Part 7 ;3

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A/N: Hello... thanks for reading. My goal it to get to 100 reads, so if your just looking at this now... Hi, welcome stranger
Tomoko POV
  I blush madly as I walk back inside, I can't believe she just kissed me on the cheek. It was just sinking in that a girl that I find hot kissed... me... on the...cheek. I'm freaking out, but it shouldn't really be a big deal right...right!?
What will happen when she kisses me on the lips, like a real kiss. I shouldn't really get that far in yet... I don't even know if she likes girls. But if she didn't she wouldn't have kissed me on the cheek. You know what... screw it. I'm just gonna enjoy the moment. I wonder how my mother, father, and brother will react when I get a girlfriend. Oh well...
My brother glares at me from the couch as I walk back inside."Why the hell was she here?", he blatantly asks me. "Just shut up, I'm not turning this into a boring conversation",I responded. I took out my phone... I wonder if I should text her. I'll wait. "You got her number for", my brother said. My stomach dropped..."You didn't" "I did and I'm gonna call her wether you like it or not." Great just great... look what you did Tomoko now your ass of a brother is gonna ruin your plans for operation "y/n future girlfriend".

3 Days later**Your POV
  The date was the 22ed of December... I wonder if Tomoko would like to spend Christmas Eve with me? I pick up my phone and still lying in my bed I began to text her. And then I drop the phone on my face. "Mother Fu*ker!", I yell because it hit my nose really hard.
   After about 5 minutes of yelling profanities I pick my phone back up and resume the text I originally wanted to send. But before I sent it I want back downstairs to ask my mom if it would be okay to have her and the rest of her family over. "Mom would it be okay if Tomoko and her family could come over for Christmas Eve... pleeeaaaassssee??!", I asked. "That would actually be a nice idea considering that I have been wanting to meet her family, they seem like an interesting bunch.", she gave me the best answer in the world. I thanked her and sent Tomoko the text. I hope she can come... I know it's a bit weird but I feel as if I have known her forever.
   I walk back into my bedroom which was on the second floor of my house. My bedroom had pastel yellow walls and birch wood floor. My room also had an abundance of windows. I lie down on my bed and not long after I hear my phone ding. Tomoko said yes... oh my god. I'm so excited for this. I wonder what I will get as a gift for her.

Tomoko POV
   I'm shitting bricks... my mom actually said we could go over to her house for dinner on Christmas Eve. I walk outside and try not to scream my lungs out. I can just imagine what it will be like come spring.
    I will invite her with me to the Sakura festival and she'll be in the prettiest kimono. The cherry petals will be swirling down around her landing in her hair and framing her perfect face. I just can't wait.
   But New Years is closer... the New Years festival.
  I continue to daydream about y/n until my mother calls me inside lecturing me on how cold it is. But I still can't keep my mind off her. I go sit on my couch and text back and fourth with y/n, we are currently talking about cake, and how much we love it.
   The time comes when it is time for bed and we both say goodnight and log off. I lay in my bed thinking... I really do think I love her. And it's not my fault I fell in love.
   Then I had the best dream about me and y/n getting married and having a family.
Mini A/N: sorry if this is boring...  I gotta get this boring stuff out of the way before we get into the good things... I promise it will get better, I have mega ideas
        Appreciate you reading
               Wub- Kiwi~Chan

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