Chapter 26

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*Niall's POV*

The chatter of excited people filled the air as everyone filed out of the large auditorium.

I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate; having your girlfriend brake up with you will do that to someone.

I didn't know why I was so upset, she was coming back. She'd only be gone for a few months at most.

I guess I was kind of stuck on the thought of her meeting someone else. Someone that she didn't have a precious opposition to so she could fall for him more easily. Someone who wouldn't always have things to do and people to be seen with. Someone who wasn't me.

I knew she loved me, there was nothing more pure than the sincerity in her eyes when she told me. Still, all night, all that I could think about was her wrapped in someone else's arms as she smiled to herself before falling asleep.

I knew that I was being ridiculous. She could never love someone the way that she loved me. Could she?

I checked the time: 9:37. I could go see her, there was time. Julia usually didn't go to sleep until at least ten-thirty anyways.

I literally sped through the crowded streets of London. Screaming fans ran next to my car begging for my attention. I made a note to wave at everyone and then continued driving.

When I reached Julia's house I was extremely nervous for no reason at all.

I trudged up the un-shoveled pathway and knocked on the door. I mentally face palmed myself for not telling her that I was on my way.

"Hello, Niall," Julia's mother said answering the door.

"Hi, is Julia home?" I asked. As soon as I spoke, Julia's head popped out from around the corner.

"You came back!" she exclaimed. Her excitement to see me relieved some of the tension that I was feeling.

"Yeah, do you want to come outside for a while?" I inquired. I must have sounded really stupid because it was freezing cold out.

"Uh, sure. Just let me get a jacket," she said.

"You two are just the cutest thing. I was so surprised when she told me she was staying. You're all she ever talks about anymore," Julia's mum said with a warm smile.

I returned the smile and awkwardly waited for Julia to return.

When she came back the held a small square shaped item in her hand. I couldn't make out what it was because it was wrapped in decorative wrapping paper.

"Is that for me?" I asked as she closed the door behind her. Ugh, why didn't I get her anything?

"Yes," she said handing it to me.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"A present," she giggled, "don't open it until Christmas."

"How will you know?" I challenge.

"I won't, but I trust you," she said making a valid point.

"I won't open it," I affirmed

"Good," she smiled.

"I'm really going to miss you," I said.

"I'm gonna miss you too. But don't think about it too much, I'll be back soon."

"It's hard, not thinking about it," I admitted.

"Why?" she asked tucking a strand of her long curly hair behind her ear.

"I know this is crazy but I keep thinking that you'll forget about me and move on," I told her.

She looked up at me confused. "Why would you think that? I'm only stating for a few months, nothing's going to happen, I promise I won't forget about you," she said.

Somehow I still didn't feel any better, I don't think she understood what I was really trying to say.

"It took me two weeks to get you to like me and before that you hated me, I'm just worried about how long it'll take you to like someone that you don't start off hating," I tried to explain.

"I get what you're saying but I don't think you realize how much I love you," she said.

"How much do you love me?" I had to know.

"So much that I can't even imagine being with another guy. I'm the one who should be worried. You're the one who's surrounded by girls all day," she pointed out.

"Yeah but there's only one girl I want and that's you," I said. Julia was clearly more than satisfied with my answer.

"And the only guy I want is you," she said wrapping her arms around me before bringing her lips to mine.

In that moment, I forgot that it was about ten degrees outside. There was no snow, just Julia and I under the flashing Christmas lights.

"I love you," I said breaking away before I got too attached.

"I love you more," Julia teased.

"No way," I scoffed.

"Yeah way," she said.

"What if I stayed here?" I randomly asked the question that had been on my mind since yesterday.


"What if I didn't go back home and I just stayed with you until you're ready to go back," I suggested.

"Niall, you've only got a few months until you go back on tour, do you really want to spend it so far away from your family?" she asked.

"I guess you're right. I'm just really going to miss you," I said again. I could tell her a million times and she might never understand.

She was beautiful, guys would fall for her left and right. Her not being with me is just another item on the list of reasons that I might never get her back.

I was being ridiculous and selfish and I knew that but I couldn't help it.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd do anything to make them happy? Have you ever loved someone so much that every second away from them feels like a year?

That's how much I loved her and as irrational as my worries were, I still had them.

"I know, and I'll miss you too but it won't be that long there is absolutely nothing to be worried about."

{Hi, all I really have to say is: PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NEW FANFIC AND COMMENT!!!!!!! Please I need to know how it is no one has said anything about it! Thanks for reading, I love you all <3}

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