Part Two ;3

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A/N: Hello?? Is anyone there?? Nope... I guess it's just me writing to myself. XD I'll continue just for funziez.
Please enjoy anyone who steps into my lonely realm
   Your POV
As I blank out again I begin to think. I enjoy to space out, it helps me relax just thinking about what you want. I also love music, but that's another story for another time. I'm close to hell... aka school, I am going to miss my anime and video games. And it's not like I am gonna learn anything there for I just want to draw. I begin to think about how many levels I need to get to the next boss fight. Probably about 8, which is kinda a lot. But I can do it... I hope.
       A sudden pain goes through my head as an object crashes into me from behind and me just being me I fall flat on my face. That skank... I'll teach them not to ever run me over again. I turn around ready to scream my head off at them. And I'm met with a girl who had green eyes and black hair covering one of them, kinda like me, though my eye is are grey (( just pretend if you do not like how you look)) my other one is a milky white... but that's the eye I keep covered.
    Tomoko POV (( POV switches ohhh))
           That bi*ch didn't she hear my lfecoming, she could at least moved out of the way. As she falls flat on her face she lets out a yelp that sounds just like a puppy's when you step on its tail. I kinda felt bad and people were starting to stare.
        She slowly got up and I noticed she was wearing the same uniform as I am... she must be new. Another thing that was brought to my attention was that she wasn't wearing a short skirt like all the other girls. Maybe she isn't that much of a bitch or a skank. I try to ask her if she is okay despite my nerves that were boiling in my stomach. A-a- are y-you o-o-ok?", I ask quietly.  She turns around and I see a girl who looks immensely tired. Her jet black hair is messy and covers half of her face. (( so you kinda look like Sachiko from Corpse Party... okay?)) The rest kinda falls everywhere. Her one eye that was visible was big and her the color of it was a grey that you see in the dark storm clouds. Around her neck were scars and her skin was a pale light not to mention the dark circles she had under her stormy grey eyes. And then I begin to notice the cold for it being early December.
        As I get snapped back to reality the strange- looking girl about my age nodded her head to confirm she was aright. I bend down and pick up some of her books and she follows my actions. The people who were staring were walking on like it was just another day in our country, Japan. I spot the last book she dropped, an English book called, "A Tale of Two Cities". I reach for it and grasp the bind of paper and then I feel a warm hand over mine. I look up at her and she looks at me we kinda stare at each other for a few seconds and she pulls out a sheet of paper from the "Tale of Two Cities" glossary and begins to write. 
          She hands me the paper and walks in the direction of our school. I unfolded the paper that she neatly wrapped up. I read what she wrote. 'Konichiwa my name is y/n... I am sorry for being awkward stranger but I hope we can meet again, here is my number, stranger, 7**-8**-0**... goodbye.
          She interests me, I wonder if we are in the same grade? I begin to walk to school and despite the biting cold I can't keep my mind off the freak that bumped into me... y/n. She seems like me in a way. But nobody even spares me a quick glance, except when the teacher angrily barks at me for daydreaming, drawing, or reading.
            As I arrive in my horrid classroom. I hear my annoying shit of a teacher make an announcement that truly gets my heart racing, but I don't know why," Ok class please welcome our new pupil, y

l/n", the same stormy eyed girl walks in with her head down and stands at the front of the class next to the teacher as she looks up at the class I hear whispers no doubt about her tired appearance," hush now",says the teacher and the class falls quiet," now y/n, tell me a bit about yourself..." y/n stays quiet," ummm okay, you don't have to if your a bit shy, so please take your seat behind Tomoko." A faint smile crosses her face and she walks toward the seat behind me, the clopping noise of her uniform's shoes echoes the classroom making a weird but somewhat enjoyable melody. As she reaches her seat she sits down and the melody abruptly stops. As the teacher begins her lesson I hear her writing again. I feel a faint tap on my back a turn around to see her reading her strange English book then she pushes another neatly ripped glossary page towards me, folded as an origami swan. As I reluctantly pick up the swan and turn around she begins reading again. I unfold the swan and read a message that makes me want to get to know her even more than the last one.
   " So stranger ,we meet again"


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