Part 4 ;3

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A/N: Hello my pretties... time for another chapter...
       Your POV
  As I was walking out of school I made sure to put on a scarf. But the snow and wind began to pick up, the biting winter air was nipping at my face and jaw. I hurried up my walking for I was sure I was gonna freeze. I heard feet... dress shoes clopping up behind me slightly muffled by the soft blanket of snow. And someone jumped on my back," oooaf!", I let out a grunt as I look ed to see who got on my back without warning.
       Tomoko POV
    Yes, I did jump on her back but that was only because I felt that was the only way I could get her attention. " Hey...", I said. I might have had a little surprise in store for my new friend. "Tomoko... why did you jump on my back... that kinda hurt and why would you want to talk to me anyway?", y/n responded to my greeting.  Well here goes... I never really had a friend in a long time, so I wanted her and I to eat dinner at a restaurant, any one she chooses."W-wanna have d-dinner with m-me", I asked nervous about what her response would be.
    "Yeah... lemme text my mom and see wassup with her", y/n said, her tone suddenly relaxed. I was still on her back and had no intention of getting off. I was super enlightened that she accepted my request to go and eat. I grabbed her beanie and brushed off the snow dusting the color of her hat, which was black as the deepest of night. I got a slight giggle out of her, and just as that happened I felt my face go bright red.
     "My mom said that it would be okay if I were to go eat with you but she also listed that there is gonna be a snow storm... so we better get going, where do you want to eat?", she stated.
      "Anywhere you want, I don't mind", I honestly replied to her question. "How about we walk into the nearest restaurant we see and just eat there", she looks around at all the people being still in the city of Tokyo. And with me on her back and all the people staring we headed into the bustling crowd. It was only 4:30 and the dark aura of the night was starting to come down on us. And then we walked into a restaurant... McDonald's, yes you heard that right, McDonald's. I got off her back and we stepped up to the lady that was at the register.
     Your POV
  "Hi welcome to McDonald's how may I take your order?", she said in a painfully friendly tone. "Just gimme a cheeseburger", I blurted out and Tomoko ordered the same. We began to walk up the stairs to go and eat. It then hit me about how ridiculous we look, the two most depressing looking girls eating in a crowded restaurant, we must be standing out a lot. Especially against the bright Christmas decorations that every shop has to put up right away on December 1st. We find a table by the window and eat. As we got lost in chatter we found out that we had many things alike but we also ignored the wind picking up. It was now 5:15 p.m. And the both of us decided to leave but the moment we took a step outside the cold got to us. But my house was close so we could go there and did I mention it's Friday, I have got the whole weekend and Christmas break to look forward to. I felt a warm hand wrap around mine and I follow the arm up and see Tomoko. She mustn't want to lose me in the crowd..."Hey my house is close we can go there!", I yelled out over the loud chatter, wind, and cars that were making a melody of the city. Tomoko looks at me and nods her head showing that she understood, and off to my house we went.
      Tomoko POV
   Of course I wasn't prepared for this storm of snow. It was like a god of the sky was angry that I had a friend or maybe I just forgot to bring a jacket. As y/n lead me to her house our pace went from speed walking to full out sprinting towards the house y/n called home. But I would never expect less from winter and especially the exact date being December 18th. We had Christmas break from now until the 4th of January. My birthday being somewhat at the end of February.
     We burst into her home just as I tell my mom that I might be spending the night here. Y/n closes and locks the door in an attempt to keep the cold air out. She calls out to her mother that she is home and my phone gets a message stating that my mom said it was okay and that she was truly happy for me to have found a "friend". Her mother enters the room and introduces herself as Ms. l/n. "Hello, you must be Tomoko, I apologize for the mess for I am still trying to unpack the moving boxes. But would you two like some hot chocolate?", Mrs.l/n added. I desperately nod my head yes and y/n does the same. It took me some time to take in how big her house is, it was the biggest I have ever saw, well maybe not the biggest but it was pretty big.
   "Come on", y/n says as she leads me to a sunroom that has a perfect view of the city and it looked truly magical with all the snow and lights coming from the countless buildings. "I have an idea", y/n stated," we should smell celebrities' perfumes, I have about 2 boxes of them that I got from Walgreens and I have been dying to see how awful they smell and it's always better with someone else!" "Yeah!!", I responded. And she went up to get the boxes from her room. Which left me wondering how long we were going to smell the awful stench of those celebs' perfumes. But I did know that it was gonna be pretty fun.
Mini A/N: find out how their sleepover will go in the next chapter!!! See you soon -Kiwi out! :3

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