part 4

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Once school started again...i was stuck in hell, however there was something good in all of this... i clutched the small dog in my arms. It turned out this wasnt a regular dog the note on the box i recieved him is said he was a *Aralezs, he was white with a pair of small wings protruding from his back, i took him on as my familiar so i could bring him to classes with me without having to cast spells on him, i dont know who gave him to was only a note.... its beautiful galatic looking eyes peered up at me before letting out a cheerful yip. I strolled out to my first class keeping him tucked under my arm as i walked, "Tia! Slow down!....what is that?" I looked over to my brother who seemed to only now acknowledge my existance "its a dog harry...." "i know that...but why do you have one?" "Christmas present" his eyes seemed to widen for a split second as a certain blonde began to walk by "Tia i-i er... go back for christma-" "no... i stayed in my room....bye" i hurried away from my brother unknown to me of the eavesdropping boy, i seated myself down and placed the pup next to me, his wings unfurling and ruffling so cutely I couldnt stop the smile that spread across my lips, the bench i sat in rocked slightly as someone sat next to buddie Malfoy "potter.." he greeted but something seemed different...almost softer about the way he addressed me, "malfoy..." "good christmas?" "Was okay i guess" "you look pale" i turned to face him seeing him looking away from me "dodnt know you watched me so carefully to notice" "i don-" he was cut iff as my puppy trotted over to him and nuzzeled his hand before licking it affectionately "is this little guy yours?" "Yeah he was a christmas present" "....kind cute...what his name?" "I dont know what to call him..." "hmmmm cant have that now potter" the way he said ut wasnt annoyed nor was it in his usual tone, it seemed almost playful? "How about Axel?" "Axel....." the name rolled off my tongue as i watched the small pup nip at Malfoy's hand "keeper of peace?" "Well....were talking civil to one another since hes here so..." i smiled a small bit seeing it was true "i mean its your choice you dont-" "i like it Axel it is" he looked at me stunned for a moment but smirked that little smirk of his. Slowly the class filed in, someways through Axel had climbed up my arm, onto my shoulder, seated himself on the back of my neck, and popped his two little front paws on my head as he rested on there and snoozed. Malfoys stiffled giggles made its way into my ears, i shot him a soft glare making him clear his throat, "...and we actually have a student with their familiar here...miss.. potter?" The teacher...quiril i believe he was called, i walked towards the front of the class with the still sleeping Axel resting on my head, "Miss potter has what we call an Aralezs as her familiar, can anyone tell me what takes place between a familiar and their master?" Sure enough Hermione raised her hand, i shot a smile to her which she returned as she explained "A familiar is a beast of great power that can make a contract with a witch or wizard to help them in their work, they are also said to be seen as gods in some countrys" "correct as always miss Granger, now this Familiar is very powerful indeed, they are said to have the power to heal. A very good attribute to have in a war i must say, however the more powerful the beast the higher the likelihood if the contract requiring something in exchange" Axel began to shift in his sleep so i lifted him off carefully and craddled him in my arms. My eye was paining me terribly but i just rubbed it, hoping to ease the pain even slightly " some cases...the master of the familiar is cursed by the very beast they take as their companion, they will take on their attributes and often not be strong enough to keep thet humanity as they thirst for more and more power" the room filled with chatter, my gaze locking onto Malfoys to see him only watching intently rather than listen to the chatter beside him. "However... this one is too young and will only be able to make contracts once miss potter is in...say... third year? Thank you miss potter" i gave a nod as i returned to my seat glancing at the professor who was....smirking? I grew suspicious of the professor immediately. Soon enough class was over and we were free to return to our rooms, "Tia!" I turned to my brother who hurried after me, "were...going to...find the... philosophers stone.... tonight....can you help us?" I stared at him a moment fighting between myself till i finally caved in "...fine......but you'll owe me" i tied a forget-me-knot into my finger reminding myself to stay put tonight, i hurried back to my room and quickly changed to my regular clothes. I looked at the small bundle of fur in my arms, "you cant get hurt..." i glanced at my wristbands contemplating whether i should or not till voices drew my attention elsewhere. I quietly