Part 11 🍒

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A/N: I'm writing another chapter in the same day because I feel really bad about my lack of updates. I hope you enjoy this story event though it is really bad.... leave any suggestions in the comments please. This chapter will focus on reader~chan's history!
Tomoko POV
I was stunned by her words 'Why do you love me'... I didn't know how to respond. I loved her because of many reasons. She was amazingly pretty and had the soft plump lips. Not to mention her amazing personality underneath the shyest otaku I've ever met. I love the way her gray eyes shone in the sun and how messy her hair was. I loved her because she was the first person in a long, long time to try and break the walls I built so high around myself. She was the first person to notice me alone. She was the first person to go out of her way to make me laugh.
       I remember the time we had our first chat, which was weeks ago. We were on the rooftop eating. Though it was bitter cold we sat and braved it. I was just staring at her and I didn't know what to do. She was actually talking to me, the loner. Ever since we spent every day talking to each other and we created a bond like no other.
       "Because you were the first one to actually care...", I responded to her question. "Why do you love me?", I asked.
        "I love you because you didn't think about me as a monster, most people look at my one eye and turn away in disgust. That's why I wear an eyepatch, but it never stops the looks.", she said. I felt bad for her, she had it much worse than me.
         "Are you ready for school tomorrow?", I changed the subject.
         "Nice way to change the subject Tomoko, and no, I'm not ready for school tomorrow" damn... I got caught.
          She looks up at the starry night sky and whispers, barely audible. "Mom, if reincarnation is real I don't think I want to be a human. I don't want to be a dog or a cat. I think I would like to be a fish so I could drift into the sea, and that way no one will judge me on how I look..."
           "A fish huh?", I said in response even though what she said hit me really hard. She seemed a bit shocked. "And your mom is still talking to my parents, she's not in the sky..."
      "She's not my real mom..."
"My mom is dead..." "That woman was nice enough to let me stay with her though..." I didn't know what to say, she had tears in her visible eye.
    "What happened to your real mother?"
    "My father... he did it..." "but he's gone now..."
     I hug her close, I'm not good a comforting people so I was a bit uncomfortable. She cries into my kimono, but I keep holding her.

     She was in the car with my family, she was gonna stay the night with me. She was sandwiched in between Tomoki and I. He tried to pull the yawning shit where you stretch and put your arm around the girl your with.
     I was gonna have a fit if he did that and he knew it but he still did it. She gave a look that said 'help me'. Once I get out of this car so help me god...  we were pulling into my driveway. I jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped. Tomoki got out as well as Y/n. I couldn't tell about my girlfriend because my parents don't know about 'us' yet. I grabbed her hand and walked her inside. She looked exhausted and I was too.
      As we got up to my room she spoke,"Your brother's a fu*kboy..." I laugh,"Yeah, how would you expect a man to act when he is with a beautiful woman."
     "Oh shut up!" "Not until you cuddle me." She blushed heavily at my words, mission accomplished. She goes into the bathroom to change into her pajamas. I lay down in my bed, wow, 11:30p.m is early for me to be going to sleep but she seems really tired and I don't want to keep her awake.
       She came back in the room in just her bra and those damn short shorts. I think I got a nosebleed. She turns away, blushing. She was really short, shorter than me. But she had more... features. I scoot over and she crawls into the bed.
       I'm shitting bricks... she cuddles up next to me, I cuddle back. "I want to do your hair tomorrow and make sure your dressed up right.", she says. I'm gonna fu*king lose it. I'm embarrassed to admit that she's turning on.
      She kisses me and it turns into a make out session. We pull apart for air and I feel my shy self come back. She returns to snuggling me and she falls asleep in my arms.
     It funny really, how I can't sleep until I know she's asleep, it helps me knowing that she's safe. She's so cute the way her head tilts as she softly snores. I feel her grip on me and I hold her back.
    I drift away, dreaming about my princess. And dreading the hairdo she'll give me tomorrow.
Mini A/N: hello how was this chapter? Tell me in the comments please your recommendations always help me out!
            Wub yours truly-

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