before quickly showering and changing, my wet hair matted to my face as i exited the dorm room to make my way to the grand hall for breakfast only to find i was early. 'I wonder if harrys up get?' I trotted my way over to the dorm and waited by the entrance recieving many horrid looks from gryffindors as they passed through till the trio exited, my brother quickly dashed to me leaving his companions stunned for a moment "Tia! Are you okay?" "Course i am Haz, now come on we need food!" I pulled him over to ron and hermionie "morning you two!" "Er....morning?" They seemed friendlier the day before but that was before i was placed, i hung my head slightly and let go of harry "ill erm.... ill just get going, you have friends! Go learn more about them! Give this to hermione for me okay?" I urged him  and passed him the book as i turned to leave, "tia...?" Although i heard him i kept walking till i made it back to the hall. I didnt eat much, suddenly losing my appetite, only a slice of toast and some orange juice before leaving. I foujd my first class quickly and was early. "Your early miss potter" professor snape sounded behind me making me jump slightly "yes sir.... i didnt want to go back on my word last night...thank you for letting me use the couch" "im glad to see you take your studies seriously" i smiled and took a seat near the front before getting my stuff ready. I felt happier knowing i was at least doing something right....but that wouldnt last for long, soon enough the platinum blonde strolled into the room and sat next to me. 'Out if all the empty seats....why....' next thing i know my book is knocked to the floor, "why did you do that? What did the book ever do to you malfoy?" He snarled at me and then knocked my quill off the desk "what are you a cat instead of a ferret?" "Your just a half blind dog so wbat would you know?" "As i said malfoy sticks and stones" i ignored him for moments longer till somethin strange happened, our uniform house symbols began to glow startling us both and making us yelp out, "what is going on" we both looked to snape in complete terror as two small butterflys made of light appeared from our symbols and fluttered towards eachother, we watched completely mesmerised by the beautiful display infront of us, they fluttered around eachother before merging together to make one large butterfly before combusting, little drops of light snowed down on our stunned forms before we both looked to snape "im have become buddies for the rest of your school lives in hogwarts. "WHAT?!" We exclaimed in terror before looking to one another again, an angered expression crossed his face before he pointed at me screaming about it being my fault. Snape interjected and quickly defused the young malfoy before the others arrived, after class had finished we were told to stay behind so the buddy system could be explained, "this is your fault you stupid blind dog" "its no ones fault you stubborn ferret" we both recieved a small wack to our heads making us stop "it is as miss potter said...its no ones fault mister malfoy however i do not condone the calling of names....sit" we quickly sat in our chairs with our mouths clamped shut "the buddy system is basically this....two students are bound together for the remainder of their time in hogwarts, usually its between two students who are compatible however there are some cases where that doesnt two being a prime example. You must rely on one another, in regards to other things where one fails in their work the other will suffer too, you both will share the same try to get along" we both were dismissed and went about our classes in a daze and before i knew it i was sitting in charms. "Wingardiam leviosa" i heard hermione pronounce the spell perfectly and her motion precise, i took out my wand catching the teachers attention "my dear, may i see that a moment?" "Oh? Yes sir" i hesitantly handed the small professor my wand which he inspected before handing it back to me "its a beautiful wand i must say" "thank you sir" he watched me expectantly making me unnerved slightly but i quickly shook ot off before looking to the feather before me, "Wingardiam Leviosa" with a smooth swish and flick motion the feather lifted from the desk, "perfect.." i smiled and tested my control of it finding i could place it anywhere. "Potter, how did you do that?" Malfoys harsh voice said from behind me "is the ferret looking for help from a 'blind dog'?" He glared at me before leaving me be "Celestia? Erm...I'm sorry about this morning" it was Hermione "its fine Mione, id be cautious too if i was you" i joked "thanks...for returning my book" "i should thank you! You let me borrow it, it was really exciting i have to say" we spoke more through the remainder of class since we had finished and soon i found i had a friend. On our way out we heard the boys, including my brother making fun of her and she took off crying, i slapped both boys around the head before scowling at my brother disapprovingly "what the hell guys?!" I exclaimed making them back up "we were just joking Tia" "THAT WASNT JOKING THAT WAS BEING RUDE! HARRY POTTER YOU WILL APOLOGISE TO HER WHEN YOU SEE HER AGAIN OR SO HELP ME I WILL SHOVE YOUR WAND AND HIS WAND UP YOUR ASSES!" i huffed heavily with a sharp gaze on the quivering pair before smiling sweetly "are we clear?