part 9

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It felt very quiet the next moring... Malfoy didnt dare look at me as i prepared breakfast for us both and showed him some things muggles had.... such as a ball point pen, i glanced at the time, grabbed my books and bag along with placing Axel on my head before leaving him to gather his own things. After he snuck out of the hole i sealed it and disguised it, "tell anyone and ill hex you so much your kids will feel it Malfoy i mean it." The frost on my voice had him gulping at the possible hexs i could cast on him, he had spent half the nught marveling at all the spell casting books that line my shelves along with many others. I held the strange book and stroked the spine of it till it began to purr "will you be good now? No biting?" My book gave a small grumbled of acknowledgement before flipping open to the page i needed. "Thank you" "potters talking to her books again" pansys voice mocked from behind me " least i know how to open it" she paused as she realised she couldnt before growling in frustration "open damn it!" "Whoa! Parkison! Chill look ill help you okay?" "Whats the catch?" "No catch i promise" she eyed me suspiciously 'theres a lot of suspicious kids in this school geez' "....fine" i walked over and spoke to the book "its okay Pansys nice, shes just a little stressed at the moment okay? Pansy why dont you rub the spine?" She ony wat hed intently before doing as i said, the book purred softly making her smile "can you flip to the page we need please?" The book happily flipped to the page and i walked off, like i promised i wanted nothing in return. Hagrid had brought a hippogriff! A beautiful grey array of feathers covered its strong form " buckbeak, a hippogriff" i was entranced by the magnificent creature and found myself lost in a trance. Harry however was chosen to ride him making me slightly disheartened but i was happy for him,  "now who was it i heard wanted to be a Magizoologist?" My hand shot up without a second thought, Hagrid sniled excitedly having found a student who love magical creatures enough to want to work with them. "Well them i got a special treat for you but ill show you it later okay?" I grinned broadly in excitement as Harry landed riding the beautiful creature "well done harry!" Everyone cheered save fore Malfoy who of course had to prove something "Malfoy! NO Look out!" But it was too late, he spooked the creature enough for it to reel back, my body acted in its own accord and shoved him away from the full blow "Easy buckbeak! Shhhhhhhhh shshshshhhhh look! Look at me...its okay" i shushed the creature as it lashed about before soothingly cupping its face "i got you....look into my eyes....see? Its okay..... he cant hurt you~" it soon calmed and lovingly rested against my forehead, "ill get you....and that bloody chicken too" malfoy groaned as Hagrid carried him to madam pomfred, i continued to stroke and sooth the animal even after class disbanded but soon Hagrid had to take him away, i stormed through the school furiously till i found him sitting at the grand hall table telling his little posse about the graze he got on his arm, i calmly walked up to him as i concealed the anger bubbling away inside "Malfoy...." "what is it potter?" In the blink of an eye and before you could say shizsprinkles, my right fist collided with the blonde sending him spiralling and sprawled out on the floor "how dare you terrify that poor creature with your idiotic, stubborn and self centred ego of yours! How could you do that to him after you were clearly told not to?! What the hell where you trying to prove Malfoy?!" The three surrounding him had backed away slowly seeing i was in no fit state to be passive "Tia-" "CAN IT HARRY IVE HAD E-FUCKING-NOUGH OF THIS ASSLAMP DOING WHAT THE FUCK HE WANTS LIKE SOME PRINCELY FUCKING DILDO! ID CALL HIM A DICK BUT FRANKLY HES TOO FUCKING PLASTIC TO BE ONE!" my once mild shouting voice became screams as i stood over the boy who now clutched a bleeding lip. "You'll regret this potter..." "like i regret meeting you?...ill never regret it as much.... i thought you were decent, i thought you were an understanding young man... but now i see....your nothing but a coward and a lier..." his eyes widened as he seen tears fill my eyes and spill down my cheeks, my snarling features leaving him stunned much like the rest of the hall as i turned and left. Adrian soon ran after me and hugged me tightly to his chest while tracing soothing circles onto my back calmly "shhhhhhh its okay Celestia.... breath" my sobs wracked threw my body painfully as everything finally came crashing down ontop of me....every feeling i had felt consumed me, Adrian held me while i cried myself dry "what do you want Malfoy?" He hissed protectively "i.......Celest-" "dont say her name!" "Fine......Potter...I.... i wanted to...say im-" "im tired of sorry... im sick of it cause it means nothing ..... i told you everything Malfoy.... i dont know what more your  hoping for ... you all finally did what you set out to do, youve demolished the very last bit of myself that i held onto, you....All of you have made me what i am before you.... so for that i thank not a weak girl anymore......thank you Adrian again" i turned to the party behind me finding the golden trio, Draco and his little posse and professor Lupin. "Now if you'll all excuse me, i have some matters to attend to" with dead eyes i walked away with my head held high, all the way back to my room where Axel laid on my chest and licked away my tears "Celestia?....may i come in?" A voice called from the doorway, looking i found the mysterious and timid teacher Lupin "i over heard what happened earlier....your a very strong girl to have pit up with this all so long" "thank you sir..." "...nice little place you have here...not one for people?" "No...i like to keep to myself but it gets..." "lonely? I was just like you when i was your age but i had my reasons too...." i didnt say anything but stayed silent, he continued