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I watch as a man crosses the vacant bridge that is hundreds of feet above a raging river. I had to play my cards right and carefully on this one. He had the information I needed and I knew what he planed to do with it. I had to be quick.

I sat down on the cardboard like bed in my dull room as tears leaked from my eyes. My bag sat beside me and I unzipped it to pull out the letter Taylor had handed me right before I left. I needed her words more than ever.
I opened the envelope as carefully as possible so it would stay nice. As I unfolded the paper inside, I was greeted by Taylor's handwriting. It was such a comfort to me.

I slowly moved from my spot in the trees and quietly edge my way towards the man on the bridge. For someone of his status, he was pretty obvious to his surroundings as I got closer and closer to him. I could nearly reach out and touch him at this point.

Dear Alex,
I'm so sorry it has to be this way. If I could change this fate I would. I would do anything for you, because you're like family to me. If you're reading this, that means that right now I miss you terribly. So do Meredith and Olivia. I'll miss watching our favorite shows together and baking in the kitchen. I'll miss your sweet laugh and braiding your hair. You were like a best friend to me and a little sister.

I slowly reached into my utility belt that was hidden under my jacket and pulled out my gun.

I will forever appreciate that you let me into your life and let me get to know you. You're an incredible human and you aren't what they make you do. I think your heart is good and I know you. I hope you don't let the world turn you bitter because you're so sweet.

Suddenly, the man turned and swung the briefcase at me, knocking me across the face. Something was definitely broken after that blow. I was blinded by the pain and he was able to throw me back against the rail of the bridge in my altered state. The gun in my hand dropped to the ground and slid across the bridge, falling over the edge.

I think you're such a brave girl for fighting the battles that you do. You have overcome so much and I hope you're in a better place because of knowing that you're so loved by me and by my family.

"You dumb bitch. It's an empty briefcase. The information is hidden where you'll never find it. You think we're stupid enough to toss it in the river?" He asked and I gained my senses back enough to kick his legs out from under him.

You will always have a home here with me. I will never get over how much you mean to me. I dream that one day you'll be free and come back to me and we can go shopping and bake cookies. There is so much in the world for you.

He was skilled, just as much as me. The man was quick to rebound and engage in hand to hand combat with me. I had to get that briefcase from him because he was using it as a weapon. I attempted to pop his shoulder out of the socket as I attacked him from the back. He was keen to the move though and managed to swing the briefcase around to slam it into my head again. Black spot danced across my vision. I couldn't pass out. I had to fight. Now, I was too slow and he grabbed me by the throat.

I hope you know you've opened my eyes and made me see the world so differently. You're one of the best things to ever happen to me. I know it's hard to go back to your old life, but I hope that when you think back to our time together it makes you feel happy.

The man slammed me down onto the bridge as I grasped for consciousness. My air was running out and when I looked to my left I was only inches away from the edge of the bridge. I looked into his eyes and saw no mercy.

Hold on to the memories, they will hold onto you.

He stood up suddenly and I gasped for air as it entered my lungs once more. It burned, but felt so good to breathe again. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks as his foot slammed into my side. My body flung off the side and I grabbed the slippery rail. As my body swung from the momentum my heart raced as I looked up at him. I begged for mercy with my eyes, but he had none. The river was raging below me.
"Please." I whispered pathetically to him.
He stared at me for only a moment longer before kicking my hands. I lost my grip completely and was in a panicking free fall.
There was nothing to grab on to. This was it. All I could think about was Taylor as I fell. My body hit the water and everything went dark.

And I will hold onto you.


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