part 3

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(Trigger warning)

Turns out we became part of the quiddich teams, i couldnt explain how proud i felt of my brother. I cheered for him and smiled brightly with pride, i walked quickly to the common room retrieving my craft stuff to make him something as a congradulations. I researched a spell to help and sure enough i found one, i confidently casted the spell and gazed wonderstruck as the metals twined together and formed a ring, it was simple and had a small red stone on it that glowed softly when rubbed. I quickly hurried back to the hall where my brother was and walked to him "congrats haz!" I cheered as i handed him the ring, he placed it on his forefinger and gave me a hug "your always making me things" he chuckled making me beam at him. "You better get to your table before you get in trouble" i gave a nod but secretly i was hurt a little, i seen the looks he was recieving from his fellow housemates, 'he doesn't want to be persecuted because im there.... he is-' i shook my head as i sat at my table. I was so lost in my pwn thoughts i never see the little posse of girls around me, however i did notice one lift her hand while holding a mouse and put it down my top making me shudder but not freak out like they wanted me to, all i did was reach in and grab the small mouse carefully and lifted it to the table infront of me, i didnt see a pair of stormy grey eyes watching with intrest and hidden from down the table....but i did see the faces of the pug faced girl and her posse begin to belittle me infront of the table, their laughter stabbing me at the heart but i forced a laugh and smiled along all the same to show them i was stronger than what i was. Then suddenly one threw a goblet on my face while another two held me in place, the goblet smacked into my mouth splitting my lip, the table errupted in laughter but still no one came to even help me, i caught my brother and his friends watching from their house table but they only turned away and resumed celebrating. I smiled with tear filled eyes as blood poured from my split lip stunning the girls before standing while i had the chance and gracefully leaving the table to the common room, it was empty thankfully and i took the time to explore till i found a place no bigger than the loft at home that was hidden behind a bookcase. I crawled through the hole into the room that was lined with books and other things, due to the various book cases the room was the same size as my room at my uncles and aunts house however it had a large window, i dashed to my dorm room and snatched my belongings and placed them in the place i would now call my room, replacing the bookcase i used the bedding from my old dorm to make a makeshift bed, looking into a small mirror i bought i could see the damage on my face, i quickly stemmed the bleeding as best i could and took a sewing kit from my bag seeing i would need to treat it myself. Tears finally fell as i unleashed all my pent in emotions, i hadnt turned to the idea for years but....i needed to release, i took the small razor from my bag and for the first time in my life...i made the first cut across my arm. The pain in my heart melted away to my arm, i sighed in pained relief, i needed more so i cut more. Once my arm was painted red i cleaned it off and wrapped it up. i read through the various old books finding spells from beginners to master level, i began to study harder than i ever had before, i was going the be the best witch i could be and i was going to help others from feeling this. By the next morning i had read through half a large bookshelf, feeling slightly weaker than usual i noticed the bandages had began to leak, redressing my wounds i got ready for the day ahead, dragging myself out of my cubby hole i was thankful no one was up yet. As i went to make my way out the door i heard that familiar voice call out to me "potter.....wait." turning the the blonde boy i stood proudly before him curiously "what is it malfoy...? i have places to go..." " your mouth okay?" He didnt meet my gaze as i looked at him puzzled "why do you care? I thought you were going to make my life hell?" "I am your buddy.....if you fail i fail and i dont wanna get in trouble with my father you know?" " dont..... dont worry i wont drag you down.." i replied coldly before turning my back on him and leaving, 'thats all i am.... baggage'. I laid peacefully by the fire till late only to be called to mcgonagal's office "ah miss potter, im afraid due to your buddys incompetence youll be required to suffer the same punishment as him" "Harry! Your sisters malfoys buddy?!" I turned to see a stunned trio now looking at me judgingly, i let a heavy sigh before nodding to the professor and donning a cloak around my now regular clothes, a brown skirt, sneakers, a pair of white knee length socks and a black and white ragan top, once i was covered i stood between malfoy and my brother being sent into the dark forest "why didnt you tell me Tia?" My brother whispered harshly, "when do i get to see you to tell you Harry?" "I thought you two always seen each other"malfoy grumble while holding up the lantern "we dont and thats fine.... its good to see you happy haz" "looks like you have too...i expected better from you Celestia" i stayed silent but carried on walking till we came across something terrifying... a creature feasting on a unicorn "hey! What do you think your doing! Get away from him!" I screamed as my eyes widened in horror, picking up a rock i hurled it at the figure as it looked up, the rock came into contact with his shoulder making him yelp out in pain "what do you think your doing Tia/potter?!" The boys scoulded me only for draco to run off screaming as it advanced towards us. The creature touched my arm sending severe pain shooting through me and into my eye, memorys flowing into my mind as my conciousness left. I awoke a while later to find my arms wrapped around malfoys and hermiones shoulders as they helped me back while arguing on that way, "where...harry?" I croaked out horsely "he....he told us to help you back Tia" "I'm sorry Mione...sorry Malfoy" the pair seemed to freeze for a moment before looking down to me, "i got her from here.....filthy mudblood" "ferret.... be nice" ".....granger" all my weight leaned onto the blonde as he helped me back to the common room where he dumped me on the chair before quickly dashing away. Time soon flew by and still no one noticed me missing every night from my bed, Mione was the only person to speak to me but that was still scarcely because of the house thing, i spent all my time practicing spells, memorising them, fonding new ones, making my own and even worked on my own style too. I had already casted a spell on my own ears to understand and speak to animals, my owl midnight was always so kind always checking if i was okay, to stop cutting but she didnt understand since she was well liked amoung her friends, Dracos owl however was every bit as snooty as he was. In that blur of time it was soon Christmas and you guessed it...i spent it in my room. Alone. Feeling the need to stretch my legs i crawled from my cubby hole and walked around the common room, all the slytherins had gone to their parents for the festive season except for me. "Miss potter there you are, would you mind awefully telling me where you have been sleeping this past term" his voice was unmistakable "im sorry professor snape....i...erm...i-i" i sighed heavily, "ill show you sir...." i lead him to the cubby hole where i crawled through to the other side, he followed after i went through and looked around "and why may i ask...have you been sleeping here...when you should be sleeping in your assigned bed?" I refused to meet his gaze, until a thought seemed to strike him, "miss potter...are you being bullied?" I still didnt answer nor look up at the stern teacher i had grown attached to. With a heavy sigh he seemed to have noticed my books, "have you been studying these...?" I nodded slowly  "and you can understand them? Follow the directions simply?" I nodded again "interesting.....i suppose...i could let you stay here......" my head shot up to look at snapes cold black eyes "you look just like your mother.." hope filled me as i felt happier to know that, "thank you professor!" I cried out happily as tears filled the corners of my eyes, he let a rare small smile slip before returning to his cold expression, "however it seems to be a bit....small" "im use to a place this size sir dont worry" i smiled brightly only to see him shake his head "it isnt acceptable to live in such a small place...allow me.....Capacious extremis" with the incantation of the charm plus the motion of his wand my room expanded to a larger size, a bathroom now attached allowing me to not need to be around the others for too long and gain more sleep. "Thank you so much professor...i dont think i could ever thank you enough but...thank you" with a small nod he fluttered out of the room with a swish of his cloak, i made a ring for him using the same spell as the one i made for harry only with a black stone i stead, i hurried after him and placed it into his hand wishing him a merry christmas before i ran back to the comforts of my room, the same thing happened day in and day out eat sleep practice cut repeat. Until i one day found Midnight clutching a letter in her beak, she said an owl from the owl coup gave it to her for me. After opening it couldnt help but admire the hand writting.
'Dear Celestia,
I hope your not too lonely in this time of year, i understand your brother is there with you but i can guess you both must feel lonely this time of year. I noticed you never went to bed in the dorms, and your never around when i wake up, i seen what happened the other day at the table but due to circumstances i couldnt do anything to sorry....

