Everyone forgot about Celestia Potter, she was always in the shadow of her twin brother and that meant at their uncles house too, Harry was forced to live in a cupboard under the stairs while Celestia was left in the loft. Will that change when they...
After my stay at the Malfoys i found out that Dumbledor hadnt found a place yet but had instead arranged for Draco to stay with me in my private little room, i was shocked to know he knew but shrugged it off, i had been sent away after a week with the Malfoys before being summoned to the school to get thing set up, it took me a long while and soon the holidays were nearly over....i looked so different, however there was a problem with harry and i found myself searching for him. Upon arriving outside a familiar playground i finally found him infront of a bus, i dashed over and recieved a ticket from the man, "Tia..." he breathed as he locked eyes on me "hello again Haz" it was awkward but he soon broke it "im sorry about what i said...hermione explained things and i realised i was-" "i forgive you" "but-" "harry shut up and listen....your my brother....if theres anything ive learnt while i was away its that even if you say something hurtful like that your still my brother and ill always love you and forgive you" his mouth hung open as i told him what i felt in my heart, all too soon we made it to the leaky cauldron where we were met by ron and hermionie. Harry had been taken off by someone about an 'incident' leaving us alone, the twins wrapped their arms around my shoulders and draped over me playfully "soooo Celestia what is the first thing you want to do at hogwarts?" Thoughts swirled in my head till i thought of something "theres this thing muggle borns are doing at the moment, its related to a muggle film called toy story where you shout "Andys coming!" And everyone drops to the floor and doesnt move" "right sounds good but itll look weird everyone doing it" "who said its everyone? Only the muggleborns and those who live in the muggle world plus you two will know" they grinned micheviously "so when the purebloods see all of us drop-" "they'll feel freaked out" "exactly" we high fived and told hermione of the plan before notifying the others by letter. I had no idea things flew by so fast and i found myself on the familiar train, a man slept in the corner making me worried for him before we sat with him, i tuned everything out as i let sleep take me but before i could the train haulted making me lurch forwards, it was cold...icey to the point frost coated the window and line around Ron's hand, it seemed to geow colder and colder by the second till i seen a silhouette of a creature, the frost grew as it floated past the window sending unpleasant chills down my spine, its boney hand slid open the door before it looked around for someone, its focus landed on harry before it began to suck a strange mist from him, i moved infront of him, some mist getting around me till the focus of the creature was drawn to me, it seemed to study my face before it breathed in as if sniffing me. It outstretched its hand to touch me before it was suddly repelled by the once sleeping man, i clutched Harrys unconcious form to myself as i began to panic, the man stared at me curiously before introducing himself "professor Lupin, ill be the new dark arts teacher" i shook his had but never said my name too distressed by my brothers loss of conciousness, "thats Celestia and Harry...." "he'll come round soon dont worry" a small bark sounded from the growing pup, his wings nkw spanned the same as a ravens and his body was by far bigger too, "extraordinary....its an Aralezs, a rare beast indeed" "thats Axel...my familiar" "you tamed him?" I nodded cautiously before Axel padded his way over to the stranger, the man knelt down and stroked his fur "sorry sir but you seem familiar to me...why is that?" "What do you mean?" "Your scent....it smells familiar....wolfsbane i remember smelling it before" his eyes widened almost the size of sourcers before he smiled warmly, he was about to tell me something when harry began to awaken from his unconcious state. He was handed chocolate and told to eat it before he asked us if someone had screamed.... none of us had. 'It would be amazing to learn how to become an animagas..' i thought as i tried to picture all the mischeif i could get up to. Something felt...different, i exited the cabin to find the twins whispering to one another...i snuck up behind them and pounced onto their backs "BOO!" they let out a girlish scream each making me cackle with a laughing fit, "Oh! Oh that was priceless!" I gasped between laughs, "well get you back for that later potter" they chuckled befee lifting me and throwing me back into my cabin where they held me down and tickled me mercilessly until i escape and dashed down the train away from their evil tickling fingers "hello are you new here?" A somewhat unfamiliar voice asked from behind me "sorry to disappoint but no" "potter? Is that you?.....damn" the boys eyes scanned over me, his lip tugging upwards "...do i know you?" "Adrian....Adrian Pucey" he caught my hand and placed a small kiss on the back of it "pleasure to meet you but im afraid i must be going" "oh will i see you around the common room sometime?" "Of course" i smiled as i walked away from him and made my way back. I was half way through the carriages till i heard giggling, i glanced over in passing till i had to back track as my eyes landed on the four people inside, "oh draco you are funny~" pansy was draped over him, my stomach churned as i watched my only friend in Slytherin joke and have fun with the very girl that made my life hell "she even cooled the whole family a meal like some house elf mind you it wouldnt be hard to confuse her for one!" The cabin errupted with laughter as i realised he was making fun of me..... he lied.... he was using me... he didnt care at all.... his eyes locked with mine and the smile shrunk from