part 18

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(This is the events of the last chapter from Draco's P.O.V enjoy!)

~~~~Draco's P.O.V~~~~

I held chou's arm tightly as we found potters little get together, i was feeling even colder than ever before since Celestia and me didnt see eachother anymore except in passing, " that... miss potter i see? Well fancy that!" I whipped my head up only to see the very girl standing there.....'oh merlin no...' "You'll be the first in my office deary~" Unbridge cooed, i hadn't ever felt so uneasy in all my life "...okay" she shrugged indifferently causing the pink woman to frown and her eye to twitch slightly "Mr. Malfoy.... you will be bringing her to my office" letting go of the ravenclaw girl i made my way hesitantly to the black haired girl before softly gripping her arm, the twins looked about ready to hit someone but with a reassuring smile from her they seemed to calm slightly. "Why did you join them?" I hissed quietly to her in the deserted hallways "well im sick of being dictated and abused so you tell me what you would do" "what are you on about?!" I asked harshly....'what is wrong with you?! Why am i treating her like this?!....have i changed that moluch without her?' "forget it your not meant to care so let's keep it that way for both if our sakes" her words felt like they cut my heart and i flinched under tem but only walked faster to umbridges office, "very good Malfoy, seat her there" the other prefects stood in the room expectantly, pansy stood proudly next to me before draped herself over me, i felt sick "now who wants to see something amazing?" They bounced excitedly as she sat patiently in the chair, she looked so calm empty as she sat there "lets see now those didnt work however i know exactly how to get a little squeak from you this time" she giggled before "CRUSIO!" the spell flooded her body making her bend and contort her lip bled as she bit it but, i couldnt believe heart stilled in my chest, my stomach churned, my body turned one laughed anymore...they only looked on in horror as she bent back nearly around the chair, i felt like just grabbing her into my arms, like taking her place instead but i couldnt or i would run the risk of getting her killed, her body lashed around more with a few little flicks of her wand before she let out the loudest and shrillest scream ever, my body shook as i only watched the girl before me...who i was so fond of...who held a special place in my heart get tortured. She dropped to the floor with blood pouring from her lip "who started DA?" Umbridge questioned but no matter how many times she would crusio her she didnt break and tell her once, with each curse i could feel my control slipping. She landed to the floor twitching but still grinning at the demented pink woman, "...that got?" She barked horsely making her growl and flick the spell at her again, the surge of energy was so strong our hair and robes fluttered back sharply, my eyes widened as i wat hed it hit her and no sooner did she behin screaming in pain, my control finally snapped "Stop it!" The woman turned her attention to me breaking her concentration on the curse, Celestias gasping for breath being the only sound to fill the now silent room "why mr. Malfoy? Surely you dont care for this....bitch?" I frowned at the name she called her, Celestia looked up through half lidded eyes from the floor and shook her head silently " just thinking shes been here a while and....someone might see you using an unforgivable curse on a student" i covered smoothly however i didnt want to deny her... "and your sure you do not care for her?" "...i dont..." 'lies!!!!!' "well in that case....." she leant down and grabbed a fist full of her beautiful black ebony hair before pulling her weak body up by it and throwing her into the chair with that sickeningly sweet smile, i held in my growls incase i made things worse "you have my permission to case the Lacero spell on her" she shoved her head to the side exposing the crook of her beautiful slender neck, i hesitated 'i dint want to hurt her!' I stared into her eyes for an answer, with a smile 'i forgive you' she mouthed, my heart broke as i slowly and hesitantly drew my wand and pointed it at the crook of her neck, 'please dont hate me.....forgive me' "....Lacero" i whispered, her eyes roll back as it slashed into her neck, 'ill never forgive myself for this...'. "Very good mr. Malfoy...your father will be please, drag her back to her the dungeons i believe" the others cackled cruelly as i 'roughly' shoved her onto my shoulder and left the room. "Is that Tia?" "Oh my god what did they do to her?" "Is she alive?" Harsh whispers from the students from the DA reached my ears making me shake as i held back my tears and grief. "Tia Im so sor-" "i told you before Draco.....i forgive you" she murmured to me, 'how can you? call yourself a minster and the monster for hurting you' looking at the wound i found it healed only with a thin scar left behind, without a second thought i placed his lips to it "i did that to you can you still forgive me? I never wanted to hurt you and yet..." i felt pathetic...until she cupped my cheek making me look at her "ill make a deal with you okay? Bring me to hogsmead for a butterbeer and all is forgiven okay?" I felt lost in her eyes...lost to the angel that sat before me and forgave me...and i didnt care if i ever was found. As our faces began to draw closer, voices rang from the common room snapping us back to reality, we cleared our throats awkwardly as we realised what nearly happened "...i...erm........ w-why do you keep inticing her?" I stammered as i tried to change the subject "guess im a sucker for pain.... which sucks.... worse than a vampire... giving a blow jo-" "Okay!" I cut her off  with wide eyes before we broke out laughing "so....ill see you tonight then?" "For?" "For the butterbeer" she made an adorable face before left with the promise of returning to sneak out of the castle. I rushed about hoping to finish quicker so i could get ready for the venture ahead, once everything was finished it was time for bed, i arranged a pillow under my covers and made my way down to her room after changing into casual clothes. However once i got there i felt my heart racing again as i seen her from behind, i placed a soft hand on her shoulder "ready to go?" I whispered, however my breath caught in my throat as she spun to look at me, I began to feel self concious about my outfit, as i took in her appearance, a blue dress with light blue sash around her middle seperating the slightly puffed out skirt from the top, it had a black mesh sleeves and a black symbol on the chest, black thick tights and sneakers. " just kiss it and itll become