Part Three :*

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A/N: Number one, I know how annoying these A/Ns are so like I said I will try to keep them short. Number two I will try my hardest to update at least once a day but I cannot promise that. So enjoy my pretties and please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments :) (( Not my art))
Tomoko POV
I read the note over and over again... she kinda creeps me out, but in a good way. I wonder if I can follow her around today, maybe to see what she does. Not like I am a weird and perverted stalker but because she is the most strange girl I have ever met. And it's not like I have another goal for the day. So today my goal will be to introduce myself to her. But then again I don't want to talk, this will be hard. Ugggh...

Your POV
As lunchtime approaches I am beginning to feel hungrier than I was in 2ed period. The bell finally rings and I get up and grab my bento from my locker and make my way up to the rooftop to eat. Out of the corner of my eye I see the girl the teacher called "Tomoko" following me. But she may just want to get to the rooftop as well so I ignore it and continue to walk.
So far I haven't talked to anyone yet today, except my mom. I literally think I am incapable of having normal conversations. But as I open the door to the roof i walk towards the railing and and began to eat. That Tomoko girl walks up beside me and eats as well. She and I just stare into space and I finish my food early. I pull out my book,"A Tale of Two Cities", and begin to read. It really is an interesting book but most people here in Japan might not be interested in it.
It has been five minutes and she is still staring blankly at me, I have to say something... I hate being watched. "Why are you staring at me stranger?", I ask with a hint of curiosity in my voice.
     " I-I umm...", she responds. I chuckle a bit and her face turns bright red. I hear her mumble an apology... a brief moment of pure silence crosses through the wind and I soon ask myself why I chose to eat on a rooftop in December. " It's okay", I accept her apology,"can I have your name...Stranger?"
I hear her faintly stutter her name... so I was right, I thought, her name is Tomoko Kuroki. "My name is y/n", I answer back surprised she can even hear my voice for I have been speaking so quietly. And before we knew it the first snowfall of the season decided to sprinkle the earth in a soft blanket of white. I didn't mind though and she didn't seem to either.
"W-Why are you all alone?", she asks me, her stutter slowly drifting away. I look towards her,"I am not alone... you are here with me." Class will begin in about 15 minutes, I have time to think... but I decide to try and attempt to light the faint spark of friendship. I must crumble the walls I have built so high up. "Aren't you the slightest bit cold?", I ask her completely forgetting about my book.
"Just a bit... but I think I will be fine", she answers me back her stutter almost gone with the gusts of wind and snow that were getting stronger by the moment.
"We should go inside... I don't want to get sick.", I say. "Okay"...
As I close the door to the rooftop warm air surrounds us and we notice that our black hair is covered in snow. I can't help to giggle at how funny I may look right now. I hear her giggle beside me. She reaches over and brushes some of the snow off my uniform and a light pink dust creeps its way onto both of our faces. She puts on a smile and we both head to our next classes. Talking the whole way. I feel as if this will begin a new chapter in my life... who knew on such a cold December day someone could come and melt your heart.

Mini A/N: I am going to try and write a chapter tomorrow... thank you to whoever is reading this, I really appreciate it

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