Part 10 🍚

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A/N: I know that I've been pretty shitty with the updating lately but I'm super busy with school. I've had so much homework. And my anxiety has been pretty bad as well. Thank you if you are still here!!!
Tomoko POV
     I wonder what to wear. I have only two kimonos and they are really old looking. I decide to wear the red one. And I comb my hair, I can't wait to see Y/n. It'll be fun to flaunt her as my girlfriend to all the other people in my school. They should all be jealous because I have the best girlfriend. It isn't much like me to show affection like this but I can't help it when I'm with her. I decide to do nothing special with my hair and I grab my phone. I still can't believe she did that to her hair... she looks amazing with it though. My thoughts then travel into a daydream.
        Just me and y/n in our own fantasy world. I love that she is a mega otaku like me, we both can watch anime and read manga for hours. Gosh, I really am in love aren't I. It's not my fault that she is every guy's dream girl, I might have some competition. I will psychologically crush them... (( lol)).


      I was searching around for Y/n, the festival is quite crowded. But, what did I expect New Years is a big deal. I hear footsteps behind me but I ignore it because it could just be any of the other festival participants. "AAAAAAGG!!" I almost shit my pants. "I love you Tomoko!", y/n said cutely after she just made me almost crap myself. "You ass..." "Gomen! Gomen!", she says and hugs me tightly.
       She smells like cookies and I hug her back. "You made me shit my pants", I tell her. "Mission accomplished" She kisses me and I blush. I know that this might be really sappy but I truly adore her. She is my moon. She was in my favorite color kimono... so that was what that text was bout. I grasp her hand and walk around the festival. Some people had masks and some were praying at the random shrines. I walk around to find our parents chatting with each other. Her mother asked us to pose in front of a snow covered tree. I'm really surprised so many people would come out in the cold. I stand with her and smile. She was holding a fan and she smiled as well. Her mom and my mother as well snapped a picture. I held her hand and we walked on it was so weird to see everyone dressed so traditionally. We found a place to be alone. The festival was held in a small village about 45 minutes away from Tokyo. We sat on a bench under a giant Sakura tree.
      She leans her head on me. "Tomoko, I know I haven't known you long but I feel like I've known you forever, I love you, I really do."
"I feel the same", I replied back to her, but in the inside I was really shocked. Why would someone who had a chance of being popular choose to be with me? Why would some one who had a chance to have over 50 friends risk everything for one? Why would she spend her first relationship on me? For everyone remembers the one they loved first.
      She would spend the rest of her life remembering that I, Tomoko, was the one she loved first. She loved the emo, the unpopular, the lowest of the lows... she loved the one who would be the most unlikely to fall in love with.
Your POV
       I was tired and pretty comfy next to my beloved. Why would she choose someone like me? Why would she choose a crazy otaku who has no life at all? Why would she choose the new girl, the one that had no chance at all? I love her but why would she waste her sweet time on me?
"Why do you love me?"
Mini A/N: I know this chapter is short but I promise a longer one next time I swear. Can you please help this book get more reads? I know that is a lot to ask but it would make my dreams come true. I know I only have about two or three people who vote on my chapters but that always makes my day! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my horrible works anyway. Thank you so much. I really, really enjoy writing and hope to become better at it. And I guess this isn't a MINI a/n anymore. Thanks anyway.
Wub yours truly,
                           Kiwi~ Chan

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