your double" she handed me a small paper man cutout, i did as told, an exact replica stood before me in a small puff of smoke "im off to bed have fun!" The double chirped making us look at it strange "erm....right off we go?" I outstretched my hand, she slipped hers into mine and i felt my worrys wash away. I guided us through the halls that werent patrolled and soon we made it outside, i still didnt let go of her hand as we walked to the little town, "D-Draco-" "right where to first?" I cut her off feeling my ears and cheeks heat up "i thought we were just getting butterbeer?" "Well we're here now so might as well make a da- i mean night of it" i stammered 'smooth malfoy....reeeeeeally smooth', she beamed brightly and bounced on the spot making me smile warmly at her innocence, "you pick" 'what do girls like?' I wonder till it came to me "how about the sweet shop?" I asked "sounds good to me!" "Really? It doesnt sound stupid or anythi-" "never say that, Draco nothing you say could be stupid" she giggled before adding "..unless it really is a bad decision..." i couldnt contain the small chuckle at her change of attitude and linked her arm with mine as we walked to the sweet shop, "pick whatever you want" "what?" "Its my treat so pick whatever you want" she hugged me tightly before looking at all the different sweets in amazment, i couldnt help but chrish the small fleeting embrace before she bounced off cutely. I enjoyed just watching her as she toddled around, i guess you could say i was being greedy having time with her kike this, she handed me a single sweet...a sugar quill, i chuckled a little before walking around the shop and dumping a few more things into my arms such as cauldron cake, chocoballs, berties everchanging beans, and a never melting ice cream. I paid for them and walked out with the bag, took her hand in mine and lead her to some steps near the sweet shop, i took the berties from the bag and looked at her curious face arching a brow slightly "have you ever tried these before?" "Ive only had a few muggle sweets so i dont know if their any different to those" she replied with eyes locked on the beans of various colours "they look like jelly beans" i shook the box then opened it and offered her one "try and tell me if their anything like those....'jelly beans' here" she took a blue one and popped it into her mouth, i was suddenly transfixed in her lips 'you cant kiss her draco....' my eyes drifted to the bearly visible scar hidden under the mesh of her dress, her eyes widened in amazement she began to whistle like a bird, her face lighting up at the small sweet " nothing like jelly beans" i couldnt stop my smile as i watched her cute little face "you pick one for me now" i smirk making her pout, she held the yellow sweet out to me till i grabbed her wrist and ate the sweet from her fingers, her cheeks flushed red as my lips brushed off her fingertips, i let out a roar making the flustered girl jump. I couldnt my laughter around this girl...she made me feel free, like myself, and accepted, her laughter joined mine, i liked the sound of her laugh especially mixed with mine....i wanted the make her laugh and laugh with her. This happened back and forth till we felt soft pattering of rain fall on our heads, the wind turned cold and i seen her shiver. Without a second thought i took off my hoodie and wrapped it around her shoulders not caring as the rain began to pelt down on us drenching us both, "Draco no youll get sick!" "And if i do youll just have to make me better again wont you?" I teased her with a wink before wrapping my arm around her small shoulders and guiding her to madam puddifoot's, a small tea shop i went to alot, we made our way in to find it all but empty save for paddifoot herself. She led us to my usual table in the back room before taking our order for tea and cakes "could i have assam please?" Celestia asked politely making Paddifoot smile warmly "and you Mr. Malfoy?" "The same please" my eyes caught sight of her downcasted eyes making my brow crease in concern, "have to say its the first time I've seen you with someone... always was a lone thinker" her ears pricked up at her comment, before she shot me a confused look, "i usually come here to think and have some head space, thats why were in the back room away from the other area" i explained. "So why bring me?" She asked "....i dont know to be honest but im glad i brought you here" 'you know why you brough her here.... and it wasnt just to say sorry' she suddenly looked away from me flustered "y-you can ha-v-ve your hoddie b-back....T-thank you" she stammered as she took it off and handed it back, however i couldnt stop the blush that covered my cheeks as i noticed her dress had stuck to her petite body and turned slightly transparent 'Why cant i look away?! Look. Away. Idiot!'. It grew quiet and awkward after that as we tried desperatly not to look at one another, our tea soon came and we sat it the softly lit room, the Paddifoot poured our tea before realising our predicament with a laugh, she gave us some blankets and lit a small fireplace allowing us to warm up as we drank our tea "sorry about that... i-i didnt know it had turned erm...." "same" i laughed nervously as i felt my hormones kick in, after a moment to compose myself i drew my eyes up to meet hers, "thank you....for bringing me here Draco...." "thank you for coming... especially after...." i trailed off as i looked at the scare again....'so many scars...on such a beautiful person...' she drew the tea cup to her lips, i suddenly felt jealous of that tea cup but it melted away as her glasses to fogged up making me break out laughing again. After our tea and cakes we thanked madam paddifoot and left for our trip back to hogwarts, i held out the never ending ice cream taking a lick here and there before holding it to her lips, i watched her face as she took a lick and smiled softly as her eyes lit up, she took another lick before i pulled it back to have another lick myself, we went back and forth untill it was finished, thats when a small thought entered my head 'its like an indirect kiss' i blushed once again that night, it didnt even feel strange to share food like that with her. Once we made it back i  gave her a tight hug savouring the feeling of having her so close until it was time to say good night, after parting ways i began to feel not to well in myself '....looks like she might very well have to nurse me better' i thought as my nose began to block up and my head pounded, i let a small cough as i stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed dreaming of the black haired girl i was forbidden to why did i keep going against that?

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