Part 15

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A/N: I know the picture is of Sailor Moon but I love how it looks. I'm a big fan of Sailor Moon and many other anime and manga series. Enjoy and thanks for reading!!
Tomoko POV
It's late... I can't sleep. I told Y/n~ Chan about my game idea and she said that it was very sweet of me to think like that but she didn't think it would become a reality. She always doubts herself, she has amazing art skills as well as the incredible knowledge she has of the stars. I know a lot about games, I know, big surprise, but that's all I basically do 24/7 when I'm not goofing off with Y/n~ Chan. Not it's not what you think it is... we play pranks on my brother.
I toss and turn. Who ever thought that I would be as lucky as to win her over. I don't want to be too haughty about it because it took a lot of my will power to even approach her, even if I didn't show it, but I'm pretty sure I did.
I grab my phone off of my night stand and ponder if I should text Y/n~ Chan. I have her saved in my phone as Senpai, but that's irrelevant. I don't want to wake her up if she finally decided to go to sleep because she doesn't sleep often, and if she does she lies down and daydreams, which is not sleeping. I send her a text.
'U awake?'
I wait patiently for an answer...
'Yes... why aren't you asleep, we have school tomorrow?'
'I should be asking you the same thing'
Hah... got eem'
'Damn it... what do you want'
'I'm skipping tomorrow. Does that answer your question?'
'Can I come over?'
'Tomoko... it's the middle of January... what makes you think that you can walk to my house?'
'Watch me...'
'Don't do it'
'God damn it... I can't believe your doing this'
Ha... I'm on my bike going to my Senpai's house. I'm not backing out of any challenges she throws at me, but it is freezing. I'll be there soon...
I can't believe this... she really does dumb things for love doesn't she? I don't know what she wants to accomplish by coming over at 1:30 a.m. I have a strong feeling that she is gonna skip with me so we can't spend the day together. I do owe her for wasting my time at that stupid club... she's throwing rocks at my window, if she breaks one so help me God.
I place the last bandage on her knee.
"What made you think it was a smart idea to climb through the window?"

"I really don't know...", Tomoko replied.

"Why?... Just why?"

"I told you I want attention... HUG ME!!", she glomps me.

"Be quiet my mom is gonna kick my ass if she finds out your here"

"You know you like it"

"Shut up"

"Is my Y/n being a bit of a Tsundere?"

She is gonna push me over the edge.
We lay there and talk about the game. She says that we should at least try because there is no harm in it. I agree just to get her off my back. I get a sudden urge to go outside so I get on my jacket and boots and Tomoko follows my actions no questions being asked.
I walk around my house out to the back looking away from the huge city of Tokyo. I see the stars in the sky and I lay on the ground, wide awake. I see all of the constellations and I just get lost. I here the crunching of the grass next to me and Tomoko lies down and holds my hand.

"Your palms are sweaty..."

"Way to ruin the moment,Tomoko"

"But they are... I'm not gonna lie to you"

"I'm nervous... is 2:00 a.m and of my mom finds my ass out here I'm gonna be in some deep shit."

I laugh...
We watch the stars

"We were like astronauts dreaming on the moon, telescoping the stars, exploring the skies, and searching for moments that took our breath away"
- Robert M. Drake
Mini A/n: lol my writing is cringe af. But if you would like to request scenarios feel free. Thanks for reading!!
Kiwi~ Chan

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