Chapter 25

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"And the Award goes to, Taylor Swift."
The crowd goes wild as Taylor accepts her third award of the night. She stands up with a modest smile and hugs each one of her fiends including me. She takes the stage to accept her award and gives a smooth speech. She's done it nearly a hundred times I'm sure of it.
Adam seems very supportive. He is seated next to Taylor and I am on the other side of her. Taylor plans to go to a party after the show, so I have to make sure to keep an eye on her especially if she is drinking.
I've met a lot of people tonight; Jennifer Lopez, Ariana Grande, and Iggy Azalea to name a few.
I was enjoying the show actually. There are some really talented people in this arena tonight. Taylor won a few more awards and the show flew by really fast. Before I knew it I was already getting Taylor and her friends back to the car.
"Are you coming to the big after party?" Gigi asked.
"No I don't think it's a good idea. We are going to go home." Taylor said glancing a me.
"No I think you should go and have fun." I said.
"I don't think it's a good idea to take a 15 year old in a club." She said.
"I've been in clubs before. I can handle it trust me. I'll just keep an eye on things. Go have fun, you're the big winner after all. You deserve it." I encouraged.
"Okay, but only for an hour or two." She agreed.
Adam squeezed her thigh and Taylor leaned her head on his shoulder.

The music was blasting loud at the club. Tons of paps were gathered outside. Taylor had changed into a two piece dress and I wore jean shorts and a casual top with converse. It felt nice to get out of my fancy outfit.
Taylor and Adam were at the bar ordering drinks and I sat on a bar stool keeping watch. She danced and talked with her boyfriend and friends. I wasn't too bothered to be missing out on the party. I wasn't a big partier anyway.
"Hey, love." I heard a British accent speak over the music. I glanced to my right and saw a man with long dark curly hair smiling at me.
"Hi." I greeted.
"What happened to your arm?" His brow creased in concern.
"Hand to hand combat." His eyes grew wide and he swallowed quickly.
"What's your name?"
"Hi, Alex. I'm Harry. How old are you, love?"
I reached for my badge and showed him I was no child.
"Are you a police officer?"
"No, an agent and a bodyguard." I said.
"A bodyguard? For who?"
"Taylor Swift."
His grin faltered when I mentioned her name.
"She can't find a grown man to do it? She got a child instead?"
"I was assigned and I'm a secret agent sent from my organization to protect Taylor from getting hurt."
"So how old are you?"
"I'm 15."
"Do you like being Taylor's bodyguard?"
"Hey Harry! How's it going?" Gigi said in an overly cheery tone, standing next to my stool.
"Wonderful, and how are you darling?" He says sarcastically.
"Leave her alone." Gigi said resting a hand on my shoulder.
"We were just talking. No harm done here."
"Right, well I suggest you go somewhere else." She said.
Harry rolled his eyes an got off the stool. He took my hand in his and brought my knuckles to his lips, placing a gentle kiss over my knuckles.
"It was lovely meeting you, Alex." He said while rubbing his thumb across my knuckle before pulling away and going to talk to a group of guys on the other side of the bar.
"Sorry about him." Gigi said.
"It's okay. What's up with him?"
"He's Taylor's ex boyfriend, Harry Styles."
"He's odd."
"That's a way to put it."
"Just something about him leaves me uneasy."
"Yeah, he makes everyone feel uneasy."
"Hey everything going okay? Do you want to leave?" Taylor came up and asked.
"No, go have fun please." I said.
"It's late you're probably tired we were up late last night and-"
"I'm not tired at all." I said.
It was true. Besides my sleeping schedule was so messed up and ways and I didn't need a whole lot of sleep to function.
"Okay, but we will be leaving soon." She said.
She went back to Adam and out of the corner of my eye I saw a still figure. He was dressed in normal clothes and had his eyes set on Taylor then he glance at me. The man repeated the cycle a few times before moving towards Taylor. I stood up quickly and pushed through people to cut off his mission.
He towered over me and had tattoos lined up and down his arms. What I was most alarmed by was the bulge near his belt. He was carrying a gun.
"Move kid. I'd hate to have to hurt you."
"I'm not too worried about that."
He chucked deeply.
"How about we settle this outside. You wouldn't want to make a scene in a club full of people involved with the media."
"That's cute." He said.
"Bet." I said thorough gritted teeth.
"Alright fine, well go outside so I can put a bullet through your brain."
"After you." I said gesturing to the back door that lead out into an ally.
He pulled out the gun as soon as the door completely shut.
He held it at my forehead and I twisted his arm quickly. He fired a shot into the brick wall.
I twisted his arm behind his back and brought him down to the ground.
"What do you want with Taylor?" I asked.
"Get off you little bitch!"
I pulled his arm back and he cried out in pain.
"Try again." I hissed.
"I can't say."
I pulled his arm back harder.
"Money." He gasped out.
"What were you going to do?"
"Ask her for some." He said.
I laugh cynically. "Good one." I yanked his arm back until I heard a snap.
"K-kidnap her. We were going to kidnap her."
"You're a sick bastard." I said yanking his head off the pavement by his hair. I slammed his head back down hard enough his forehead bled. I held him down easily in the position we were in and called for back up and the police. A couple of the guards from the club came into the alley.
"Are you hurt?" One asked.
"No, but I can't speak for him."
I was tossed handcuffs and I secured them on the man's wrist.
"Nice work agent Ryan. We can take it from here. Get back in there incase he's got friends with him."
I nodded and went back into the club. Anger was pumping through my blood. Why the hell would he try to hurt Taylor? She isn't an object that can be sold for profit. I was so angry I could barley hear the loud music in the club. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm. I whipped around ready for a fight.
"Woah." It was Taylor.
I stared dumbfounded at her, as if I were an overwhelmed fan.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said shakily.
"I've been looking for you. Lets go home." She said.
"Okay." I wasn't going to turn down her offer to leave this time.

