part 6

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Things had taken a turn for the worsut at hogwarts...just as Malfoy said. I now cautiously carried various reflective things in my bag now as he told me, 'how did he know?' The question haunted my mind but any time i tried to question him i was avoided completely, it hurt to think he was avoiding me on purpose but why? Harry i understand but Malfoy? Sure we said we were friends but... were we even that? I rushed out of class to the courtyard where i set Axel down "come on Ax! Todays the day i can feel it! You can do it" he went down on his front legs and began to flutter his wings desperatly, a little dust irritated his nose till he sneezed cutely with a small yip, I giggled but we kept on trying and trying till it was nearly time for dinner. "Come on, ill get you some chicken tonight sound good?" He yipped cutely still unable to bark properly, he ran into my opem arms and nested into me, on my way i was suddenly tugged aside "we need to me at the courtyard tonight" "you have a serious thing for tugging people dont you Malfoy?" He huffed impatiently but i nodded in agreement all the same, later that night i snuck into the courtyard but something felt off, the ground was wet? "Potter" his voice drew me to the hallway that was near the bathrooms, trotting over i seen him and greeted him "what do you want Malfoy?" "I want you to tell me about you...the real you" i was stunned but sat next to him either way, Axel jumped from my lap onto his making us smile warmly "well.... i was always a simple girl....alone in the world since i was....nevermind" "since you was what?" "I take it you know of how my bother was living in a cupboard under the stairs?" "Well yes" "i was locked in a room a little smaller with one window, a blanket, a rug, a pillow and a stack of books... fairytales" he sat silently listening "i found escape in books and submerged myself in them, most of the time they would forget i was there so they would forget to feed me save for Harry.... he would always push something under the door to me. There im essentially a prisoners have more space." "What fairytale was your favourite?" "I have two...the first is called Peter pan and the second is called Repunzel" "what are they about?" "Well Peter Pans about-" we were cut off by a strange noise and it was closing in. We stood only for Malfoy to cower back in fear, my instincts over took me and i threw myself in front of him, "Pott-" "shut up..... if anythin happens take care of Axel okay....and dont look" i could hear Axel wimpering and whining softly "i want you to sneak away while i distract it okay?" "But-" "just do it! Im your buddy let me help you!"  He gulped thickly but agreed, it drew closer... the left, "run right and go back to the!" He boosted away drawing the creature closer, i looked at a window using the glass as a mirror and thats when i seen it...the creature from my vision. My blood curdling scream echoed deafeningly throughout all the halls as its gaze locked with mine and i felt myself beginning to freeze 'petri...fied?!' And thats where everything blanked out.

~~~~Draco's P.O.V~~~~

I held Axel to my chest as i ran down the halls away from that beast and... Celestia. I had called her here to tell her i was D.L.M i am running like a cowered and leaving her by-, an ear-splitting screech tore through the halls...her heart about only true friend who could have cared less about my family...who accepted my friendship even afyer everything in first year had been- "Mister Malfoy! What on earth happened?!" The voice of professor snape snapped me from my dazed " that...potters familiar?" His face paled as he clutched my shoulders "where is she Draco?" I looked down the hall i just ran from and hugged Axel tighter, he dashed into the direction leaving me to collect my thoughts alone. I took a few good breaths before i talked myself into going and checking if what mily mind told me was true, shakey steps became a sprint as i dashed to where i had left her alone and how i wished that i had stayed with her...her hands somewhat reached out and her face paused in terror as she gazed into the window...and the worst?


Tears had stained her cheeks and still hung from her chin even now "Potter!" Axel howled sadly in my arms before trying to fly over to her, "what happened here Malfoy?" "I....I came out for some air and she must have followed me...being her buddie... she must have been worried or something i dont know" i played it off as best i could in my state, a few gryffindors arrived...three being the people i doubted wanted to see her like this "CELESTIA!!!" Her brother cried out after noticing her current state, i had to only friend wasnt here now, the common room felt empty without her presence, "i heard that weirdo potter got petrified!" "If only she looked at the damn thing then we wouldnt have to worry about her disgracing the slytherin name" "i feel sorry for Draco....for having to be buddies with her...poor guy" their harsh whispers finally making me realise how hard she had it, i hung my head and clutched the whimpering pup in my arms "Oh! Draco! Hiiiii~" i hated that shrill voice, Pansy "whats that you got there?.... that...potters familiar?" Everyones attention turned to me making me feel uncomfortable "er..." "oh my god why do you have it?" She all but screamed "im her buddie...i have to..." "but its so weird! Just like its owner dont you think?" "...yeah... yeah just like her" it felt wrong to agree with them but i couldnt risk my father finding out...."im really tired so ill just be-" "of course! Sweet dreams~" i walked up the stairs till i came to my room where i waited till everyone was asleep, i snuck down with a sleeping Axel in my arms only "Going somewhere mister malfoy?" Snape again "i....i was going to go to the infirmary to see-" "potter....come with me" i followed the black clad teacher through the halls till we arrived, i looked at him questioningly "im not going to reprimand you this time however...if you wish to see her perhaps you will ask instead of trying to sneak out?" "....thank you professor" i walked into the ward finding the other students who were petrified. That photographer kid, Granger? When did she get here? I shook my head and walked on till i seen her...right at the end away from everyone. I sat next to her and touched her face softly, i placed the winged pup next to her frozen body and finally allowed the events to hit me...our convosation....'how did it end up like this?' "What did you do to deserve this karma?" I murmured as tears fell, i never left her side except for classes and even then i went straight there after they were finished. I was resting next to her bed in a chair with Axel when "Malfoy?" I turned to see Granger "....tell no one..." i muttered as i closed the seperating curtain so the others couldnt see me, she was taking longer to wake up than the others. Granger walked in and stood just watching "what is it?!" "W-well i wanted to see her" "why? So you all can forget her again later? you came to see why im here" she didnt reply which gave me my unwanted answer, with a deep sigh i told her the truth "i see potter as a friend...not just as my buddie but-" "with your reputation in the school you cant risk exposing your friendship...ami i right?" She concluded leaving me to nod solemnly. Potter began to wake and so Granger left us alone, "M-Malfoy?" Axel instantly bounced on top of her happily making us both laugh "Nice to see you finally moving again Potter...  who knew you were so lazy" i joked "well i need my beauty sleep dont you know...gotta keep all this.....weirdness lookin fresh" it was good to hear her back to normal and speaking...i missed her voice, "ah good your both here" Dumbledor entered the make shift cubicle and smiled warmly "i must inform you both that there is a certain arrangement that buddies must take part in over the duration of school break... you must spend time at one anothers house and try to further understand one another and deepen your bond in hopes to help one another through the school years to come" i almost died on the spot.... My friend, Celestia Potter....was going to have to meet my parent....who generally dislike potters...great. "however i understand that Miss Potter is unable to bring you to her home Mr Malfoy so i will be arranging something else for your time with her hospitality of muggle customs" i flinched since i honestly didnt want to but agreed none the less "now miss Evans...i take it this will be okay with you?"  'Miss evans?' Dumbledor gave us a wink and was off. "Well...erm.....i guess your staying at my house?" She smiled widely making her face light up before it fell and she began to stare at her wrists leaving me puzzeled but i shook it off "better get packed okay?" "..okay thank you Malfoy" "anytime Evans" she knew how my parents felt and hopefully she caught on.

