Part 9

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A/N: Hello I'm really sorry for not updating. I'm not gonna lie to you, I wanted to lay in bed watching anime and eating cookies instead of writing... I know I'm an ass hole. I might begin a new X reader and still continue this one. I was thinking about a Ciel x Reader or something... tell me what you think please!!!! Enjoy and again, gomen!
🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇 Tomoko POV December 31,New Years Eve
     I awoke from my "wet dream" about y/n((remember the last chapter😬)). And holy shit... I tried laying back down to go to back to sleep and to try and have that dream again. But it was no use... just a weird fantasy. I got up to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
    My thoughts traveled back to y/n, I haven't seen her since Christmas Eve but we video chat every day. I wonder if she would except and offer to meet up at the New Years festival. Y/n may not look like it but she is really smart((not me)) and studies at any chance she can get. She has all A's and she's starting to push me to get better grades as well.
    I text her if she wanted to tag along with me and I waited. I check the time, only been thirty seconds, she may still be typing...
Your POV
     I hear my phone chime. Who the hell would be texting me at 5:32 in the morning. I've been up since about 4:30 and I could not go back to sleep, so I've been studying. I pick up my phone and see a text from my girlfriend, Tomoko, she asked me if I wanted to meet up with her at the New Years Festival. Jeez, I wasn't even gonna go because my kimono didn't fit properly but I guess there's nothing some last minute shopping can't fix. I reply back to her saying that I would think it could be some fun to spend time together again.
   "MOM!!! CAN I GET A NEW KIMONO!!!", I yell from all the way upstairs. "I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GO TO THE SHOPS, YOU CAN COME ALONG", she screams back up at me. Hell yes! I text Tomoko and ask her what colors are her favorite.
      Within seconds she texts me back her two favorite colors, black and red. I grabbed a post it note and wrote the colors down. I got up from my seat and went to look in the mirror... I wonder what would happen if I got a pixie cut? And dyed my hair a baby blue. I might do that today before I see Tomoko. I know very well that it's a crazy idea((if u don't like it pretend😬)) but I can't help it. I go downstairs and get my coat on. My mom was waiting in the car for me. I asked her about my hair and she seemed shocked. "Ummm... okay, if you really want to", she said. "Omg Thank you so much,arigatou!",I shouted back at her.
    I then plugged in the AUX cord and blasted Can You Feel My Heart. "I don't know why you like this American music so much", my mother said. "It's amazing",I sat back. Just because I like to yell random things at random people at the street doesn't mean I'm weird or I need help right((I do this sometimes when I'm in the car)), so I lean out the window and yell,"Buy Future Hearts on iTunes!" My mom rolls her eyes...
Soon we were at the shops and my mom took me to the one shop that sells kimonos and formal wear. It was quite crowded with people since the festival will be held tonight, looks like other people had the same bright idea of last minute shopping. My mom and I browsed the clothing options and I saw one that was just perfect. ((Ignore the Yahoo search LOL))

 ((Ignore the Yahoo search LOL))

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It was just beautiful. My mother loved that kimono too and we bought it. Now we were on our way to the place I was anticipating to go to for this whole journey of ours, the hairdressers.
I have a strong feeling the only reason my mother agreed to having my hair cut short was that my hair was very messy and it grew awkwardly. But I was excited, I wanted a pixie cut for so long.
As I get out of the car I'm about to explode with how excited I'm feeling.
🍇🍇Time Skip🍇🍇
I run my fingers through my short pale blue hair. Holy shit... my bangs still cover my blind eye and I bobby pin the rest back so I can see out of my only working eye. My mother seemed to think I looked cute now and had to take one of those awkward pictures. Whenever someone takes a picture of me I make the most awkward face and it turns out really cringy.
But I take out my phone and call for a video chat with Tomoko... I can't wait to see her reaction. The minute she answers the call she puts her hand over her mouth. "OH MY GOD!",she says. "Do you like it?", I ask her. She nods her head in an approving manor. I laugh,"Look I gotta go, see you later!" She ends the video chat and I start to crack up laughing.
After five minutes of ruining my eyeliner I stop laughing so I could breathe again. I calm down thinking about how tonight will go.
Mini A/N: Hello again!! I wanted to thank @FlutterCream. They have been with this story from basically the start. Thank you so much for reading, see you again soon!

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