Chapter 2

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As the woman tried to carry my body weight, she tripped and I landed on my already twisted ankle. The pain was nearly unbearable and my vision began to blur.

"I'll take it from here." The last words I remembered hearing before everything went completely black.

I woke up at home with a hard covering around my ankle and two people conversing in my room.

"I think she's waking up," said a voice that I automatically recognized as Jane's.

"Jane?" I asked. My voice was hoarse and as I moved I felt a pain in my ankle.

"Yes, guess who's here?" she asked excitedly.

"I'm guessing Niall?" I said.

"How did you know?" she questioned. I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes she wasn't the brightest girl in the world.

"I can see him," I said flatly.

"How are you doing?" Niall asked shyly.

I hated to admit it but he was kind of adorable.

"I'm fine I guess. My ankle hurts really badly," I said.

"Here take one of these," he said getting out a pill bottle and putting one into my hand.

"Thanks," I said. Niall just nodded

"So Niall said he's gonna stay here with you," Jane said.

"Why? Where are you going?" I interrogated.

"I have to get to work and Niall said he would stay and help you. He was already waiting at the doctors and he helped me bring you home," Jane said. I gave Niall a puzzled look. "Okay well bye Jules," she said giving me a tight squeeze before exiting my flat.

"Well, I'm Niall," he said introducing himself and holding out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Julia," I said returning the gesture.

"You're the girl from the picture," Niall said smiling.

"Uh yeah. That's me," I said thinking back to what he said about me.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Where are you from?" he questioned.

"London. I just moved here a few months ago," I said.

"Ah, that's why I haven't seen you around. so maybe I could show you around some time," he suggested.

Was he asking me out?

"Uh, that's alright, I know my way around by now," I said declining his offer. It felt weird to turn a famous person down. I had a feeling he wasn't used to it.

"Okay well that's alright," Niall said knowing that he'd been rejected. "So do you need anything?" He asked.

"Food," I simply stated. I was starving.

"Anything specific?" he asked.

"No, it doesn't matter, I'll eat almost anything. But nothing with mushrooms, I'm allergic," I said.

Niall nodded and left in search of food. As soon as I heard the door close behind him I reached for my phone. I put on "Halo", one of my favorite songs, and I started singing.

Four songs later, Niall returned but his presence went about unnoticed. He came into my room and stood silently at the door as I was in the middle of the chorus of "Drops of Jupiter."

"You're really good," he said finally speaking up and making me jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," Niall apologize.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"About a minute or two," he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Here's your food," Niall said handing me a plain white paper bag.

"Thank you," I said. I opened the bag to reveal a sandwich and some chips. when the smell of the sandwich hit my nostrils my stomach growled and I knew that it had been a while since I ate. "How long was I out?" I asked.

"About a day. Your ankle is broken and the doctors needed to give you something for the pain when the put your bone back into place," Niall said.

"Were you there the whole time?" I inquired.

"Yeah I saw you fall so I went to get my car and I carried you once we got to the doctors. How did you fall?" he said.

"I tripped," I told him taking a bite out of my sandwich. It was really good.

"On what?"

"A tree root," I said. Niall tried to hold back his laughter. I scowled at him which sent him over the edge and he began roaring with laughter. If he wasn't laughing at me, I probably would have laughed with him. "Like you've never tripped on anything," I said annoyed.

"Well once I fell in football and I dislocated my knee, but that's not nearly as funny," he said chuckling again.

"Shut up," I said.

"Okay, okay," he said raising his hands defensively. "You know you're cute when you're mad," he said. I blushed a little.

"Well, if you keep talking then I'm going to be adorable," I said. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know compliments angered you," he sarcastically remarked.

"Well, now you do," I teased.

"Touché," he said. "Do you need anything else?" he asked. He rubbed his hands on his thighs as if he were nervous.

"I'm fine for now. Do I have to go back to get an actual cast?" I asked.

"Yes. I'll take you tomorrow," he offered.

"Okay," I agreed. there was a bit of an awkward silence between us before Niall spoke up again.

"So I see you're not freaking out that Niall Horan is in your flat and is taking care of you," he commented. Wow, just when I thought he wasn't stuck up.

"Yeah I'm not exactly a fan," I said. He was really bringing out the bitch in me.

"Well that's to bad but it's nice to have a normal conversation with someone without them screaming in my face or begging me to sign something," he said.

It was weird, all I wanted in life was to be in his shoes but I guess I never thought of fame as being that way.

"Seriously? That's all that I want. I don't want to be some nobody that no one ever thinks twice about," I said. "I want to be able to go up on stage and sing my heart out to thousands of people," I told him though I have no idea why I was confessing my life long dream to him.

"So I guess you could say you want to be like me," he joked raising and lowering his eyebrows.

"I don't want to be like anyone else. When I'm famous I still want to be myself," I said disregarding the fact that he was only kidding.

"You're really ambitious, I like that," he said.

[Hi guys!!! I don't really know how long this is because I'm writing it on my iPod so sorry if it's short. Thanks for reading, I love you all and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!]

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