~" they gulped before nodding fiercely "good boys", as i turned i could see thw stunned faces of some slytherin students and other gryffindors as i skipped away "harry... your sisters terrifying" was the last thing i heard as i turned a corner to the girls bathroom. "Mione? Its Celestia...are you okay?" Her soft sobs broke my heart, i pressed my back to the cubical door till i noticed something strange, the floor felt like it was vibrating. 'What the...?' Thats when i seen it....a hand wrapping around the door frame "Mione...dont...move" my voice quivered in fear of the creature that rounded the corner, her sobbin seemed to hault as she heard from behind the cubical walls. I slowly stood to my feet and moved cautiously only for the creature to backhand me into some of the sinks, both me and hermione let out a scream of fear and pain. My arm throbbed and pounded with agonising pain as i felt my arm snap, i clutched it to myself as my head spun, i let out a scream as it drew closer to the hiding girl and something truely amazing happened, a large gust of wind propeled the creature back, only then did the boys run in but my consciousness faded to black all too soon. I awoke to someone shaking me fiercely while calling my name "Celestia! Can you hear me?!" I weakly opened my eyes to see hermione with a seriously worried mcgonagal hurrying over "miss potter!" She gasped as she seen the state of my crumpled body "im...sorry Mione" "she came here to comfort me miss...thats when the troll came here...she told me not to move" i could hear the tears forming in her voice "it...hit me into the sinks...sorry professor" "nonesense child! Dont worry about the sinks...Someone notify madam pomfred!" I was lifted into someones arms and carried to the medicle wing, we had almost reached the wing when a familiar voice reached my ears "what happened to potter?" Malfoy. I only now realised it was an older slytherin that was carrying me, i never did find out his name but i was thankful he carried me there "troll seems to have done a number in her" was all he said as he hurried past him to the wong where i was treated. My arm mended in a snap and my spinning head stopped with a quick spell, while spending my time there i asked for my book and began to fill it in with various stories from my childhood, by the time i fell asleep it was very dark outside, the next morning i awoke and went back to class much to miss pomfreds dislike. However the bruise from the troll remained, i had made it in time to flying, "ah miss potter, please wait with the others, ill be back soon" madam hooch said as she walked off with a student 'Nevin?' I offered him a warm smile which he nervously returned. After she left i slowly made my way towards the group, but before i could get close enough my brother and draco flew into the air. "Those idiots..." "oi mudblood" i turned to see one of dracos minions bugging hermione, they had somehow snagged her wand. I gasped as they threw it to draco who began to mess with it "give me that" i snatched a broom from some girl called pansy i believe, i mounted before floating up behind him "oi ferret give the lasy back her wand" "hello look uglier than usual" "nice of you to notice now give me that wand" "hmmm....nah... catch" i voomed off on his broom leaving me to chase after him, i watched in horror as he pulled his arm back to throw the wand, i pulled my body tighter to the brooms shaft and laid nearly straight in hopes to speed up. The wamd left his hand and flew towards a window, i shot past the blonde nearly knocking him from the broom, i pulled my body in tighter till i felt as if i couldnt anymore. I reached forward and clutched the wand in my hand before pulling up before i could smash through the window, i zoomed back to the class and landed the same time as my brother. "Mione your wand" i handed it to her only to be glomped, "mister and miss potter...a word if you please" mcgonagal called from behind us 'oh boy....'

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