his face as he seen me, tears built up as i only shook my head, smiled, and ran away. Soon we made it back to Hogwarts and we were settled in, "Potter...Potter!" The blondes voice capped behind me only for me to speed up "freak! Hes talking to you!" A warm and strong arm wrapped around my waist before pulling me into a firm chest "is there a problem Malfoy?" It was Adrian "nothing that concerns you Pucey.... when did you two get so chummy?" "A few hours ago actually, shes beautiful right?" Draco's attention snapped to me before his eyes widened as he took in my appearance "what do you want....Malfoy" he frowned at the use of his last name "im meant to be staying with you for the buddy thing" "stay in your dorm or else where...i could care less now if youll excuse me i have other things to do....thank you Adrian" i excused myself from their presence but could still hear their harsh words "that little bitc-" "stop it pansy..." "why should she Adrian? Got a crush on the troll?" Draco's cold voice cut him off shooting through my heart... thats when i locked myself away in my room, no one could find it save for the teachers...i was away from them all. I practiced my animagas spells but nothing worked, i frowned and began to research till i found something.... i needed a mandrake leaf. I made my way from my room ignoring the urge to cut and made my way towards the gryffindors common room, i waited for neville longbottom and sure enough he popped out "Neville! Hold up!" He shook as he realised i was slytherin but froze all the same "w-what is it?" "Relax im nice" he was cautious and didnt make a move to trust me but i continued "do you know where i can get a mandrake leaf?" "Why do you want that?" "Im working on a potion that requires it and am hoping to put the effects to good use" he shifted around and shook his head "oh....okay thank you anyway Neville!" I beamed making a blush radiate over his cheeks, as i began to skip away he called out to me "W-wait! If you go to the herbology class the teacher should give you one" i smiped brightly and hugged him before bouncing excitedly "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOOOOOOU!!!! Your the best Nev!" I dashed off with a spring in my step and recieved one, i began the process of keeping the leaf in my mouth and found my old retainers and popped them in with the leaf attached. I hid the retainers with a simple spell and proceeded to go about my day, i found myself teaching Axel how to fly again in the common room and this time he was able to do it! For 5 mins sure but he still did it! I couldnt help but celebrate happily and found myself smiling for real. "It suits you when you smile" i whipped around to find Adrian, i held Axel close and stopped smiling while i looked down, "oh come on i wont bite.... hes a little cutie, hello boy whats your name?" He cooed to Axel as he calmly approached us "your on the team right?" "Was....Draco took my position so now im a beater" he frowned before guiding me out of the common room gently by the small of my back, the stormy grey eyes of a certain prince glaring at us as we left before he growled. Myself and Adrian strolled along the halls to the great hall in time for dinner, the twins locking eyes with me and a smirk forming on our lips, George placed a voice enhancing spell on his voice as he called "ANDYS COMING!" No sooner did he say it, all the muggleborns and muggle living students dropped to the floor like toys, myself included. The purebloods and teachers only started at all of us before freaking out about what might have happened save for the head master himself who only laughed loudly at the commotion, however one reation i didnt expect was Dracos. I had a clear view of him and once i 'collapsed' his face warped into a very distraught one filled with panic and shock, however it quickly dissappeared when Pansy screamed so he pulled her into him. My heart hurt for some reason....and I think Adrian could see "it hurts doesnt it?" His voice sounded to me as he helped me from my position on the floor "yeah but... why?" "I cant say since you'll have to figure that out yourself... but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on im right here... and if he hurts you ill hex him" i laughed at his attempt to comfort me which makes him in turn smile too. "Come on miss 'im going to terrify Adrian' lets eat...im starving" he lead me to my original seat and sat next to me and we filled our time with jokes and fond memories....not that i had any now that i realised Draco was using me as some form of sick joke. Dinner was soon over and we were sent to our rooms, however apparently one issue had arose for a certain blonde and i soon found myself faced with Snape "Miss Potter i understand that you didnt tell mr malfoy how to find here?" "Thats correct sir because i dont appreciate over hearing him compare me to a house elf for my weirdness simce i cooked for his family...i have no qualms abot saying it infront of his face since i know its the truth sir" "is that so Mr. Malfoy?" He didnt answer and instead just looked down "ill allow him to stay on one condition" "and that is?" "He mustn't tell anyone of this rooms location or how to get in here" "im sure he can manage at least that... right... Malfoy?" Snapes gaze was enough to assure him it would be unwise before he took his leave, it was awkward to say the least "....your bed and stuff is over there... bathrooms there and lets just not bother one another okay? Good, good night" i began briskly walking to my side "Celestia I-" "just...........dont.... it was all a lie... you dont want to be my friend.... you want me to be your fool. Im anything but a fool Malfoy" my eyes burned with tears as i looked to him, my heart breaking with every word till i found myself in the bathroom casting that familiar cutting spell with tears flooding down my cheeks as the realisation nearly drowned me.
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