Part 14

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A/N: holy shit... its been a really long time since I wrote has it not? Well I'm here now and I'm sorry... again. So anyway Happy Holidays!!!
Tomoko POV
I'm currently waiting for my parents to get home so I can tell them about my girlfriend, Y/n. I'm so nervous I don't think I can handle it but I can't keep this secret forever.
"Were home!", my mother and father shout out. Damn... the time has come, let's get this over with.
"Oh, hello Tomoko!", my mother says.
"IHAVEAGIRLFRIEND!", I blurt out. I think I just made a fool out of myself.
"... Oh, is it that Y/n girl that we met the other day? I've always thought she was-", I cut them off.
"Yes, it's her", I answer.
They both pause for a moment with poker faces. I can only imagine what's going on in their heads while they try and process this information. My mom opens her mouth as if to say something but then closes it.
       "Congrats, kid!", my father pats me on the back and walks into the kitchen, my mother hugs me and follows him.
        I'm left on the couch extremely confused about what just happened, I run upstairs to my room. I grab my phone and text Y/n about what just took place.
         My text tone of King For A Day by PTV wakes me up from my couch slumber. I got a text from Tomoko, it say how she told her parents about us. I'm not ready to tell my mom yet... I feel that I will be ready when the time is right. I text her back... I'm really tired but for some reason I can't fall back to sleep.(( Does that happen to anyone else or just me? ))
        I turn on my XBOX1 and put in the Walking Dead Season 2, I've played this game more times than I can count but I just really like Clementine, she's adorable. If I ever have a daughter I will name her Clementine Lee. ((Foreshadowing ohhh...))
        Tomoko told me about making a game. Something about my love for the stars... I don't know but the more I think of it the more I want that little dream to be a reality. Imagine what money we could make, we could go off on our own together. I really want to live in the Water Village called, Gujo Hachiman. And maybe visit Okinawa, I've heard that that place is like a paradise. I want to explore all of Japan...
       But those are just dreams right? Maybe... I don't know.
      I decide to sketch out some of the characters for the game because why not? I'm bored and kind of tired from constantly studying. I sketch my basic form and begin to draw my features. I just can't wait until summer break. Maybe if I save enough money we could go on trips.
       I set down my pencil after and hour or two of drawing. It's 1am on a school night but I don't give a single shit about school today. I might as well skip and walk around outside. I don't like January... it's a depressing month. ((Kiwi~Chan's birthday is on Jan. 11th)) I die a little bit more on the inside and sit on my windowsill and look up at all of the stars in the sky. My house is a traditional style home and is over 100 years old, we even have one of those meditation gardens built in. I grow all kinds of plants in there at summer time, otherwise, it's not even used.
         I look up at the sky and wish on the stars. If you look closely they look like little rabbits writing apology notes for all of the unanswered requests that children shared with them long, long ago.
             It left me thinking maybe
                        Just maybe
             Those wishes will come
Mini A/n: hey you see that sneaky foreshadowing going on there... I hid it so well didn't I. 😂 Well there is a lot to come for this story and I believe it is just getting started!!!! Boy am I excited... oh and the artwork chapter is coming up as well!!

              Thank you for reading

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