Chapter 14

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The plane landed in Tokyo and it was already known that Taylor would be there. There was a huge crowd of fans waiting for her in the airport.
"Taylor, do you want me to call a car to pick you up on the jet way?" One of the bodyguards asked.
"No, Elliot, that's okay. The fans want to see me and I'm sure they have been waiting for hours. It's the least I could do." She said.
"Okay. Let me know if it gets too much. Barricades are already set up."
"Okay, Alex are you ready?"
"I am if you are." I said.
Andrea, Scott, and Austin followed behind us along with other security guards.
We walked down a long hall in a peaceful silence until we reached the doors and a crowd erupted into screams.
"Taylor!" They repeatedly yelled to draw attention to themselves.
Taylor went over to the people and the crowd grew wilder as she approached.
"Hi guys!" Taylor yelled over the roar.
They freaked out and asked for pictures. Some asked for autographs and handed her magazines, albums, and t-shirts to sign. They grabbed at her which alarmed me and I never stayed far from Taylor incase anything got too out of hand.
"Who are you?" They kept asking me.
A couple of guys grabbed my arm since I didn't answer them. I tried to nicely push them off of me because I didn't want to make Taylor look bad.
They had a strong grip. I could get out of it if I fought against them, but I can't make a scene like last time when things got too out of hand. Besides, this didn't even threaten Taylor's life.
"Taylor who's is she?" The men yelled.
"Alex? Taylor called as she lost track of me.
When she spotted me being tugged by the men into the barricade her eyes widened in alarm.
"Hey, guys don't pull on her please." She said politely to the guys.
"Sorry Taylor!" They said.
Really? Tugging my arm away wouldn't work, but all she had to do was tell them not to pull on me and they obliged to her request.
"Taylor is she your daughter?" They asked.
What kind of question even is that? Yes, Taylor gave birth to me when she with like 10! Of course I'm not her daughter! Taylor didn't say anything, but she heard off-the-wall questions like this all the time. I've never been asked a question so stupid before. Every question is very professional and directly work related that I've been asked besides the questions Taylor asks.
It took Taylor an hour to get through the airport since she stopped for tons of fans. The car was waiting for us and all the luggage would be handled for us. The driver began to drive once we were all in the car. It was refreshingly silent in the car after fighting a big crowd.
"Is your arm okay? I saw those guys pulling on you back there." Taylor said.
"Yeah, didn't even hurt."
"Okay, and your sides okay from hitting the barricade?"
"Taylor, you're such a mom!" Austin sighed.
"Austin!" Andrea scolded lightly.
"Whatever, Austin." Taylor glared at her brother.
"Whatever, Taylor." He mimicked.
I watch their interaction in aw. When I get to see TV programs, this reminds me of something I've seen before. The brother and sister fight all the time, but they didn't seem to do that much.
The sun was starting to rise, barely coloring the sky. We were going to settle at the hotel before we went out. It was probably best since the sun hadn't come up yet and I was really early here.
The hotel suite was really nice. It was six bedrooms, three bathrooms, two living areas, a dinning room, kitchen, office, and laundry room. The rooms were big an open, not nearly as big as Taylor's house, but it was still luxurious. Everyone could have their own room. The band, singers, and dancers were all staying on the floor below ours in regular rooms. Even though the other rooms weren't suites, they were still big.
"What do you think?" Scott asked.
"It's nice." I said.
"Yeah, look there's even some reading material here for you." He said with a chuckle.
He handed me a pamphlet that read, "私たちはあなたの滞在をお楽しみください歓迎します。観光スポットやrの詳細については、フロントデスクを呼びます!ルームサービスは、すべての昼と夜利用可能です。あなたがあなたの部屋のためにどのような要求をする場合は、呼び出します。私たちは助けて幸せです"
"Oh, it says, welcome please enjoy your stay. For more information on attractions and restaraunts, call the front desk! Room service is available all day and night . You call if you want to request anything for your room. We are happy to help!" I read the card.
"Wow! You speak Japanese?" He asked taken aback.
"A little." I shrugged.
"A little! That's more like a lot! How many languages do you speak?" Austin asked.
"About twenty I think." I said.
"Are you even real?" He laughed.
I shrugged with a small laugh and Taylor came walking in.
"Alex, what room would you like?" Taylor asked.
"Oh it doesn't matter." I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure. Let everyone else pick then, I'll pick."
"Okay, I guess everyone else can go pick their rooms." Taylor told her family.
"Alright sweetie, we're getting there." Andrea laughed.
Taylor's family went and picked their rooms and mine was at the end of the hall and the farthest from Taylor's room. Andrea had chosen the room next to her daughter's room. I got settled into my room and sat in a chair by the window. She needed time with her family and I wasn't about to intrude.

Taylor's POV
I walked into my moms room, which was next to mine. My mom was settling in so I sat on the bed.
"Hey baby what's up?" My mom asked.
"I was just wanting to talk."
"Is everything okay?" She asked concerned.
"Yeah, it's just that Alex's room is really far from mine."
"Does that bother you?"
"A little. I'm just worried you know." I said.
"I know, I raised two kids. Do you want me to switch her rooms?"
"No it's okay."
"Are you sure because you know I wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, I'm sure. I probably shouldn't smother her too much anyway."
"Don't beat yourself up for caring, Taylor."
"I know, I just don't know what's right."
"I know, she's a tough nut to crack, but I know you. You won't give up on her."
"I'm so worried about her."
"She seems fine."
"She's just so thin, and she seems so tired. She barely sleeps!"
"I know didn't she get up at like 5:00 this morning?"
"Yeah, she always does that."
"It's probably just a habit."
"I dread the day they take her away from me."
"Maybe you could stay in touch with her?"
"She isn't allowed to have relationships with people outside of her work."
"That's creepy." My mom muttered.
"I know! They basically starve her too."
"How did she get involved with all of this?"
"I don't know. She doesn't talk about it. It kills me to think of the day she will go back."
"Hopefully that won't be for a long time."
"I know, I'm hoping to at least have her around during the tour."
"I couldn't imagine them taking her back until after the tour ends, so at least you'll have until December."
"I've asked her to move in with me. I went to her apartment the other day and it's bad. It was chosen for her and the neighborhood is terrible."
"Are you sure you want her living with you though? Maybe you should find her another apartment."
"A fifteen year old girl shouldn't be living alone."
"She's not an average fifteen year old, Taylor."
"Mom, don't be like them. Don't act like she's not a human being and only a kid!"
"Honey, I know. I'm not saying that, I just don't want you to worry about it so much."
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
"Go finish unpacking and we'll go out. Aren't you wanting to go a few places before we meet up with everyone for lunch?"
"Yeah, sorry I got mad at you I was just stressed."
"It's okay, I get it. I know how you are, Taylor."
I hugged my mom and went back to my room. Down the hall I heard my dad and brother talking and Alex's door was shut completely. I debated on rather or not to go talk to her. Maybe I should let her have some alone time since she hasn't had much in a while. I went back into my room and continued to unpack.

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