crawled through the hidden entrance and stood seeing malfoy clutching his head in his hands frustratedly 'i still have time...' i quietly made my way over to him, "penny for your thoughts?" He whipped around at the sound of my voice before relaxing "its only you....going somewhere?" He took in my usual clothes cocking an eyebrow at my out of place wrist bands "im just going to the library then to my room, Axel doesnt like it there so im trying to think of a place to leave him but i cant-" "leave him by himself?" "...yeah" he sat silent for a second before looking the Axel "i can take him for a while if you want?" "You...want to help me?" "....dont push it potter" "...thank you Malfoy" i gave him a small half hug as i passed him the pup before taking my leave. I snuck through the halls till i made it to the 3rd floor
'Tia weve gine in ahead catch up to us'
I groaned as i read the small note hidden in the crevasse of a stone, i snuck pass the door to see a very irritated dog 'ceberus' i noticed a harp in the corner and took a rough guess it liked music, it seemed to notice me but seemed...calmer, i opened my mouth and shakily sung the lullaby i had listened to when i was young. The creature trotted over to me calmly and nuzzeled my face with his own three, i giggled a little as i sang. I laid to the side of the door and drifted to sleep as i dropped down, devils snare awaited me, i breathed and relaxed into its confines, it gently let me down and i continued through the halls. I soon came to a giant chess board and chased after my brother as he left his friends "ill keep him safe... i promise" ron looked at me doubtfully for a moment "how can we trust a slytherin?" His voice was weak but he was okay "...look past my house...look past the colour i have to wear...and get to know me as you have my brother..... i only want to help and bridge the hate to make things peaceful...thats all i want...peace" and with that i left chasing after Harry. Shouts could be heard echoing through the halls as i raced forward hoping to reach him, i reached it in time to see a man that caused pain to shoot through my eye again, Harry was trying to touch him but he was dodging, i gulped as i knew who this was. I pusjed away the pain and ran at the two faced man full speed wrapping my arms and legs around him knocking him off balance allowing Harry to touch him, one of the faces bit down into my neck making me scream at the unexpected pain. The scream caused the fire that surrounded us to powerfully shoot at quiril burning him terribly, my brother collapsed onto the step, the man looming over him to deal a final strick however i threw myself over harry sheilding him from the painful thing that hit my body....i didnt know what spell it was but it hurt terribly. I soon blacked out while protecting him. I could hear talking "she protected him?" "She did..." "at the cost...of her own well being?" "Indeed albus" silence filled the room before he spoke again "she is so much like her mother and yet so different" my heavy eyes slowly opened as i took in the pair before me, the headmaster and professor mcgonagal. "Its good to see you awake miss potter" "gkad to be away miss" i blushed embarassedly with a nervous chuckle. "Youve had quite a few visiors it would seem" i turned my head to see flowers, Axel, Chocolates and some cards, my mouth hung open as i realised they were sent to me, "your house didnt win the house cup unfortunately miss potter however they did come a close second for your bravery and selflessness. Your buddie seemed to be quite fidgety during the announcement though...perhaps... bridges are being mended?" He asked me with an all knowing smile, i gave a smile in return "i hope so..hope... such a precious thing to hold onto.. so strong yet so fragile much like people" "wise words for a young lady"  i smiled kindly at the older man, "i best be off sir...thank you for allowing me to have Axel as my familiar" "Axel.. a lovely name...but Celestia remember....never lose sight of yourself believe in yourself and those around you..." his words confused me but made sense to me at the same time. I was soon returned to my dorm where i was still shuned but a few people acknowledged me now "the next time you run off and get yourself hurt...i will hex you personally" i turned to a sturn yet playful Malfoy "you know...your not bad once you get to know you" "like wise potter....see you next year" "see ya" i waved goodbye and began to pack, i was sad to see it was the end of the school year time had flown by so quickly in that short time. I placed the last item into my bag and locked it before boarding the train, with a final glance at the large castle i suddenly felt saddened to leave it "Celestia! Over here! Your with us on the way back!" I looked at hermione and smiled warmly  and joined them dreading the place i was returning to 'even if they stop me...ill always remember this place'.

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