~~~~Celestia's P.O.V~~~~

I packed my bag happily but also nervously....was it really okay? I knew how his parents felt since we spoke about it before but...what about my brother? Quickly i left my room and rushed towards the grand hall where i found him sitting with his two best friends "H-Harry?" He turned to me before smiling and absorbing me in a hug "Tia! Im so glad your okay!.... what is it?" I looked down sadly and began to exolain to him my situation "...and so i cant go back to-" "so you mean to tell ne that instead of coming back home with me your twin brother.... you choosing to go with Malfoy? Why did you choose to be buddies with him hes-" "i didnt choose...." ".....i dont believe you... you've changed since you became a slytherin! Its like your not my sister anymore!" Tears filled my eyes at his painful words but i smiled all the same "easy there Harry-" "bit harsh there arent you mate?" The troublesome twosome walked up beside us shaking their heads at harry "say Tia hows about next term-" "we get together and hang out?" ""We dont mind being seen with a seem fun" I nodded gladly before taking ine last look at my brothers cold gaze and leaving. I grabbed my bag, dried my tears and looked around a final time, Axels soft whines from my head made me smile reassuringly at him before leaving till next term, "got everything?" The plantinumette asked while waiting at the entrance of the common room "Yep" "off we go then...", the train ride was uneventful, just filled with us avoiding other Slytherins until finally we arrived. Stepping onto the platform we were greeted by who i assume was Malfoys mother "Draco how was your year?" She seemed strict but also kind like any mother "hello mother..." "and whos this?" "This is Celestia Evans.... we've been Buddied together" her face broke into a warm smile and she extended her hand to me "hello mrs. Malfoy, pleasure to meet you" 'lets just hope his dad likes me.....sheesh...'

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