to talk to me though about everything and anything until he needed the bathroom, i told him where it was and he left, however i heard noise outside my room, i felt fear pump my heart quicker as i heard pansy's dreadful voice....and thats when i seen them... Dracos little posse all lined up in my doorway. "Oooooooh look the freaks got her own space~" "how did you-" thats when the man himself walked in with wand in hand "told you id get you back potter" he smirked but it fell quickly, as if he only realised what he did. They began to take books from my cases and open them "interesting~ hey crabbe look at this! We got a granger in slytherin~" she taunted "put them down Pansy!" "Hmm....nah" was her only replay before she tore page after page put of the books, other followed suit except for the snake prince himself who only stood in shock and horror of the scene before him. That was when things took a turn for the worse, a book collided with my jaw and i felt a snap before i was pushed down to the ground, pain took over my body as barrages of punches and kicks rained on me, Axel bit into Goyles leg only to be kicked away into a book case, his painful yelp made me cry out for them to stop so i could check th now motionless dog only for the beating to intensify, they spat in me and gave me one final kick to the stomach before leaving as they heard the door opening. Only Draco never left, he stood motionless as he seen the damage he had done, but it was too late for him to take it back now... Lupin pushed against the door finally opening it and seeing myself and Axel on the ground and the room ransacked. "CELESTIA! AXEL!" "" he quickly ran to my dog to find he was unconcious with a broken wing but other than that he was fine. "Malfoy... how long have you been there? Did you do this?!" he bellowed at him only to realise the boy seemingly frozen in shock, a disturbance from outside sounded as snape walked in hastily but like the prince he froze upon seeing my broken form. "Celestia....." he breathed "we need to-" " doesnt hurt..." "dont lie" it was the first words the boy had uttered since he lead his little group there. I glared at him through my cracked glasses "no... your the was lead" i gasped painfully only to see snape glare daggars at the boy "but....that doesnt....matter any...more......."all eyes turned to me in surprise "professor snape.....can....their memories be....removed of this room?" Snape nodded slowly as Lupin hoisted my body into his arms "ill, get to it at once....and you will show me who knows Malfoy" he grabbed the blonde and dragged him away "Celestia! CELESTIA IM SORRY!" He cried out only for it to sound like a distant cry to me as black over took my vision.

~~~~Draco's P.O.V~~~~

'Damn you Celestia could you take that over sized chickens side over mine?! We were friends and friends always agree with one another! She didnt even let me apologise!' I thought angrily as i ran my finger over the split in my lip, "Draco are you alright?!" I nodded to Pansy and smirked 'i know how to get back at you and your stupid privacy!' I knew she was given special treatment...more than likely since she was the girl who lived and probably requested it while looking down her nose at all of us 'why didnt i see it before?!', "i wanna show you guys something...". They followed behind me as i lead them to my destination, i didnt care about the hurt but dead look in her eyes as she left and i didnt care about her words either...i was just i was enraged that she didnt agree with me when everyone else already did, i muttered the spell snape had taught me to allow the entry to be seen and we went in, "Oooooooh look the freaks got her own space~" "how did you-" Celestia began to ask Pamsy but cut herself short as i entered "told you id get you back potter" i smirked but it fell quickly as i seen the fear and betrayal that covered her face, 'what have i done...?' Regret flooded me but it couldnt have gotten anyworse...or so i thought. They began to take books from my cases and open them "interesting~ hey crabbe look at this! We got a granger in slytherin~" the pug face girl taunted "put them down Pansy!" "Hmm....nah" the sound of ripping paper filled my ears snapping my attention back but my body stayed frozen as i could only watch as the people i lead there destroyed everything she held dear. Thats when a book collided with her face.... a gut wrenching snap echoed through the room...pansy knocked her to the ground and initiated the other to start beating her, horror flooded my face as i realised then why she was in a different room to the other, why she was always alone, why she never opened up....and now...because of me... she was closed of again. Axel came out of hiding once he realised she was being attacked and bit into Goyles leg only to be kicked away into a book case, a yelp from the creature made my conciounce weigh even more, she cried out to reach her fallen dog clawing and trying to reachout to him while begging them to stop so she could check him....they never did... the bathroom door began to rattle spooking them enough to give in but not before they spat and kcked her a final time before leaving. My heart heaved as i could only look at the broken and battered girl, i breathed her name as i only focused on her... nothing else around me existed anymore... no sound filled my ears except my own deafening thoughts 'what have i done?...why didnt i see?....she... trusted me....she believed in me.... she helped me and all ive done is hurt her, betray her, broken her, ignored and neglected her?!' Before i knew it Snape was dragging me off and Lupin was holding her in his arms... my stomach churned at the thought of another man holding her, "Celestia! CELESTIA IM SORRY!" I cried out desperatly for her to hear only to wat h as her eyes rolled back and her eyes closed making my heart stop and freeze over like it had those years before her. 'I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry....'

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