I was curious to know who D.L.M was, whoever it was seemed nice enough, i quickly wrote a reply happy i wasnt completely forgotten at Christmas.
'Dear D.M.L,
Thank you for keeping me in mind during this time, i understand your seems my brother is in the same one as you... I'm afraid i dont fit in here but thats okay, as for why im no longer in my dorm its because im sleeping elsewhere. Thank you for remembering me during this time, i hope we can speak again soon,

I handed the small letter to Midnight and she was off "thank you midnight....hurry back" i rose from my seat and walked to a place i knew no one would be at this time, the great hall, upon entering i found i was right, only the ghosts occupied it and thankfully i got along well with them. "Ah little celestia, have you come to use the hall again?" "Yes nick, would you guy like to listen again?" He gave a nod and the others seated themselves at a table, i stepped onto the wooden surface and took a deep breath before enchanting the room to play a gentle tune and my throat to amplify my voice a little, and so i began my song and dance,

'Two am, where do I begin
Crying off my face again
The silent sound of loneliness
Wants to follow me to bed
I'm a ghost of a girl
That I want to be most
I'm the shell of a girl
That I used to know well
Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again
Too afraid, to go inside
For the pain of one more loveless night
For the loneliness will stay with me
And hold me till I fall asleep
I'm a ghost of a girl
That I want to be most
I'm the shell of a girl
That I used to know well
Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again
Broken pieces of
A barely breathing story
Where there once was love
Now there's only me
And the lonely
Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again'

At the end of the music silence filled the room, the ghosts surrounding me and comforted me, the door suddenly opened reveiling a very tearful professor mcgonagal, luckily i had hid in a small space near the hufflepuff table that Helga had shown me. "Heavens....that.....that was..... such loneliness with such a lovely voice. You. Who was it singing just now" the ghosts all shrugged from what i could see and soon she left, i bent my way out of the space feeling my wounds opening again 'idiot'.

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