Taylor's POV
Alex looked like she'd seen a ghost. I wondered what had gotten her so shook up. Maybe she was feeling overwhelmed by the party.
I put my arm around her tense shoulders and wished I could shelter her from the entire world. Adam trailed behind up. He had one too many tonight and it was time to go.
When we stepped outside there were cameras flashing and people yelling. Alex pulled away and held people back. She made sure we were safely in the car before quickly shutting the door.
"I can't wait to go to bed." I said laying my head on Adam's shoulder.
"I could hit another club." Adam joked.
"We can drop you off." I said.
Alex was staring out the window.
"You good kid?" Adam asked.
She glanced at him and mumbled a "yeah." We exchanged looks.
What if she has a mission and she's afraid to tell me? I was getting really worried now.
The car ride home was fairly silent. We pretty much went strait into the apartment and got ready for bed.

Alex's POV
I sat on the edge of my bed replaying tonight's events over and over in my head.
"Alex?" Came Taylor's gentle tone.
I glanced at her as she entered the room. She sat down next to me on the bed.
"What's going on?"
I couldn't find the words to tell her a man wanted to kidnap her tonight.
"You can tell me." She rubbed a soothing hand up and down my back.
I sighed shakily, "there was this man tonight in the club that kept watching you. I saw him start to move towards you and I went over to him. He had a gun on him so I told him we were going to settle it outside. So, we went into the alley and he tried to shoot me, but I fought him off. I got him to the ground and asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to kidnap you for money. I got so mad, I broke his arm and ripped it out if the socket. They took him to jail, but it just made me so mad that he thought of you as an object instead of a person."
"Are you hurt?"
"Then everything is going to be okay. If I'm okay and you're okay, then it's okay." She said pulling me to her chest.
My mind kept flashing back to when my dad would try to hurt my little sister and I would try to fight him off by taking the brunt of the pain. I wouldn't let anyone hurt her but I did and what if that happens with Taylor? I should have just stuck with my natural instincts and killed the man like I've been taught to kill so many others.

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