part 1

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This is dedicated to Goodgirl_Quinnxo

I could hear them again...belittling my brother but at least he  an walk around down there, sure hes like cinderella but up here im no more than a prisoner. I had a small window that i could bearly see out of, the place was covered in dust making it hard to breath and i had nothing to entertain me except a book or two. I found refuge in helped me escape from this dull miserable life, "Tia? Can you hear me?" Harry's asked from the other side of my door "im here Haz" it was always like this....both locked away with a door between us, he'd sneak food up to me sonce they usually forgot i was here "...i brought you this..." he slipped the sandwich under the door making me smile "thank least you never forget me" i lightheartedly giggled, i loved my brother even though i loathed him too "i never would sis....i miss you" "i miss you too.........Harry?" "Mh?" "Do you think well ever leave here?" "Maybe one day we will....Uncle Vernon said were leaving the house today....something weird happened with the mail" "something...weird?" "Yeah, letters for both of us were flying through the letter box, the fire place, everywhere" i could only let images fill my mind as i tried to picture the magnificent sight "it sounds magical..." "Harry! Where are you?!" We both jumped at put uncles shouts before saying our goodbyes and parting ways.

I played with the hem of my blue dress until i heard the door unlocking, i stuffed the sandwich harry made me under the excuse of a bed i had (which was just a blanket ontop of a rug), "pack your things....were leaving" i stood up ready to go. Uncle Vernon gave me a puzzeled look before realisation washed over him "...thats dont have anything to bring....very well get in the car" i gave a curt nod and took one last look at the box sized loft before exiting the house. I grabbed my brother and hugged him tight finally able to see he again after so long, we held hands as we sat next to eachother in the car, i didnt want to be seperated from my brother again. Once we reached the place we were sent to bed since it was so late, i laid on the cold floor next to the door 'at least they gave me a blanket this time' i rolled onto my tummy and slowly crawled over to my brother to see him drawing a cake on the floor, "harry?" He looked up at my gentle call but smiled "there might not have been anything for me to bring but..." i searched the hidden pocket in my dress and fished out a small bracelet i made before handing him the gift "happy birthday Harry/Celestia..."  we blew out the candles only for the door to bang open startling us all. 

"Sorry about that" a giant hairy man said, he reminded me of a dark haired santa claus, i cautiously and curiously walked towards him as my uncle had cross words with him for breaking the door from its hinges, my brother tugged at my arm nervously only for me to tug him forward "excuse us sir but...Who are you?" My smaller than normal frame was confident in approaching his much larger one. "Hm? Well ill be...Celestia and Harry Potter, i havent seen you since you were babys! Names Hagrid" i raised a hand out to shake his, mine instantly engulfed in the large hand "pleasure to meet you sir!" I chirped "Celestia! What do you think your doing!" My aunt reprimanded me as i warmly welcomed the man "before i forget....happy birthday you two" the giant man held out a box, after opening it we found a pink cake with green writting, our eyes widened at the fact we received a birthday actual birthday cake. I quickly dashed to the man and glomped him "thank you..." he gently placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly, i tuned everything else around me out as i hugged the man except for one thing "yer wizards" "i-im a what?" My brother asked stunned, i turned to see my cousin with the features of a pig " strangely suits dudley...." i muttered making the man chuckle "your parents were wizards, and darn tootin good ones too" 'im a witch?'.

No sooner had we found out what we were did we find ourselfs swept off to diagon ally, we recieved our inheritance from gringots bank and soon we were off. "You two go sort out your wands at olivander's i...i need to do something" and with that Hagrid was off, we walked into the serene shop, i couldnt help but to marvel at the wands that lined the shelves and the smell of old paper set my heart at ease. I had dozed into my own world untill a blustery wind threatened to lift the skirt of my dress making me yelp, "dont think ive forgotten about you little one" the wise old voice of the wand man called making me look to him. His warm face reminding me of a grandfather, "now lets see...try...this one" it was a white wand with only a small ring carved around it, i gave it a small flick only for a ball of sparks to fly off the tip and bounce around, "absolutely not!" I turned to see my brother ducked under a table shaking as he clutched the leg, i couldnt help but laugh hard and clutch my stomach, "not.funny.Tia" he shakily said through gritted teeth with a playful glare "try this one" next was a medium brown wand with a little swirl pattern etched into it.

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