Part 12 🍧

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A/N: I would like to thank @FireBurnsBright10 for the support. I can't tell you how much this means to me!! Sorry if I spelt your name wrong :p lol
Tomoko POV
I lie awake... it's about 7:30in the morning, I've been up since about 7:00. I think I must tell my family about 'us' at some point... I've decided to just tell them when I get home from school. Nothing could go wrong, right?
I look at y/n sleeping beside me. She looks so peaceful and her hair is so messy. I should probably wake her up to get ready for school. I turn towards her and lightly kiss her nose... no reaction... I kiss her cheek... she stirs a bit. Then, I kiss her lips she makes a groaning noise and opens her eyes.
"Mornin' hun", she said. Here comes the pet names, two can play at this game. "We gotta get ready", I said to her... I sneezed. "Bless you child of god", she said to me. "I'm not a child of god I'm a child of... SEBASTIAN", I screamed back.((I'm a black butler fan...)) "Dude that's worse than a child of Satan, let's just get dressed", y/n said.
After we dressed in our uniforms she brought up a dreaded topic from last night," lemme do your hair." "Fine... but I'm not excited", I grudgingly said back. It wasn't that bad she just brushed it, it looked a bit better, I guess. She led me to the mirror and i noticed my dark circles were gone... my eyes looked so big, and cute, I guess again.
"Your eyes look different today, your dark circles were kinda cute too bad there not here today", y/n said. Mission abort we'll get em' next time... I need my dark circles back now. ((Kiwi~Chan needs to stop with the memes)).
    We go downstairs to eat breakfast with my fuc*boy of a brother. She sits right down and I sit next to her. My brother comes downstairs and complimented her hair. Jealousy struck me so I put my arm around her back and sent him a death glare.
    After breakfast Y/n and I leave for school. I don't know how to tell her exactly how much I am thankful for her presence in my life. She always puts herself down no matter how great she is. She always says how she doesn't like herself and that she can't really bring herself to talk to new people. I know it took much of a struggle to approach someone like me, and it took a lot of courage to follow her onto the rooftop the day I first saw her. It's funny really, most people who have a crush, and that crush likes them back. But most of the time they're too much of a chicken shit to say anything. I didn't really feel truly happy until I met her, she showed me there is much more to love than those stupid dating simulators. I wish I could have met her sooner... but maybe if I rushed things more than they already were this wouldn't have happened.
      She told me some interesting things on the way to school. She says that she likes the night and would be nocturnal if she hadn't had school responsibilities. She said she'd look into the stars trying to ward off sleep because she believed if she closed her eyes she would miss something amazing, and I'll figure out later that she was right.
     She told me that after her real mother died and she was taken away from her father she would watch the stars amazed by their beauty. She said that she was looking for her mother and that she'd always pass out from exhaustion, she wouldn't get enough sleep watching the stars every move. She told me that one day she's going to study the stars even more than she already has, she wants to be an astronaut. She said she only uses her art as a back up plan. Her story makes me sad. It would make a great video game. I wonder if we could make one... together. We should at least try, she told me that she liked that idea. So that's our new goal. I think I'll call the game 'Space'.
Mini A/N: hello I hope you liked this chapter... tell me in the comments. Thank you for the amazing support I work really hard on this book.
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