Part 17

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A/N: ... I feel like death... enjoy
Tomoko POV
At least I got Y/n to come with me to the mall and I'm broke so... no money. She doesn't seem the slightest bit happy about going shopping, but she always manages to work things out and make them even more fun than they should be. I'm excited to have her meet Yū~Chan, but Yū~Chan and her friends may be a bit too excited about shopping. I don't want Y/n to get upset by everyone asking her questions, I should really be worried about myself though. I'm not a social person anyway, as you have all observed.
•••The Mall•••
      "MOKKOCHI~CHAN", I heard Yū scream from what seems like miles away. Y/n practically freezes into stone, we are very different when it comes to how we react to social situations. Y/n turns to complete stone, and if anyone insults her it just over passes her and she fills it with the thing she likes. Me, I actually try to make a conversation no matter how hard it can be, maybe I should just try to follow Y/n's example next time when I'm caught in a difficult situation.
"Hey Yū, haven't seen you in a while", I manage to speak.
         "Yeah! That time we went for coffee was fun!", she's literally shouting in my ear, she must be excited or something. Three more girls walk up behind her, probably her new friends, which look like sluts. How did they even have time to change out of their school uniforms?
     Y/n takes off her headphones, she must have heard what Yū said, I'll explain to her later.
"Oh, who's this?", Yū spoke up.
"Y/n...", she mutters.
"Oh, aren't you just ADORABLE!", Yū and all of her friends squeal and start to give Y/n attention. A light pink dusts her cheeks as all the girls continue to play with her hair, poke her cheek, and ask her questions. That's my job...
"W-what a-are your n-names?", Y/n timidly asked.
"Awww, okay, this one here is Osana, she's such a tsundere!", Yū points to a girl with long, hot pink hair that was tied up in pig tales. (I'm cringing at my own work)
"And this one here is Fumiko, she's really pretty!", she points to a girl with hair that was just past her shoulders and stained a platinum blonde.
"And this is Miki! Her name means beautiful princess!", Yū shouted. Yū was right she was beautiful, she had brown hair tied up in a bun and she looked like she was the most modest out of the group.
"My names still Y/n..."
      The girls giggled. Yū suggested that we go to a store that sells her fashion type first and each of us will have to choose a shop to go to. I had to hold Y/n's arm to keep her from going to HotTopic. I was able to pull her back to the group,"We can go later", I told her. Y/n adjusts her eyepatch and Yū leads us into a store that looks exactly like unicorn vomit. "So...", she asks us all once she finds a dress," does this look cute if should I get the smaller size. All her friends said to go shorter. The yelling snapped Y/n out of her daydream. She fell in her bum...
"Oaf!!", I should seriously make a movie of all the cute noises Y/n makes," I think you should keep the one you have now."
"Ugh... why even?", Osana said.
"Because if you ever want to find a nice guy who appreciates you for who you are, you must be at least a bit modest. You want a guy that is not only drawn in by your *ahem* 'assets' but by your personality itself.", Wow... that was actually well thought out.
"But that's none of my business...", Y/n sipped her tea, Jk, she walked over to another section of the store to browse.
"I think I'll stick to this one", Yū proclaimed.
"That was actually well thought out", said Fumiko. Yeah I know that.
    Yū paid for her stuff and turned to Miki.
"Miki~Chan, you haven't talked much, where do you wanna go?"
Mini A/N: come back next time to see how Y/n and Tomoko survive their time at the mall! Lol.
              Dank u for da read bro

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