Chapter 4

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*This part contains slight abuse. Please scroll past if you don't feel comfortable reading it*

"Alexandrea you are so worthless. I can't believe you're my daughter." My father spat from above me.
"Dad please I-"
"Shut the hell up." He snapped and kicked me in the side.
"Alex!" My little sister screamed and cried.
"Shut up! I hate you both!" He screamed at me.
He lunged at my five year old sister.
I ran after him and pulled him away. My dad stumbled in his drunken daze and hit his head. He was passed out.
"Cassidy, shh, don't cry." We are going to be safe." I told her.
"I don't want to stay here." She cried into my chest.
"I know baby, I know."
Her eyes turned black.
"You're a liar." She said.
"Cassidy please."
"You let him kill me I trusted you!" She screamed.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I cried.

*You are out of the woods and in the clear ;)*

I shot up in bed breathing heavily. It was just a nightmare.
"It's not real." I whimpered to myself over and over.
The sheets were clutched tightly in my hands. It was so real, though, because it was a memory. That was just one of my many reoccurring nightmares.
I looked at the clock. It read 4:27 a.m.. There was no way I was going back to sleep now. I got up and took a bottle of water out of the fridge. My throat was burning and I realized I was screaming in my sleep again. At base I always worried about waking up the other agents, but New York was loud enough to drown out my screams in the night.
I was really shaken up from what I just awoke from and looked through my numerous bags of thing that Taylor bought me yesterday to try to calm and busy my mind. Anything was better than thinking about what I just dreamt.
The silence in my apartment killed me. Of course I never had anyone to entertain me back at the base, but I could go to one of the training rooms and blow off steam whenever I wanted. I could go for a run, but I don't know where I could run at. The streets were always filled with traffic.
I tugged at my hair in frustration. Why was I such a monster? I missed Cassidy all the time. She was my rock.
Even an hour after waking up my hands skill shook. Out my window, I watch the sun as it begins to rise. The New York skyline was truly beautiful. The traffic below was becoming denser. I decided to shower and get ready for the day. After deciding to wear one of the outfits Taylor bought me, I applied some of the makeup. I was experimenting with it. Nobody ever showed me how to use makeup, but if I saw Taylor today she would be pleased to see me using and wearing my new things.
At around 7:45 I got a text from Taylor.
"Good morning! Come over for breakfast! I'm making waffles ;)"
She made me breakfast again. I wanted to say "no" just because I felt like I couldn't stop taking things from her, but I didn't want to be alone anymore.
The morning air was brisk and I wish I was wearing a jacket. I had a bunch of new jackets, it never crossed my mind to wear one. During the walk I took my time to admire the energy of the busy city. It was an impressive place and more than I expected it to be.
I used my key to enter Taylor's apartment and knocked on the door that led into her foyer.
"Come on in!" I heard her call.
I walked into her kitchen where I expected her to be. She was just putting the waffles on a plate.
"Orange juice?" She asked.
She poured some into a tall glass and sat it down on the bar.
"Have a seat." She said sitting down and pointing at the seat across from her.
I slid into the stool.
"You look pretty today." Taylor complimented looking at me fondly.
"Thanks, so do you."
"Thank you. Here's the syrup and butter." She said passing me the two items.
I fixed the waffles up how I wanted them, then I began eating. They were really good.
"So, I was thinking we could go for a walk in Central Park today. Maybe when it warms up a bit."
"That sounds nice." I said absently.
"You look a bit tired. Did you sleep okay last night?" She seemed genuinely concerned
"Yeah, just stayed up a little late looking at my new stuff." I said.
"Are you a night owl?" She smiled.
"Uh...sometimes." I laughed a bit.
After we finished eating Taylor walked into another room.
"C'mon," she said poking her head back into the kitchen.
I followed her into a luxurious living area that had a huge T.V.
"What's your favorite show?" She asked sitting down on the big couch in front of the huge flat screen.
"Ummm, I don't really watch much T.V.. I don't have enough time."
"Do you have a T.V. in your apartment?" She asked and patted the cushion for me to sit down.
"No, but I don't really need one."
"Let's watch Grey's Anatomy. Have you heard of that show before?"
"Yeah, I've seen a couple episodes when I was in a motel room on a mission once."
"I love Grey's Anatomy!"
She turned on the T.V. and went to Netflix and started the show up.
"This is the very first episode." She explained.
I was focused on the show when something jumped on me. My instincts kicked in and I was ready to fight. Except, it was only a grey and white cat sitting on the couch cushion.
"Don't worry it's just little Meredith. Sit back down." Taylor said smiling a little.
I slowly sat back down and the cat crawled into my lap. Unsure what to do, I patted the cat's head and it purred contently. I looked over to see Taylor holding her phone up. She was taking a video. I didn't know where to look, so I just looked at the cat.
"Meredith never approaches people like this. She must really like you."
"Did you name her Meredith because of this show?" I pointed towards the T.V..
"Yep. Full name Dr. Meredith Grey."
I laughed a little and the other cat jumped up onto the couch.
"And Olivia is going to join us." Taylor picked up the little white cat.
We relaxed and watched the show. After watching 4 episodes Taylor said she would be right back and about ten minutes later she came back with two sandwiches and lemonade.
"Lets eat before we leave. It's a ham and cheese sandwich. I hopes that's alright." She said and sat down.
"Yeah, I eat pretty much everything but hot dogs. You don't have to feed me, but thank you." I bit into my sandwich. The meat and cheese tasted good, and it was easy to tell that it was good quality. The meat and cheese back at the base looked slimy. I enjoyed the homemake lemonade as well. When we were finished Taylor and I left for Central Park.
When we arrived at the park tons of people began to move in towards Taylor. I immediately went into my defensive state. The other security guards kept the crowd back pretty well, but I wasn't risking it.
Taylor wanted to take pictures with her fans though, which I thought was really polite of her.
"I love my fans, they are the sweetest." She told me with such sincerity in her voice an eyes.
Taylor spotted a Starbucks stand and became excited.
"I'm going to get an iced coffee, do you want any coffee or you can get something else to drink."
"Ummm, no thanks." I said.
"Are you sure?" She asked approaching the counter.
"Yes, thanks anyways."
Taylor purchased her coffee and we continued to walk through the busy park. She would stop occasionally and talk to her fans. That's when I realized how genuine of a persons she truly was. I was angry with my self for not being able to be nicer to her. She was so kind to me, but I just don't really know how to handle it yet. I was scarred of getting used to kindness. During training I was always taught that kindness is weakness and it only gives people the chance to take you out for good. For now, I guess, I would just enjoy it.

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